首页> 外文期刊>Transportation research, Part A. Policy and practice >Visual characteristics of roads: A literature review of people's perception and Norwegian design practice

Visual characteristics of roads: A literature review of people's perception and Norwegian design practice


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Several projects and measures have been developed to enhance the design of public roads. Nevertheless, the critics of their design remain numerous. To further the discussion on road aesthetics, this paper makes suggestions for a more consistent terminology and presents a theoretical framework for assessing the visual quality of roads. Based on a literature review, twelve visual characteristics are identified: coherence, imageability, simplicity, visibility, maintenance, naturalness, integration, contrast, variety, aesthetics of flow, legibility and orientation. These characteristics are presented and described and where possible their theoretical and empirical backing is given. Only a few visual characteristics in road design have been subjected to empirical perception studies, so their importance for road users and residents remains unclear.




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