首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Cytotoxic compounds. Part 21. Chloro-, methoxy-, and methoxy-carbonyl-derivatives of (bis-2-chloroethylamino)-phenols and -anilines

Cytotoxic compounds. Part 21. Chloro-, methoxy-, and methoxy-carbonyl-derivatives of (bis-2-chloroethylamino)-phenols and -anilines

机译:细胞毒性化合物。第 21 部分。(双-2-氯乙基氨基)-酚和苯胺的氯、甲氧基和甲氧羰基衍生物



2258 J.C.S. Perkin ICytotoxic Compounds. Part 21 2 Chloro-, Methoxy-, and Methoxy-carbonyl-derivatives of (Bis-2-chloroethylamino)-phenols and -anilinesBy Anthony J. Abela Medici. Leonard N. Owen,* and Constantine Sflomos, Department of Chemistry,Imperial College, London SW7 2AYNew or improved syntheses are described of some NN-bis-2-chloroethylanilines carrying both a free phenolicgroup and a methoxycarbonyl ring substituent.A study has been made of the hydroxyethylation, with ethylene oxide, of a variety of chloro-, methoxy-, andmethoxycarbonyl-nitroanilines, and of methoxy- and methoxycarbonyl-N-acylphenylenediamines. Bishydroxy-ethylation was inhibited by an o-methoxycarbonyl group and by an o- or p-nitro-group, but otherwise the NN-b is- 2 - hydroxyet hyl derivatives were obtained and subsequently converted in to the NN- bis- 2 - chloroet h yl com-pounds.Reduction of the nitro-group, or hydrolysis of the acylamino-group, in these dichlorides led t o NN-bis-2-chloroethylanilines carrying both a free amino-group and also a methoxycarbonyl-, methoxy-, or chloro-group asring substituents.The ring-substituted (bis-2-chloroethylamino) -phenols or -anilines are precursors of mustard urethanes havingpotential importance as anti-tumour agents.IN Part 17 attention was drawn to the particularchemotherapeutic advantage shown by aromatic nitrogenmustards of types (1) and (2), the most favourable anti-tumour activity (chemotherapeutic indices in the range50-150) being shown3 by those carbaniates in whichthe substituent in the non-mustard ring is chloro,methoxy, or methoxycarbonyl.7 No mustard carba-mates are known in which an additional substituent ispresent in the mustard aryl ring, and our objective wasto synthesise suitably functionalised aryl mustards fromwhich such urethanes could be prepared. Many NN-bis-2-chloroethylanilines, carrying two additional ringsubstituents, have been described,: but very few includea phenolic 6-8 or amino-group 9?10 through which, byreaction with an isocyanate or a chloroformate re-spectively, the carbamate function could be generated.In the original synthesis 2*6 of the phenolic mustard(4) the yield from the corresponding triol (3), by selectivereaction of the hydroxyethyl group with thionyl chloride,was poor. Reinvestigation of this stage has now shownthat a major by-product is the benzoxazine (27), whichevidently arises by an intramolecular cyclisation of thetype previously studied by Knorr.ll Recently, catalysisby zinc chloride has been reported to be very effectivefor the conversion of alcohols into chlorides by thionylchloride,12 and by the use of this method a much im-proved yield (58) of the mustard (4) was obtained.Reaction of the triol (5) (prepared by hydroxyethylationof methyl 5-aminosalicylate) with this reagent likewisegave an acceptable yield (52) of the mustard (6).t.Simple nitrogen mustards show very low values because oftheir high toxicity, and even the clinically useful Chlorambucil hasan index of only 12 when measured under the same condition^.^$ A comprehensive list has been ~ o m p i l e d .~1 Part 20, A. Behzadi and L. N. Owen, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1974,2 P. D. Edwards, D. L. D. Foster, L. N. Owen, and M. J .3 T. J . Bardos, 2. F. Chmielewicz, and P. Hebborn, A n n . NcwT. J. Bardos, N. Datta-Gupta, P. Hebborn, and D. J .5 A. J. Abela Medici, Ph.D. Thesis, University of London,6 B. J. Johnson, Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, 1963.7 B. R. Baker, W. W. Lee, A. P. Martinez, L. 0. Ross, and L.2287.Pringle, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1973, 2397.York Acad. Sci., 1969, 163, 1006; personal communication.Triggle, J . Medicin. Chem., 1965, 8, 167.1976.Goodman, J . Org. Chrm., 1962, 27, 3283.In their synthesis of the mustard ($9, Baker and hisassociates failed to achieve selective reaction of theliydroxyethyl groups in the triol (7) and they found itnecessary to effect temporary protection of the phenolicgroup; the overall yield of the phenolic mustard wasvery low.In view of our successful reactions withthionyl chloride-zinc chloride on the triols (3) and (5)we therefore treated the triol (7) in the same way. Theproduct, however, had a high chlorine content and thelH n.m.r. spectrum (which included resonances forphenolic hydroxy-groups at 7 -1.55 and -0.72)indicated that it consisted essentially of the chlorinatedcompounds (28) and (29) in equal proportions. Reportsof nuclear halogenation by thionyl chloride are rare,13but the orientation of the substituents in the triol (7) ismore f avourable for electrophilic substitution than inthe isomers (3) and (5).Selective formation of thedesired mustard (8) was eventually achieved in 65yield by use of the pyridine-methanesulphonyl chloridereagent .I4Substituted nitroanilines are potential startingmaterials for the synthesis of amino-mustards byeventual reduction of the nitro-group, but the suscepti-bility of the aniline to bishydroxyethylation is verydependent on its base strength and therefore on thenature and orientation of the s u b ~ t i t u e n t s . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Theweakly basic methyl 5-amino-2-nitrobenzoate, whentreated at ambient temperature with ethylene oxide inM. Articoand W. C. J . Koss, Biochem. Pharmacol., 1968, 17,883.W. C. J . Ross, G. P. Warwick, and J , J .Roberts, J . Chem.Soc., 1955, 3110.lo P. Kristian, A. Hulka, K. Antos, P. Nemec, and L. Drobnica,Chem. Zuesti, 1959, 13, 103; V. Bieksa, D. Rurduliene, and J.Degutis, Liet. T.S.R. Mokslu Acad. Darb., Ser. B, 1971, 64(1),133; 1973, 77(4), 55, 67; 0. Rarauskaite, V. Bieksa, and J .Degutis, ibid., 1971, 66(3), 139; J. Degutis and V. Bieksa, Liet.T.S.R. Acad. Darb., Sev. B, 1965,42(3), 71.l 1 L. Knorr, R e v . , 1889, 22, 2081.l2 T. G. Squires, W. W. Schmidt, and C. S. McCandlish, J . Org.Chepn.., 1975, 40, 134.13 H. Meyer, Monatsh., 1915, 36, 723; H. S. Mosher and M.Look, J . Ovg. Chcrn, 1955, 20, 283; cf. S. D. Saraf, Canad. J .Chem., 1969, 47, 2803.l4 M. Szekerke, R. Wade, and F. Bergel, J . Chem. Soc., 1965,1907.l5 W.C . J. Koss, J . Chem. Soc., 1949, 183.l6 M. Freifelder and K. R. Stone, J . Org. Chem., 1961, 26, 14771977aqueous acetic acid, gave only a low yield of the diol(9) , the main product being the AT-monohydroxyethylderivative. When the latter was treated with ethyleneoxide at 140 "C, a small amount of the diol was formed,( I ) X = 0 , Y = N H( 2 ) X NH,Y = OR ' R 2( 3 ) 2-OH( 4 ) 2 - O H( 5 ) 4-OH( 6 ) 4-OH( 7 ) 3 - O H( 8 ) 3 - O H( 9 ) 4 - N 0 2( 11 ) 3-NHAc( 1 2 ) 3-NHAc( 1 3 ) 3 - N H 2( 1 4 ) 2-NO2( 1 5 ) 5-NO2( 1 6 ) 5-NO2(I 0 ) 4-NO2( 1 7 ) 5-NH2( 1 8 ) 3-NHAc( 1 9 ) 3-NHAc(20) 3 - N H 2( 2 1 ) 5-NO;!( 2 2 ) 5-NO2( 2 3 ) 5-NH2( 2 4 ) 3-NO2( 2 5 ) 3-NO2( 2 6 ) 3-NH2co-0,5-CO2Me5- C02Me3-C02Me3 - C02Me4-C02Me4- C02Me3- C02Me3-C02Me4 - C02Me4 - C02Me4-C02Me4-OMe2- OMe2- OMe2- OMe4-OMe4- OMe4-OMe2-CL2- C l2 - c 14-CL4 - c L4-CLXOHCLOHClOHC lOHC lOHC lCLOHOHCLCLOHC IC lOHCIc1OHClCIOMeC0,MeC l( 2 9 )together with the lactone (30), identified analyticallyand by lH n.m.r.and mass spectra. Reaction of thediol with phosphoryl chloride gave the mustard (10) butthe overall yield was so low that the final reduction wasnot practicable.Hydroxyethylation of methyl 2-amino-4-nitrobenzoateunder various conditions gave small yields of the N-hydroxyethyl derivative but no diol ; methyl 2-amino-4-phthaliniidobenzoate (prepared by selective acylationof methyl 2.4-diaminobenzoate) likewise gave onlv themono-N-substituted product.Similar low reactivityhas been reported l7 for methyl 2-aminobenzoate, thoughits basic strength (pK, 2.23) is close to that of m-nitro-aniline (pKa 2.47), which forms a bishydroxyethylderivative without difficulty.ls The difference in be-haviour of these anthranilate compounds may thereforebe due to steric hindrance,16 possibly in conjunction withhydrogen bonding between an amine proton and theneighbouring carbonyl group. In contrast, when methyl2-acetamido-4-nitrobenzoate was reduced to the 4-amino-compound, no difficulty was found in preparingthe diol (1 l ) , from which the mustard (12) was obtained.Solvolysis with methanolic hvdrogen chloride thenafforded the amino-mustard (13), characterised as the2-chlorophenyl carbamate.The basic strength of o-anisidine (pK, 4.52) is onlyslightly less than that of aniline, whilst that of $-anisidine(pK, 5.30) is greater, but the dominating deactivationby an o- or $-nitro-group was evident in the hydroxy-ethylation of 2-methoxy-4-nitroaniline and 4-methoxy-2-nitroaniline. In aqueous acetic acid, only the N-2-hydroxyethyl derivative was found in each case, thoughunder more drastic conditions the 4-methoxy-compoundgave a 3 yield of the diol (14) together with 5 of theisomeric N-2-(2-hydroxyethoxy)ethyl derivative (31),separated by t.1.c.and distinguished by their lH n.m.r.spectra. 2-Methoxy-5-nitroaniline, however, gave thediol (15) in good yield; conversion into the mustard (16)followed by hydrogenation over palladium gave theamino-mustard (17).Similarly, a high yield of the diol(18) was obtained from 3-acetamido-4-methoxyaniline ;conversion into the mustard (19) was best effected withthe pyridine-methanesulphonyl chloride reagent l4 andsubsequent hydrolysis with hydrochloric acid gave theamino-mustard (20). Both amines (17) and (20) rapidlydeteriorated, and therefore were immediately treatedwith phenyl chloroformate to give the stable phenylcarbamates.The behaviour of four chloronitroanilines on hydroxy-ethylation followed what had now become a familiarpattern. Diols could not be prepared from 2-chloro-4-nitroaniline or from 4-chloro-2-nitroaniline , onlymono-N-substitution being achieved, but the diols (21)and (24) were obtained from 2-chloro-nitroaniline and4-chloro-3-nitroaniline, respectively, and were subse-quently converted into the mustards (22) and (25);catalytic hydrogenation then afforded the amino-mustards (23) and (26).Hydroxyethylation of arylamines with ethylene oxidein aqueous acetic acid has never been investigated indetail. From the results which we have accumulated itis clear that the course of the reaction is very dependenton the nature and orientation of the substituents, but,even when a good yield of the bishydroxyethyl derivativeis obtained, t.1.c.shows that a complex mixture isformed. lH N.m.r. evidence indicates that acetatesSOC., 1953, 2386.17 J . L. Everett, J . J .Roberts, and W. C. J . Ross, J . Chem.18 P. D. Edwards, Ph.D. Thesis, ITniversity of T.ondon, 1972J.C.S. Perkin Iand chain-extension products such as (31) are frequentlypresent. When for electronic or steric reasons bis-hydroxyethylation is slow, the predominance of by-products makes the isolation of the required diolextremely difficult.EXPERIMENTAL'H N.m.r. spectra were recorded for solutions in deuterio-chloroform (Varian T-60 instrument), and hydroxy- oramino-functions were identified by deuterium exchange ;resonances for aromatic protons are omitted. 1.r. spectrawere recorded for all products, and were used to assist inidentifications and comparisons, but the absorptions wereunexceptional and are not reported. Kieselgel GF,,,(Merck) was used for t.l.c., and grade 3 neutral alumina(prepared from R.D.H.grade 1 alumina) for columnchromatography. Extracts were dried over magnesiumsulphate, and solvents were removed under reducedpressure below 50 "C. Petroleum refers to the fraction ofGeneral Procedure for Hydroxyethylation in A cetic Acid .-The amine, acetic acid, water (or dioxan), and freshlydistilled ethylene oxide were mixed a t 0 "C and stirred in asealed Aask a t ambient temperature for the time specified.The solution was then concentrated under reduced pressureand the residue was taken up in ether, dichloroniethane, orethyl acetate, and washed with aqueous sodium hydrogencarbonate. Evaporation of the dried extract then gave thecrude product, which was examined as individuallydescribed.Methyl 3-(Bis-2-chEoroethylamino)-4-hydvoxyben~oate (4).-(u) Thionyl chloride (12 ml) was added to a solution ofmethyl 3-(bis-2-hydroxyethylamino)-4-hydroxybenzoate(3.4 g) in dry benzene (25 ml).The mixture was boiledunder reflux for 20 min and then cooled. A precipitate wasformed ; this was collected and partitioned betweenchloroform and aqueous ammonia to give (from the washedand dried organic layer) the dichloride (4) (0.9 g), whichafter t.1.c. (chloroform) and recrystallisation from acetone-petroleum had m.p. 75-78" (lit.,, 76"), T 2.22br ( 1 H, OH),6.10 (3 H, 5 , CO,Me), and 6.57 (8 H, t, 4 x CH,). Evapor-ation of the benzene solution and purification of the residueby t.1.c. (CHC1,) gave methyl 4- (2-chloroethyl) -3,4-dihydro-2H- 1,4-benzoxazine-6-carboxylate (27), m.p.74-75", vmnx.1 702 cni-l, T 5.7 (2 H, t, OCH,), 6.10 (3 H, s, <:O,Me), 6.27(4 H, s, N.CH,.CH,Cl), and 6.50 (2 H, t, ring CH,*N) (Found:C, 56.3; H, 5.5; C1, 14.1; N, 5.5. Cl,H14C1N04 requiresC, 56.4; H, 5 . 5 ; C1, 13.9; N, 5.5). The n1.p. of amixture with the mustard (4) was 50-69". Other, un-identified fractions were also isolated by t.1.c.(b) Thionyl chloride (12 ml) in benzene (10 ml) wasslowly added (30 niin) to a boiling solution of the same triol(3.4 g) in benzene (25 ml) containing powdered anhydrouszinc chloride (ca. 0.25 g). After being heated for a further20 min, the mixture (a precipitate had formed) was cooledand filtered. The solid was dissolved in dichloroniethane,and washed with aqueous ammonia and with water, and thissolution was then concentrated ; purification of the residueby t.1.c.gave the mustard (4) (2.24 g), m.p. 72-75",identified by the characteristic n.m.r. spectrum. Reactionwith phenyl isocyanate in the presence of triethylamine, for48 h a t 66-68', gave 2-(bis-2-chloroethylamino)-4-methoxy-carbonylphenyl N-phenylcarbamate, 1n.p. 89-90" (fromether-petroleum) (Found: C, 5 5 . 5 5 ; H, 4.8: C1, 17.0;b.p. 40-60".N, 6.8. Cl,H,oCl,N,04 requires C, 55.5; H, 4.9; C1, 17.2;N, 6.8).Methyl 5- (Bis-2-hydroxyethylamino) -2-hydroxybenzoate (5).-Methyl 5-amino-2-hydroxybenzoate l 9 (3.35 g) , water( 15 ml) , acetic acid (50 ml), and ethylene oxide (24 ml) after24 h gave a solid (4.7 g) which on recrystallisation fromchloroform-petroleum (b.p.60-80 "C) afforded the triol,m.p. 113-115", T -0.28 ( 1 H, s, phenolic OH), 6.05 (3 H,s, CO,Me), 6.20 (4 H, t , 0-CH,), 6.55 (4 H, t , N-CH,), and6.87br (2 H, aliphatic OH) (Found: C, 56.3; H, 6.7; N,5.3. C1,Hl,NO, requires C, 56.5; H, 6.7; N, 5.5).Methyl 5- (Bis-2-chloroethylamino) -2-hydroxybenzoate (6) .-Thionyl chloride (3.6 ml) in chloroform (3 ml) was slowlyadded (45 min) to a stirred solution of the triol (5) (1.0 g)in chloroform (12 ml) containing zinc chloride (cn. 0.1 g).The mixture was boiled under reflux for 15 min, and wasthen concentrated, neutralised with aqueous ammonia,and extracted with dichloromethane to give an oil. T.1.c.gave the dichloride (0.6 g), m.p.83-84' (from acetone-petroleum), z -0.28 (1 H, s, OH), 6.07 (3 H, s, CO,Me),and 6.12 (8 H, s, 4 x CH,) (Found: C, 49.2; H, 5.2; C1,24.2; N, 4.6. C,,H,,Cl,NO, requires C, 49.3; H, 5.2;C1, 24.3; N, 4.8).MethyZ 4-( Bis-2-hydroxyethylamino) -2-hydroxybenzoate (7).-Methyl 4-amino-2-hydroxybenzoate 2O (18.9 g), water(50 ml), acetic acid (200 ml), and ethylene oxide (25 ml),after 48 li gave, after recrystallisation from benzene, thetriol (15.3 g), m.p. 97-100" (raised by further recrystallis-ation to 101-103"; lit.,' 97-98'), T -0.94 (1 H, s,phenolic OH), 6.10 (3 H, s, CO,Me), 6.12 (4 H, t, OCH,),6.39 (4 H, t, N-CH,), and 6.57br (2 H, aliphatic OH);tribenzoute, m.p. 115-116" (Found: C, 69.9; H, 5.1; N,2.25. C,,H,,NO, requires C, 69.8; H, 5.15; K, 2.50/,).On reaction with thionyl chloride and zinc chloride inbenzene, as described for the preparation of the dichloride(4), the triol (1.2 g) gave an oil, which by t.1.c.(dichloro-methane) furnished as a main fraction (0.53 g) a 1 : 1mixture of methyl 3- and 5-chloro-4-(bis-2-chloroethyl-amino)-2-hydroxybenzoates (28) and (29), T - 1.55 (0.5 H,s, OH), -0.72 (0.5 H, s, OH), 6.05 (3 H, s, CO,Me), and6.37 (8 H, s, 4 x CH,) (Found: C, 44.0; H, 4.3; C1, 30.7;N, 4.5. Calc. for C,,H,,Cl,NO,: C, 44.0; H, 4.3; C1, 32.6;Methyl 4- (Bis-2-chloroethylanzino) -2-hydroxybenzoate (8) .-Methanesulphonyl chloride (5.3 nil) in pyridine ( 5 ml) wasadded to a solution of the triol (7) (4 g) in pyridine (25 nil).When the exothermic reaction had subsided the mixturewas heated on a steam-bath for 20 min, then cooled, andfiltered to remove pyridine methanesulphonate (5.8 g),n1.p.174", which was washed with dichloromethane andwith petroleum. The combined filtrate and washings werewashed successively with dilute hydrochloric acid, aqueoussodium carbonate, and water ; evaporation of the driedsolution then gave an oil, which by t.1.c. gave the dichloride(8) (2.95 g), m.p. 61-62" (from ether-petroleum) (lit.,'60.5-61"), z -0.98 (1 H, s, OH), 6.10 (3 H, s, CO,Me),and 6.28 (8 H, s, 4 x CH,).Methyl 5-A wino-2-nitrobenzoate .-Commercial 5-arnino-2-nitrobenzoic acid (30.4 g) was dissolved in dry methanol(200 ml) saturated with hydrogen chloride. The solutionwas boiled under reflux for 40 h, then evaporated to dry-l9 L.Gattermann, B e y . , 1894, 27, 1927.20 D. J. Drain, D. D. Martin, B. W. Mitchell, D. E. Seymour,and F. S. Spring, J . Chem. SOC., 1949, 1498; J . A. McCubbin,13. Y. Moir, and G. A . Neville, Canad. 1. Chem., 1970, 48, 942.N, 4.376)1977 226 1ness. 'l'lie residue was partitioned between ether andaqueous sodium carbonate to give the crude ester (27 g),m.p. 86-94". This was dissolved in hot methanol andwater was gradually added to precipitate a red oil, whichwas removed ; more water was added, in small portions, toprecipitate further small amounts of red oil, until the colourof the solution had changed from orange to bright yellow.When the yellow solution was cooled in ice the requiredmethyl estev was obtained, m.p.98-100" (Found: C, 49.0;H, 4.3; N , 14.2. C,H,N,O, requires C, 49.0; H, 4.1; N,14.3q0) ; S-acetyl derivative had m.p. 109" (lit.,21 11 1-The red oil crystallised, and after purification by t.1.c.gave an isomeric ester, m.p. 194--195" (from methanol)(Found: (., 49.3; H, 4.2; N, 14.4) evidently derivedfrom an impurity in the original acid. The m.p. (sig-nificantly different from those of the known methyl amino-nitrobenzoates) suggests that i t is one of the three isomersnot yet d e ~ c r i b e d . ~Hydroxyethylation of Methyl 5-Amino-2-nitrobenzoate.-The amine (2.0 g), water (10 nil), acetic acid (30 nil), andethylene oxide ( 4 ml), after 48 h gave an oil, which bycolumn chromatography (ether) gave (i) unchanged amine(0.8 g) ; (ii) iizethyl 5-( 2-hydroxyethylanzino) -2-nitrobenzoate( 1 .1 g), an oil, T 4.5br ( 1 H, NH), 6.07 ( 3 H, s, CO,Me),6.22 ( 2 H, t, OCH,), 6.63 ( 2 H, t, NCH,), and 7.35br ( 1 H,OH) (Found: C, 49.8; H, 5.2; N, 11.4. CloHl,N,O,requires C, 50.0; H, 5.0; N , 11.7); and (iii) methyl5-(bis-2-hydroxyethylamino)-2-nitrobenzoate ( 9 ) (0.1 g ) ,an oil, T 6.4br ( 2 H, OH), 6.10 ( 3 H, s, CO,Me), and 6.2( 8 H, ni, 4 ? CH,).Fraction (ii) (1.0 g), ethylene oxide ( 3 ml), and dioxan( 3 ml) were heated in a sealed tube for 16 h a t 140 "C togive (t.1.c. in ether) starting material (0.3 g), the diol ( 9 )(0.1 g), and the lactone (30) of 5-(bis-2-hydroxyethylamino)-2-nitrobenzoic acid (0.1 g ) , m.p. 143-144" (from dichloro-methane-petroleum), T 5.03 ( 2 H, s, ring OCH,), 5.73( 2 H, t, aliphatic O*CH,), 6.03 ( 2 H, s, ring N-CH,), 6.08br( 1 H, OH), and 6.47 ( 2 H, t, aliphatic NCH,), M + 252(Found: C, 52.7; H, 4.7; N, 11.1.C1,H1,N,05 requiresC , 52.4; H, 4.8; N , 11.1; M , 252). When thisoxazocinewas treated for 1 h with boiling methanol saturated withhydrogen chloride, i t gave the diol ( 9 ) , identified by then.m.r. spectrum.Alethy1 5-( Bis-2-chloroethylamin0)-2-nitrobenzoate ( 10) .-Phosphoryl chloride (1.0 g) in benzene ( 3 ml) was added toa solution of the diol ( 9 ) (0.5 g) in benzene ( 3 ml). Themixture was boiled under reflux for 6 h, then cooled, washedwith aqueous ammonia, dried, and concentrated to an oil,which by t.1.c. (dichloromethane) gave the dichloride, m.p.89-91" (from dichloromethane-petroleum), T 6.06 ( 3 H,s , C@,Me) and 6.22 ( 8 H, q , 4 x CH,) (Found: C, 44.8;H, 4 .5 ; N , 8.45. Cl,H14Cl,N,04 requires C , 44.9; H, 4.4;N, 8.7).Hydroxyethylation of Methyl 2-Amino-4-nitrobenz0ate.-The amine (2.0 g), water (25 ml), acetic acid (50 ml), andethylene oxide (25 ml) after 48 h gave a solid, which wasseparated by column chromatography (ether) into un-changed aniine ( 1 .O g) and methyl 2-(2-hydroxyethylamino)-4-nitrobenzoate (0.6 g), m.p. 112-113", T 1.87br ( 1 H , NH),6.07 (2 H, m, 0-CH,), 6.10 ( 3 H, s, CO,Me), 6.57 ( 2 H, t,N-CH,), and 7.73br ( 1 H, OH) (Found: C, 50.2; H, 5.3;112").21 J . F. Runnett and M. M. Rauhut, J. Org. CheuPz., 1956, 21,944.N , 11.6. C1oH12N2O5 requires C, 50.0; H, 5.0; N , 11.7).Similar results were obtained when water was replaced bydioxan, and also when the amine (2.0 g), dioxan ( 5 ml),and ethylene oxide ( 2 nil) were heated in a sealed tube for16 h a t 150 "C.Hydroxyethylation of Methyl 2-Amino-4-phthalimidobenzo-ate.-A mixture of methyl 2,4-diaminobenzoate (1.7 g),phthalic anhydride (1.5 g), toluene (20 ml), and triethyl-amine (0.5 nd) was boiled in a Dean and Stark apparatusfor 2 h.When cooled, the solution deposited the 4-phtlzalimido-derivative (8.05 g), m.p. 207-208" (from chloro-form-petroleum) (Found: C, 64.65; H, 4.2; N, 9.4.C,,H,,N,O, requires C , 64.9; H, 4.1; N , 0 . 5 0 ~ ) . Thisproduct (0.5 g), dioxan (10 ml), acetic acid (10 nil), andethylene oxide ( 2 nil) after 48 h gave a solid; recrystallis-ation from dichloromethane-petroleum gave tisetlzyl 2- (2-lzydroxyethylamino)-4-phtlzalimidobenzoate, m.p.185-186",T 6.09 ( 3 H , s, CO,Me), 6.13 ( 2 H, t, OCH,), 6.57 ( 2 H, t ,NCH,), and 8.27br (2 H, XH, OH) (Found: C, 63.4; H,4.6; N, 8.1. C,,H1,F205 requires C , 63.5; H, 4.7; N,8.2y0).Methyl 2-A cetainido-4- (bis-2-hydroxyethylanzino) benzoate( 1 1 ) .-A solution of methyl 2-acetamido-4-nitrobenzoate 23(12 g) in methanol (300 ml), with loo/ palladium-charcoal(1.2 g), was hydrogenated for 18 h a t 50 "C and 25 atm togive methyl 2-acetamido-4-av~zinobenzoate (9.3 g ) , m.p. 215-216" (from chloroform) (Found: C, 57.5; H, 5.0; N , 13.5.CloHl,N,O, requires C, 57.7; H, 5 . 8 ; N, 13.4596). Thisamine ( 1 .O g), dioxan (15 ml), acetic acid (15 ml), andethylene oxide ( 4 ml), after 100 11 gave an oil, which byt.1.c.(ethyl acetate) gave two main fractions: (i) methyl2-acetamido-4- (2-hydroxyethylapnino) benzoate (0.4 g) , m.p.130-131" (from dichloromethane-petroleum), T - 1.38br( 1 H, XH), 6.12 ( 3 H, s, CO,Me), 6.0-7.6 (7 H, i n ) , and7.77 ( 3 H, s, A c ) (Found: C, 55.3; H, 6 . 4 ; I-, 10.4.Cl,Hl,K,0,,0.5H,0 requires C , 55.15; H, 6.55; S, 10.7);and (ii) the diol ( 1 1 ) (0.85 g), m.p. 118-120" (from dichloro-methane-petroleum), T - 1.3br ( 1 H, XH), 5.9br ( 2 H, OH),6.14 ( 3 H, s , CO,Me), 6.3 ( 8 H, m, 4 x CH,), and 7.83 ( 3 H,s, Ac) (Found: C, 56.9; H, 6.6; N, 9.4. C14H2,,N205requires C, 56.75; H, 6.8; N, 9.45:;).Methyl 2-Acetamido-4-(bis-2-chloroethylatnino) benzoate ( 18).-Methanesulphonyl chloride (1.2 nil) was added to asolution of the diol (1 1 ) (1.6 g ) in pyridine ( 1 2 nil).Themixture was heated a t 100 "C for 20 min, then poured onice and extracted with dichloromethane. Concentration ofthe washed and dried extract and purification of the productby t.1.c. gave the diclzloride (12) (0.8 g), m.p. 73-75" (frompetroleum), T - 1.28br (1 H, NH), 6.12 ( 3 H, s , CO,Me),6.22 ( 8 H, t, 4 x CH,), and 7.78 ( 3 H, s, Ac) (Found: C,50.5; H, 5.35; C1, 21.6; S, 8.25. C,,H,,Cl,S,O, requiresC, 50.5; H, 5.4; C1, 21.3; N , 8.404). A slightly loweryield of the same product was obtained by the use ofthionyl chloride in benzene.Methyl 2-Amino-4- (bis-2-chloroethylanzino) benzoate ( 13) .-h solution of the acetamido-compound (12) (0.53 g) inmethanolic 50 hydrogen chloride (50 ml) was boiled underreflux for 1 h, the end of the condenser being fitted with aballoon to prevent loss of hydrogen chloride.Evaporationthen gave the crude amine hydrochloride (0.52 g), m.p.135-137". This appeared to be unstable and it wasdissolved in pyridine ( 1 ml) and benzene (10 ml) and22 J . J . Blanksma and D. Hoegen, Rec. Trav. chant., 1946, 65,333J.C.S. Perkin Itreated with 2-chlorophenyl chloroformate (0.4 g) to give2-chloro~henyl N-2-methoxycarbonyl-5- (bis-2-chloroethyl-amino)phenyZlcarbarte (0.5 g), m.p. 11 1-1 12" (fromether-petroleum), T -0.98br (1 H, NH), 6.13 (3 H, s,CO,Me), and 6.27 (8 H, t, 4 x CH,) (Found: C, 51.4; H,4.3; C1, 24.2; N, 6.0.C1,Hl,C1,N,O, requires C, 51.2; H,4.3; C1, 23.9; N, 6.3).Hydroxyethy lation of 2-Methoxy- 4-nitroaniline .-(a) Ke-action of the amine (2.0 g) with ethylene oxide (4 ml) inwater (8 ml) and acetic acid (26 ml) for 52 h gave a brownsolid, which was dissolved in dichloromethane. Thesolution was diluted with petroleum until no more dark oilwas precipitated. From the decanted solution, 4-(2-hydroxyethylamino) -3-methoxynitrobenzene (0.5 g) crystal-lised; m.p. 87-88', T 4.6br (1 H, NH), 6.06 (3 H, s,OMe), 6.09 (2 H, t, OCH,), 6.57 (2 H, t, N-CH,), and 7.9br(1 H, OH) (Found: C, 50.9; H, 5.8; N, 13.2. C,H,,N,O,requires C, 50.9; H, 5.7; N, 13.2). A similar result wasobtained in dioxan-acetic acid, and (at 150 "C) in dioxanalone.Starting material (ca. 60) was recovered in allexperiments.Hydroxyethylation of 4-Methoxy-2-nitroaniline.--Theamine (2.0 g), water (8 ml), acetic acid (26 ml), and ethyleneoxide (2 ml) after 60 h gave a solid, which on recrystallis-ation from dichloromethane-petroleum gave 1-( 2-hydroxy-ethylamino)-4-methoxy-2-nitrobenzene (2.25 g), m.p. 90-92",T 1.8br (1 H, NH), 6.03 (2 H, t, OCH,), 6.20 (3 H, s, OMe),6.43 (2H, t, N-CH,), and 7.95br (1 H, OH) (Found: C, 51.0;H, 5.9; N, 13.1. CgHl,hT@, requires C, 50.9; H, 5.7; K,13.27A).(b) The aniine (5.0 g), ethylene oxide ( 5 nil), and dioxan(5 ml) were heated in a sealed tube a t 160 "C for 16 h.Column chromatography (ether) of the product gave(i) unchanged amine (0.8 g) ; (ii) the N-2-hydroxyethylderivative ( 1.2 g), m.p.88-91', spectroscopically identicalwith that previously described ; (iii) 2-2-( 2-hydroxyethoxy)-ethylamino-5-methoxynitrobenzene (31) (0.4 g), an oil,T 1.87br (1 H, NH), 6.20 (3 H, s, OMe), 6.1-6.7 (8 H, m,4 x CH,), and 7.5br (1 H, OH) (Found: C, 51.4; H, 6.3;N, 11.0. Cl,H16N20, requires C, 51.55; H, 6.3; N,10.9) ; and (iv) 2-(bis-2-hydroxyethylamino)-5-methoxy-nitrobenzene (14) (0.2 g), an oil, T 6.13 (3 H, s, OMe), 6.38(4 H, t, OCH,), 6.77 (4 H, t, N-CH,), and 7.10br (2 H, OH)(Found: C, 51.2; €3, 5.95; N, 10.5. CllH16N205 requiresC, 51.55; H, 6.3; N, 10.9).3-(Bis-2-hydroxyethylam~no)-4-methoxynitrobenzene ( 15) .-2-Methoxy-5-nitroaniline (20 g), water (80 ml) , acetic acid(380 ml), and ethylene oxide (30 ml) after 120 h gave thediol (24.5 g), m.p.74" (from dichloromethane-petroleum),T 6.05 (3 H, s, OMe), 6.35 (4 H, t, OCH,), 6.65 (4 H, t,N-CH,), and 7.5br (2 H, OH) (Found: C, 51.4; H, 6.2;N, 10.9. C,1Hl,N,05 requires C, 51.55; H, 6.3; N,( 16).-The diol (15) (0.51 g) was treated with phosphorylchloride (1 ml) in boiling benzene (3 ml) for 2 h. Thecooled solution was diluted with dichloromethane, washedwith aqueous sodium hydrogen carbonate and with water,dried, and evaporated to give the dichloride (0.48 g), map.55" (from ether-petroleum), T 6.0 (3 H, s, OMe) and 6.4(8 H, s, 4 x CH,) (Found: C, 45.2; H, 5.1; C1, 23.8; N,9.4. CllHl,C1,N,03 requires C, 45.1; H, 4.8; C1, 24.2;N, 9.6).23 F. H. Bergeim, K. Losee, and W. A. Lott, J .Amer. Chem.SOC., 1947, 69, 583.10.9).3- (Bis-2-chloroethylamino) -4-methoxy- l-nitrobenzene3-(Bis-2-chloroethylamino)-4-metlzoxyaniline ( 17) .-A solu-tion of the nitro-compound (16) (2.9 g) in methanol (70 ml),containing 10 palladium-charcoal (0.3 g) was hydrogen-ated at ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure for6 h. The solution was then filtered into methanolic 50hydrogen chloride (60 ml), and on evaporation the crudeamine hydrochloride was obtained as a solid (2.9 g) whichsoon became brown. It was immediately treated withbenzene (80 ml), pyridine (2 g), and phenyl chloroformate(2.0 g) ; purification of the oily product by t.1.c. (dichloro-methane), followed by crystallisation from ether-petroleum,gave phenyl N-3-(bis-2-chloroethylamino)-4-methoxyphe.~zy~-carbamate (1.0 g), m.p.63-66" (Found: C, 56.45; H, 5.3;C1, 18.3; N, 7.25. C1,H,,C1,N,O, requires C, 56.4; H,5.3; C1, 18.5; N, 7.3).( 18) .-5-Amino-2-methoxyacetanilide 23 ( 18.0 g) treated withethylene oxide (55 ml) in water (100 ml) and acetic acid(100 ml) for 44 h, gave (by extraction of the neutralisedsolution with ethyl acetate) the diol (18) (18.0 g), m.p. 90"(from ether), T 2.20br (1 H, NH), 6.15 (3 H, s, OMe), 6.19(4 H, t, 0-CH,), 6.50 (4 H, t, N-CH,), and 7.85 (3 H, s, Ac)(Found: C, 58.3; H, 7.6; N, 10.5. Cl3H,,N,O4 requiresC, 58.2; H, 7.5; N, 10.4).5-(Bis-2-chloroethylamino) -2-methoxyaniline (20) .-Meth-anesulphonyl chloride (0.7 ml) was added to a solutionof the diol (18) (0.5 g) in pyridine (3 ml) and the mixturewas set aside for 5 h.The precipitate (pyridine methane-sulphonate) was filtered off and the filtrate was concen-trated to remove most of the pyridine. The residue wasdissolved in dichloromethane and the solution was washed,dried, and evaporated to give 5- (bis-2-chloroethylamino)-2-methoxyacetanilide (19), an oil (0.33 g), purified by t.1.c.(ether), T 2.16br (1 H, NH), 6.17 (3 H, s, OMe), 6.32 (8 H,s, 4 x CH,), and 7.81 (3 H, s, Ac) (Found: C , 51.15; H,6.1; C1, 23.2; N, 9.0. Cl,H,,Cl,N20, requires C, 51.2; H,5.9; C1, 23.2; N, 9.2). This was dissolved in 50hydrogen chloride in methanol (10 ml), and the solutionwas boiled under reflux for 2 h, then evaporated to give thehydrochloride (0.23 g) of the amine (20).Treatment in theusual way with phenyl chloroformate in pyridine-benzenegave phenyl N-5-(bis-2-chloroethylamino)-2-methoxyphenyl-carbamate, m.p. 118-120" (from dichloromethane-petroleum) (Found: C, 56.65; H, 5.4; N, 7.2. C18H20C1,-N,O, requires C, 56.4; H, 5.3; N, 7.3).Hydroxyethylation of 2-Chloro-4-nitroaniline.--1'he amine(2.0 g), water (25 ml), acetic acid (35 ml), and ethylene oxide(10 ml) after 100 h gave a solid, which on fractional crystal-lisation from dichloromethane-petroleum gave unchangedamine ( 1 .O g) and 3-chloro-4-( 2-hydroxyethy1amino)- 1-nitrobenzene (0.45 g), m.p. 115-117" (lit.,24 120°) (Found:C, 44.5; H, 4.4; N, 12.7. Calc. for C,H,C1N2O,: C, 44.4;H, 4.2; N, 12.9). A similar result was obtained byheating the amine (5 g), clioxan ( 5 ml), and ethylene oxide( 5 ml) a t 140 "C for 16 h.Hydroxyethylation of 4-Chloro-2-n~troaniline.-I2eactionof the amine (1.0 g) with ethylene oxide ( 5 ml) in aceticacid (20 ml) and water (10 ml) for 120 h gave a solid (1.1 g).A sample of this by t.1.c.was separated into unchangedamine (74) and 4-chloro- 1-(2-hydroxyethylamin0)-2-nitrobenzene (23y0), m.p. 107-108" (lit.,z4 107.5"), T 1.87br(1 H, NH), 6.10 (2 H, t, 0-CH,), 6.47 ( 2 H, t, NKH,), and8.05br ( 1 H, OH).24 C . B. Kremer and A. Bendich, J . Amer. Chem. SOC., 1939, 61,2658.5- (Bis-2-hydroxyethylamino) -2-methoxyacetanilid3-(Bis-2-hydroxyethylamino)-4-chloro- 1-nitrobenzene (21).-Reaction of 2-chloro-5-nitroaniline (20 g) with ethyleneoxide (90 ml) in water (80 ml) and acetic acid (380 ml) for100 h, followed by 70 h a t 50 "C, gave an oil (43 g) whichwas subjected to column chromatography (dichloromethane,followed by ether).The slow-running fraction whichcontained the required product (n.m.r. spectrum) wasfurther purified by t.1.c. (ether) t o give the diol (21) (2.6 g),m.p. 93- 95" (from dichloromethane-petroleum), T 6.30(4 H, t, O*CH,), 6.60 (4 H, t, NCH,), and 6.85br (2 H, OH)(Found: C, 46.3; H, 4.75; N, 10.6. CloHl,C1N,04requiresC, 46.1; H, 5.0; N, 10.75).3-(Bis-2-chloroethylamino)-4-chlorouniline (23) .---Reactionof the diol (21) (2.6 g) with phosphoryl chloride (5 ml) inboiling benzene (15 ml) for 5 h gave, after t.l.c., 3-(bis-2-chloroethylalnino)-4-chloro-l-nitrobenzene (22) (2.6 g), m.p.61-62" (from ether-petroleum) (Found: C, 40.5; H, 3.75;C1, 35.7; N, 9.5.CloHllCl,N,O, requires C, 40.4; H, 3.7;C1, 35.7; N, 9.47;). Hydrogenation of this compound(1.5 g) in methanol (35 ml) containing 10 palladium-charcoal (0.15 g) for 3 h, followed by filtration intomethanolic 15 hydrogen chloride (90 ml) and evapor-ation, gave the crude hydrochloride (1.5 g) of the amine(23). This was immediately treated, as previously des-cribed, with phenyl chloroformate in pyridine-benzene ;purification of the urethane by t.1.c. (dichloromethane-petroleum, 1 : 1) gave phenyl N-3-(bis-2-chloroethylumzno)-4-chlorophenylcarbamate (1.05 g), m.p. 64-66" (from di-chloromethane-petroleum) (Found: C, 52.95; H, 4.7; C1,27.2; N, 7.0.Cl,H,,C1,IL',O, requires C, 52.7; H, 4.4;C1, 27.4; N, 7.2).4-(Bis-2-hydroxyethylamino)- l-chloro-2-nitrobenzene (24).-4-Chloro-3-nitroaniline (2.0 g), water (10 ml), acetic acid(20 ml), and ethylene oxide (4 ml) after 120 h gave an oilwhich crystallised from dicliloromethane. Recrystallis-ation from acetone-petroleum gave the diol (24) (1.3 g),n1.p. 108", T (CD,),CO 5.9-6.6 (2 H, OH) and 6.40(8 H, t, 4 x CH,) (Found: C, 45.9; H, 4.9; N, 10.8.CloHl,C1N,04 requires C, 46.1; H, 5.0; N , 10.75). Afurther quantity of the diol (0.4 g) was obtained from themother liquor by t.l.c., which also furnished 4-( 2-acetoxy-ethyZamino)- l-chloro-2-nitrobenzene (77 mg), an oil, vmax,1 732 cm-l (OAc), 7 5.67 (2 H, t, OCH,), 5.90br ( 1 H, NH),6.57 (2 H, t, N-CH,), and 7.90 (3 H, s, Ac) (Found: C, 46.6;H, 4.2; N, 10.7. C,,HllC1N,04 requires C, 46.4; H, 4.3;N, 10.804).When 4-chloro-3-nitroaniline ( 1 .O g) was heated withethylene oxide (2 ml) in dioxan ( 3 ml) at 100 "C for 16 h,the products, separated by t.1.c. (dichloromethane), were(i) unchanged amine (0.45 g) ; (ii) l-chloro-4-(2-hydroxy-ethylarnino)-2-nitrobenzene (0.48 g), m.p. 74", T 5.3br ( 1 H,NH), 6.13 (2 H, t , OCH,), 6.70 (2 H, t, NCH,), and 7.lbr( 1 H, OH) (Found: C, 44.3; H, 4.2; C1, 16.7; N, 12.8.C,H,ClN,O, requires C, 44.4; H, 4.2; C1, 16.4; N, 12.9) ;and (iii) the diol (24) (0.26 g), m.p. 106-log", spectro-scopically identical with the authentic specimen.5-( Bis-2-chloroethylamino) -2-chloroaniline (26) .-Treat-ment of the diol (24) (5.75 g) with phosphoryl chloride (10ml) in boiling benzene (30 ml) in the usual way afforded4-(bis-2-chloroethylamino)- I-chloro-2-nitrobenzene (25) (4.0 g),n1.p. 144" (from methanol) (Found: C, 40.3; H , 3.75; C1,36.0; N, 9.6. CloHllC1,N,O, requires C, 40.4; H, 3.7;C1, 35.7; N, 9.4). A suspension of this nitro-compound(1.0 g) in methanol (60 ml) containing 10 palladium-charcoal (0.1 g) was hydrogenated under ambient con-ditions for 5 h, then filtered into methanolic 5006 hydrogenchloride (30 nil). The crude hydrochloride, obtained onevaporation, reverted to the free arnino-conzpound (26),m.p. 176-178", on recrystallisation from methanol-ether(Found: C, 44.7; H, 5.0; C1, 40.0; N, 10.3. CloH,,C1,N,requires C, 44.9; H, 4.9; C1, 39.8; N, 10.5).We thank the Commonwealth Scholarship Commissionfor a Scholarship (to A. J . A. M.) and the State ScholarshipFoundation of Greece for an award (to C. S.).7/783 Received, 6th May, 1977
机译:2258 J.C.S. Perkin ICytotoxic 化合物。第 21 部分 2 (双-2-氯乙基氨基)-酚和苯胺的氯、甲氧基和甲氧基羰基衍生物作者:Anthony J. Abela Medici。Leonard N. Owen,* 和 Constantine Sflomos,伦敦帝国理工学院化学系 SW7 2AY描述了一些携带游离酚基和甲氧羰基环取代基的 NN-双-2-氯乙基苯胺的新合成或改进的合成。已经对各种氯、甲氧基和甲氧羰基硝基苯胺以及甲氧基羰基-N-酰基苯二胺与环氧乙烷的羟乙基化反应进行了研究。邻甲氧羰基和邻硝基或对硝基抑制双羟基乙基化,但除此之外,得到NN-b为-2-羟基的氢基衍生物,随后转化为NN-双-2-氯eth基化合物。这些二氯化物中硝基的还原或酰氨基的水解导致 NN-双-2-氯乙基苯胺既携带游离氨基,又携带甲氧羰基、甲氧基或氯基作为取代基。环取代的(双-2-氯乙基氨基)-酚或苯胺是芥子聚氨酯的前体,具有作为抗肿瘤剂的潜在重要性。在第 17 部分中,提请注意 (1) 和 (2) 型芳香族氮芥子所表现出的特殊化学治疗优势,最有利的抗肿瘤活性(化学治疗指数在 50-150 范围内)被那些非芥子环中的取代基是氯、甲氧基或甲氧羰基的那些卡宾酸酯表现出来3.7 没有已知的芥子氨基甲伴侣,其中芥子芳基环中存在额外的取代基, 我们的目标是合成适当功能化的芳基芥子,从中可以制备这种聚氨酯。已经描述了许多NN-双-2-氯乙基苯胺,携带两个额外的环取代基,但很少有包括酚类6-8或氨基9?10,通过它们与异氰酸酯或氯甲酸酯的副反应,可以产生氨基甲酸酯官能团。在酚醛芥(4)的原始合成2*6中,羟乙基与氯化亚砜选择性反应,相应的三醇(3)收率较差。对这一阶段的重新研究现在已经表明,一个主要的副产物是苯并噁嗪 (27),它显然是由 Knorr.ll 先前研究的类型的分子内环化产生的,最近,据报道,氯化锌的催化对于通过氯化亚砜将醇转化为氯化物非常有效,12 并且通过使用这种方法获得了芥末 (58%) 的收率 (58%)。三醇(5)(由5-氨基水杨酸甲酯羟乙基化制备)与该试剂反应同样得到可接受的收率(52%)的芥菜(6).t.纯氮芥菜因其高毒性而显示出非常低的值,甚至在相同条件下测量时,临床上有用的苯丁酸氮芥指数也只有12^.^$ 一个综合列表已被~o m p i l e d .~1 第 20 部分, A. Behzadi 和 L. N. Owen, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1974,2 P. D. Edwards, D. L. D. Foster, L. N. Owen, and M. J .3 T. J .巴尔多斯,2。F. Chmielewicz 和 P. Hebborn,A n n .NcwT. J. Bardos, N. Datta-Gupta, P. Hebborn, and D. J .5 A. J. Abela Medici, Ph.D. Thesis, University of London,6 B. J. Johnson, Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, 1963.7 B. R. Baker, W. W. Lee, A. P. Martinez, L. 0.Ross, and L.2287.Pringle, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1973, 2397.York Acad. Sci., 1969, 163, 1006;个人沟通。特里格尔,J .药用。Chem., 1965, 8, 167.1976.Goodman, J .Org. Chrm., 1962, 27, 3283.In 他们合成的芥菜($9,Baker 和他的同事未能实现三醇中 theliydroxyethyl 基团的选择性反应 (7),他们发现有必要对酚类基团进行临时保护;酚类芥子的总体产量非常低。鉴于我们在三醇(3)和(5)上与氯化亚砜-氯化锌的成功反应,因此我们以相同的方式处理三醇(7)。然而,该产品具有高氯含量和 n.m.r.光谱(包括酚羟基共振在7 -1.55和-0.72处)表明它基本上由相等比例的氯化化合物(28)和(29)组成。氯化亚砜核卤化的报道很少见,13但三醇(7)中取代基的取向比异构体(3)和(5)中更适合亲电取代。通过使用吡啶-甲磺酰氯试剂,最终以 65% 的收率实现了所需芥子 (8) 的选择性形成。I4取代的硝基苯胺是合成氨基芥子的潜在起始材料,但苯胺对二羟乙基化的敏感性很大程度上取决于其碱强度,因此取决于 s u b ~ t i t u e n t s 的性质和取向。~~~~~弱碱性5-氨基-2-硝基苯甲酸甲酯,在室温下用环氧乙烷inM处理。阿蒂科和W.C.J.科斯,生化。药理学, 1968, 17,883.W. C. J .罗斯,GP 沃里克和 J , J .罗伯茨,J .Chem.Soc., 1955, 3110.lo P. Kristian, A. Hulka, K. Antos, P. Nemec, and L. Drobnica,Chem. Zuesti, 1959, 13, 103;V. Bieksa、D. Rurduliene 和 J.Degutis,Liet。T.S.R. Mokslu Acad. Darb., Ser. B, 1971, 64(1),133;1973, 77(4), 55, 67;0. Rarauskaite、V. Bieksa 和 J .Degutis, 同上, 1971, 66(3), 139;J. Degutis 和 V. Bieksa,Liet.T.S.R.Acad. Darb., Sev.B, 1965,42(3), 71.l 1 L. Knorr, R e v ., 1889, 22, 2081.l2 T. G.乡绅,W. W. Schmidt 和 CS McCandlish,J .Org.Chepn.., 1975, 40, 134.13 H. Meyer, Monatsh., 1915, 36, 723;H. S. Mosher 和 M.Look, J .奥夫格。Chcrn, 1955, 20, 283;参见 S. D. Saraf, Canad. J .Chem., 1969, 47, 2803.l4 M. Szekerke, R. Wade, and F. Bergel, J .Chem. Soc., 1965,1907.l5 W.C .J.科斯,J .Chem. Soc., 1949, 183.l6 M. Freifelder and K. R. Stone, J .Org. Chem., 1961, 26, 14771977乙酸水溶液,仅得到低收率的二醇(9),主要产物是AT-单羟乙基衍生物。当后者在140“C下用环氧乙烷处理时,形成少量的二醇,( I ) X = 0 , Y = N H( 2 ) X NH,Y = OR ' R 2( 3 ) 2-OH( 4 ) 2 - O H( 5 ) 4-OH( 6 ) 4-OH( 7 ) 3 - O H( 8 ) 3 - O H( 9 ) 4 - N 0 2( 11 ) 3-NHAc( 1 2 ) 3-NHAc( 1 3 ) 3 - N H 2( 1 4 ) 2-NO2( 15 ) 5-NO2( 1 6 ) 5-NO2( I 0 ) 4-NO2( 1 7 ) 5-NH2( 1 8 ) 3-NHAc( 1 9 ) 3-NHAc(20) 3 - N H 2( 2 1 ) 5-NO;!( 2 2 ) 5-NO2( 2 3 ) 5-NH2( 2 4 ) 3-NO2( 2 5 ) 3-NO2( 2 6 ) 3-NH2co-0, 5-CO2Me5- C02Me3-C02Me3 - C02Me4-C02Me4- C02Me3- C02Me3-C02Me4 - C02Me4 - C02Me4-C02Me4-OMe2- OMe2- OMe4-OMe4- OMe4-OMe2-CL2- C l2 - c 14-CL4 - c L4-CLXOHCLOHClOHC lOHC lOHC lCLOHOHCLCLOHC IC lOHCIc1OHClCIOMeC0,MeC l( 2 9 )与内酯(30)一起,通过lH n.m.r.和质谱分析鉴定。二醇与磷酰氯反应得到芥末(10),但总收率太低,最终还原不切实际。2-氨基-4-硝基苯甲酸甲酯在各种条件下进行羟乙基反应,得到的N-羟乙基衍生物收率小,但无二醇;2-氨基-4-邻苯二甲酸甲酯(由2.4-二氨基苯甲酸甲酯选择性酰化制备)同样得到单-N-取代产物。据报道,2-氨基苯甲酸甲酯的 l7 具有类似的低反应性,但其碱性强度 (pK, 2.23) 接近间硝基苯胺 (pKa 2.47),间硝基苯胺形成二羟乙基衍生物而不 difficulty.ls 因此,这些邻氨基苯甲酸酯化合物的性能差异可能是由于空间位阻16,可能与胺质子和邻近羰基之间的氢键有关。相反,当2-乙酰氨基-4-硝基苯甲酸甲酯还原为4-氨基化合物时,在制备二醇(1升)时没有发现困难,从中获得芥子气(12)。然后用甲醇氯化氢溶剂分解得到氨基芥子气 (13),其特征是 2-氯苯基氨基甲酸酯。邻茴香胺(pK,4.52)的基本强度仅略低于苯胺,而$-茴香胺(pK,5.30)的基本强度较大,但在2-甲氧基-4-硝基苯胺和4-甲氧基-2-硝基苯胺的羟乙基反应中,邻-茴香胺或$-硝基的主要失活是显而易见的。在乙酸水溶液中,每种情况下都只发现了N-2-羟乙基衍生物,但在更剧烈的条件下,4-甲氧基化合物的二醇(14)和5%的异构体N-2-(2-羟基乙氧基)乙基衍生物(31)的收率分别为t.1.c.,并用它们的lH n.m.r.谱图来区分。然而,2-甲氧基-5-硝基苯胺的产率很高;转化为芥子气 (16),然后在钯上加氢得到氨基芥子气 (17)。类似地,从3-乙酰氨基-4-甲氧基苯胺得到高产率的二醇(18);用吡啶-甲磺酰氯试剂 L4 转化成芥子气 (19) 效果最好,随后用盐酸水解得到氨基芥子气 (20)。胺(17)和(20)均迅速变质,因此立即用氯甲酸苯酯处理,得到稳定的苯基氨基甲酸酯。四种氯硝基苯胺对羟乙基化的反应遵循了现在已经熟悉的模式。2-氯-4-硝基苯胺和4-氯-2-硝基苯胺不能制备二元醇,只能实现单N-取代,但二醇(21)和(24)分别由2-氯硝基苯胺和4-氯-3-硝基苯胺制得,随后转化为芥子(22)和(25);催化加氢得到氨基芥子(23)和(26)。芳基胺与环氧乙烷水乙酸的羟乙基化反应从未被详细研究过。从我们积累的结果可以清楚地看出,反应过程在很大程度上取决于取代基的性质和取向,但是,即使获得了良好的双羟乙基衍生物收率,t.1.c.也表明形成了复杂的混合物。lH N.m.r. 证据表明,乙酸盐SOC., 1953, 2386.17 J .L.埃弗雷特,J .J .罗伯茨和 W. C. J .罗斯,J .Chem.18 P. D. Edwards, Ph.D. Thesis, ITniversity of T.ondon, 1972J.C.S. Perkin I和链延伸产物如(31)经常出现。当由于电子或空间原因导致双羟乙基化缓慢时,副产物占主导地位,使得所需二醇的分离变得极其困难。记录氘代氯仿溶液的实验'H N.m.r.谱图(瓦里安T-60仪器),通过氘交换鉴定羟基或氨基功能;省略了芳香质子的共振。所有产品的1.R.光谱被记录下来,并用于辅助鉴定和比较,但吸收没有异常,没有报告。硅凝胶GF,,,(Merck)用于t.l.c.,3级中性氧化铝(由R.D.H.1级氧化铝制备)用于柱层析。将提取物用硫酸镁干燥,并在低于50“C的减压下除去溶剂。石油是指在乙酸中羟乙基化的一般方法的馏分,将胺、乙酸、水(或二氧六环)和新鲜蒸馏的环氧乙烷混合在 t 0“C 中,并在密封的 Aask 中搅拌 t 环境温度规定的时间。然后减压浓缩溶液,残留物用乙醚、二氯尼乙烷或乙酸乙酯中取出,并用碳酸氢钠水溶液洗涤。然后蒸发干燥的提取物,得到粗产物,按单独描述进行检查。将3-(双-2-ch乙基氨基)-4-羟基苯~酸甲酯(4).-(u)氯化亚砜(12ml)加入到3-(双-2-羟乙基氨基)-4-羟基苯甲酸甲酯(3.4g)在干苯(25ml)中的溶液中。将混合物在回流下煮沸20分钟,然后冷却。形成沉淀物 ;将其收集并分配在氯仿和氨水之间,得到(从洗涤和干燥的有机层)二氯化物(4)(0.9g),其在T.1.C之后。(氯仿)和丙酮-石油的重结晶的熔点为75-78“(lit.,,76”),T 2.22br(1 H,OH),6.10(3 H,5,CO,Me)和6.57(8 H,t,4 x CH,)。苯溶液的蒸发和残留物的净化t.1.c.(CHC1,)得到4-(2-氯乙基)-3,4-二氢-2H-1,4-苯并噁嗪-6-羧酸甲酯(27),m.p.74-75“,vmnx.1 702 cni-l,T 5.7 (2 H,t,OCH,),6.10 (3 H,s,<:O,Me),6.27(4 H,s,N.CH,.CH,Cl)和6.50(2 H,t,环CH,*N)(Found:C,56.3;H,5.5;C1、14.1;N,5.5。Cl,H14C1N04要求C,56.4;H, 5 .5 ;C1,13.9;N,5.5%)。n1.p.与芥末(4)的混合物为50-69”。其他未鉴定的馏分也通过t.1.c分离出来。(b)将苯(10毫升)中的氯化亚砜(12毫升)缓慢加入(30尼因)到含有无水氯化锌粉(约0.25克)的苯(25毫升)中相同三醇(3.4克)的沸腾溶液中。再加热20分钟后,将混合物(已形成沉淀物)冷却并过滤。将固体溶于二氯尼乙烷中,用氨水和水洗涤,然后浓缩该溶液;通过T.1.C.纯化残留物得到芥末(4)(2.24g),M.P.72-75“,由特征N.M.R.光谱鉴定。在三乙胺存在下与苯基异氰酸酯反应,48 h a t 66-68',得到 2-(双-2-氯乙基氨基)-4-甲氧基羰基苯基 N-苯基氨基甲酸酯,1n.p. 89-90“ (fromether-petroleum) (Found: C, 5 5 . 5 5 ;H, 4.8: C1, 17.0;b.p. 40-60”。N,6.8。Cl,H,oCl,N,04 需要 C, 55.5;H,4.9;C1,17.2;N,6.8%)。5-(双-2-羟乙基氨基)-2-羟基苯甲酸甲酯 (5).-5-氨基-2-羟基苯甲酸甲酯 l 9 (3.35 g) , 水 ( 15 ml) , 乙酸 (50 ml) 和环氧乙烷 (24 ml) 24 小时后得到固体 (4.7 g),从氯仿 - 石油(b.p.60-80“C)重结晶得到三醇,m.p. 113-115”,T -0.28 ( 1 H,s,酚类 OH),6.05 (3 H,s,CO,Me), 6.20 (4 H, t , 0-CH,), 6.55 (4 H, t , N-CH,) 和 6.87br (2 H, 脂肪族OH) (Found: C, 56.3;H,6.7;N,5.3。C1,Hl,NO,要求C,56.5;H,6.7;N,5.5%)。将5-(双-2-氯乙氨基)-2-羟基苯甲酸甲酯(6).-氯甲酰亚砜(3.6ml)的氯仿(3ml)溶液缓慢加入(45分钟)到含有氯化锌(cn.0.1g)的三醇(5)(1.0g)氯仿(12ml)的搅拌溶液中。将混合物回流煮沸15 min,然后浓缩,用氨水中和,用二氯甲烷萃取,得油。T.1.c.得到二氯化物(0.6g),m.p.83-84'(来自丙酮-石油),z -0.28(1 H,s,OH),6.07(3 H,s,CO,Me)和6.12(8 H,s,4 x CH,)(发现:C,49.2;H,5.2;C1,24.2;N,4.6。C,,H,,Cl,NO,要求C,49.3;H,5.2;C1,24.3;N,4.8%)。MethyZ 4-(双-2-羟乙基氨基)-2-羟基苯甲酸甲酯 (7).-4-氨基-2-羟基苯甲酸甲酯 2O (18.9 g)、水 (50 ml)、乙酸 (200 ml) 和环氧乙烷 (25 ml),48 li后,得到苯重结晶后,乙三醇(15.3 g),熔点 97-100“(通过进一步重结晶提高到 101-103”; lit.,' 97-98'),T -0.94 (1 H,s,酚类 OH),6.10 (3 H,s, CO,Me)、6.12(4 H,t,OCH,)、6.39(4 H,t,N-CH,)和 6.57br(2 H,脂肪族 OH);tribenzoute, m.p. 115-116“ (发现: C, 69.9;H,5.1;N,2.25。C,,H,,NO,需要 C,69.8;H,5.15;K,2.50/,)。在与苯中的氯化亚砜和氯化锌反应时,如所述制备二氯化物(4),三醇(1.2克)得到油,其由t.1.c.(二氯甲烷)作为主要馏分(0.53g)提供3-和5-氯-4-(双-2-氯乙基氨基)-2-羟基苯甲酸甲酯(28)和(29)的混合物,T-1.55(0.5H,s,OH),-0.72(0.5H,s,OH),6.05(3H,s,CO,Me)和6.37(8H,s,4 x CH,)(发现:C,44.0;H,4.3;C1,30.7;N,4.5。计算值 C,,H,,Cl,NO,: C, 44.0;H,4.3;C1,32.6;将4-(双-2-氯乙基)-2-羟基苯甲酸甲酯(8).-甲磺酰氯(5.3nil)的吡啶溶液(5ml)加入到三醇(7)(4g)的吡啶溶液(25nil)中。放热反应消退后,将混合物在蒸汽浴上加热20分钟,然后冷却,过滤以除去甲磺酸吡啶(5.8g),n1.p.174“,用二氯甲烷和石油洗涤。合并滤液和洗涤液依次用稀盐酸、碳酸钠水溶液和水洗涤;然后蒸发干燥的溶液,得到油,其由t.1.c.得到二氯化物(8)(2.95 g),熔点61-62“(来自醚-石油)(lit.,'60.5-61”),z -0.98(1 H,s,OH),6.10(3 H,s,CO,Me)和6.28(8 H,s,4 x CH,)。将5-A-wino-2-硝基苯甲酸甲酯溶于用氯化氢饱和的干燥甲醇(200ml)中。将溶液在回流下煮沸40小时,然后蒸发至干燥l9 L.Gattermann,B e y 。, 1894, 27, 1927.20 D. J. Drain, D. D. Martin, B. W. Mitchell, D. E. Seymour,and F. S. Spring, J .化学 SOC., 1949, 1498;J .一个。麦库宾,13。Y. Moir 和 G. A .内维尔,加拿大人。Chem., 1970, 48, 942.N, 4.376)1977 226 1ness.将'l'lie残渣分配在醚和碳酸钠之间,得到粗酯(27 g),熔点86-94”。将其溶解在热甲醇中,并逐渐加入水以沉淀出红色油,除去;少量加入更多的水,以沉淀少量的红色油,直到溶液的颜色从橙色变为亮黄色。当黄色溶液在冰中冷却时,得到所需的甲基雌酯,m.p.98-100“(发现:C,49.0;H,4.3;N , 14.2.C,H,N,O,需要 C,49.0;H,4.1;N,14.3q0) ;S-乙酰基衍生物的熔点为109“(lit.,21 11 1-将红油结晶,经t.1.c.纯化后得到异构体酯,熔点194--195”(来自甲醇)(发现:(.,49.3;H,4.2;N,14.4%)显然来源于原始酸中的杂质。m.p.(与已知的甲基氨基硝基苯甲酸酯的sig-nignantant不同)表明i t是三种异构体之一尚未d e ~ c r i b e d。~5-氨基-2-硝基苯甲酸甲酯的羟乙基化反应-胺(2.0g)、水(10nil)、乙酸(30nil)和环氧乙烷(4ml),48h后得到油,柱层析(乙醚)得到(i)不变的胺(0.8g);(ii) 5-(2-羟乙基安彪基)-2-硝基苯甲酸二乙基酯(1 .1 g),油,T 4.5br ( 1 H, NH),6.07 ( 3 H, s, CO,Me),6.22 ( 2 H, t, OCH,)、6.63 ( 2 H, t, NCH,) 和 7.35br ( 1 H,OH) (发现: C, 49.8;H,5.2;N,11.4。CloHl,N,O,需要 C, 50.0;H,5.0;N,11.7%);(iii)5-(双-2-羟乙基氨基)-2-硝基苯甲酸甲酯(9)(0.1克),一种油,T 6.4br(2 H,OH),6.10(3 H,s,CO,Me)和6.2(8 H,ni,4?CH,)。将馏分(ii)(1.0g)、环氧乙烷(3ml)和二氧六环(3ml)在密封管中加热16 h a t 140“C togive (t.1.c.在乙醚中)起始原料(0.3g),5-(双-2-羟乙基氨基)-2-硝基苯甲酸(0.1g)的二醇(9)(0.1g)和内酯(30),M.P.143-144“(来自二氯甲烷-石油),T 5.03(2 H,s,环OCH),5.73(2 H,t,脂肪族O*CH,),6.03(2 H,s,环N-CH,),6.08br(1 H,OH)和6.47(2 H,t, 脂肪族NCH,),M + 252(发现:C,52.7;H,4.7;N, 11.1.C1,H1,N,05 要求 C , 52.4;H,4.8;N , 11.1%;M,252)。当用沸腾的氯化氢甲醇处理1小时时,得到二醇(9),由当时的测定。光谱。将Alethy1 5-(双-2-氯乙胺0)-2-硝基苯甲酸酯(10).-磷酰氯(1.0g)的苯溶液(3ml)加入到苯(3ml)的二醇(9)(0.5g)溶液中。将混合物回流煮沸6 h,然后冷却,用氨水洗涤,干燥,浓缩成油,按t.1.c。(二氯甲烷)得到二氯化物,m.p.89-91“(来自二氯甲烷-石油),T 6.06(3 H,s,C@,Me)和6.22(8 H,q,4 x CH,)(发现:C,44.8;H, 4 .5 ;N , 8.45.Cl,H14Cl,N,04 要求 C , 44.9;H,4.4;N,8.7%)。2-氨基-4-硝基苯甲酸甲酯-胺(2.0g)、水(25ml)、乙酸(50ml)和环氧乙烷(25ml)的羟乙基化反应,48小时后得到固体,通过柱层析(乙醚)将其分离成不变的苯胺(1 .O g) 和 2-(2-羟乙基氨基)-4-硝基苯甲酸甲酯 (0.6 g),熔点 112-113“,T 1.87br ( 1 H , NH),6.07 (2 H, m, 0-CH,)、6.10 ( 3 H, s, CO,Me)、6.57 ( 2 H, t,N-CH,) 和 7.73br ( 1 H, OH) (发现:C, 50.2;H,5.3;112“).21 J .F. Runnett 和 M. M. Rauhut, J. Org. CheuPz., 1956, 21,944.N , 11.6.C1oH12N2O5 需要 C, 50.0;H,5.0;N,11.7%)。当用二恶烷代替水时,以及将胺(2.0g),二氧六烷(5ml)和环氧乙烷(2nil)在密封管中加热16 h a t 150“时,也获得了类似的结果 2-氨基-4-邻苯二甲酰亚胺基苯甲酸甲酯-2,4-二氨基苯甲酸甲酯(1.7g),邻苯二甲酸酐(1.5g),甲苯(20ml)和三乙胺(0.5nd)的混合物在Dean和Stark装置中煮沸2小时。 该溶液沉积了4-phtlzalimido衍生物(8.05 g),熔点207-208“(来自氯代石油)(发现:C,64.65;H,4.2;N, 9.4.C,,H,,N,O, 需要 C , 64.9;H,4.1;N , 0 .5 0 ~ ) .本品(0.5克)、二氧六环己烷(10毫升)、乙酸(10无)、环氧乙烷(2无)48小时后得到固体;由二氯甲烷-石油重结晶得到替斯基 2-(2-lzydroxyethylamino)-4-phtlzalimidobenzoate, M.P.185-186“,T 6.09 ( 3 H , s, CO,Me), 6.13 ( 2 H, t, OCH,), 6.57 ( 2 H, t ,NCH,) 和 8.27br (2 H, XH, OH) (发现: C, 63.4;H,4.6;N,8.1。C,,H1,F205 需要 C , 63.5;H,4.7;N,8.2y0)。2-A鲸偻胺基-4-(双-2-羟乙基)苯甲酸甲酯(1 1).-2-乙酰氨基-4-硝基苯甲酸甲酯23(12g)在甲醇(300ml)中的溶液,与loo/&钯炭(1.2g)加氢18 h a t 50“C和25个大气压,以give methyl 2-acetamido-4-av~zinobenzoate (9.3 g) , m.p. 215-216” (from chloroform) (Found: C, 57.5;H,5.0;N,13.5.CloHl,N,O,需要C,57.7;H, 5 .8 ;N,13.4596)。Thisamine ( 1 .O g)、二氧六环己烷(15毫升)、乙酸(15毫升)和环氧乙烷(4毫升),100后得到油,其byt.1.c.(乙酸乙酯)得到两个主要馏分:(i)甲基2-乙酰氨基-4-(2-羟乙基嘌呤)苯甲酸酯(0.4g),M.P.130-131“(来自二氯甲烷-石油),T-1.38br(1 H,XH),6.12(3 H,s,CO,Me),6.0-7.6(7 H,i n)和7.77(3 H,s,A c)(发现:C,55.3;H, 6 .4 ;I-, 10.4.Cl,Hl,K,0,,0.5H,0 需要 C , 55.15;H,6.55;S,10.7%);(ii)二醇(1 1)(0.85 g),熔点118-120“(来自二氯甲烷石油),T - 1.3br(1 H,XH),5.9br(2 H,OH),6.14(3 H,s,CO,Me),6.3(8 H,m,4 x CH,)和7.83(3 H,s,Ac)(发现:C,56.9;H,6.6;N,9.4。C14H2,,N205需要C,56.75;H,6.8;N,9.45:;)。将2-乙酰氨基-4-(双-2-氯乙基萜氮基)苯甲酸甲酯(18)-甲磺酰氯(1.2无)加入到二醇(1,1)(1.6克)的吡啶溶液(1,2无)中。将混合物加热100“C加热20分钟,然后倒入洋葱并用二氯甲烷萃取。洗涤和干燥的提取物的浓缩和产品的纯化t.1.c.给予双氯利 (12) (0.8 g),熔点 73-75“ (来自石油),T - 1.28br (1 H, NH),6.12 ( 3 H, s , CO,Me),6.22 ( 8 H, t, 4 x CH,) 和 7.78 ( 3 H, s, Ac) (发现:C,50.5;H,5.35;C1,21.6;S,8.25。C,,H,,Cl,S,O,要求C,50.5;H,5.4;C1,21.3;N,8.404)。在苯中使用氯化亚砜得到的收率略低。将2-氨基-4-(双-2-氯乙基)苯甲酸甲酯(13).-h乙酰氨基化合物(12)(0.53克)甲醇50%氯化氢(50毫升)的溶液煮沸1小时,冷凝器末端装有气球以防止氯化氢损失。蒸发再得到粗胺盐酸盐(0.52克),熔点135-137”。这似乎是不稳定的,它溶于吡啶(1ml)和苯(10ml)和22J。J .Blanksma 和 D. Hoegen, Rec. Trav. chant., 1946, 65,333J.C.S. Perkin 用 2-氯苯基氯甲酸酯 (0.4 g) 处理得到 2-氯~噴基 N-[2-甲氧羰基-5-(双-2-氯乙基-氨基)苯基Zlcarbarte (0.5 g),熔点:11 1-1 12“(从乙醚-石油),T -0.98br (1 H,NH),6.13 (3 H,s,CO,Me) 和 6.27 (8 H,t,4 x CH,) (发现:C,51.4;H,4.3;C1,24.2;N,6.0.C1,Hl,C1,N,O,需要C,51.2;H,4.3;C1,23.9;N,6.3%)。2-甲氧基-4-硝基苯胺的羟基乙基化 .-(a) 胺的Ke作用(2.0g)用环氧乙烷(4ml)在水(8ml)和乙酸(26ml)中浸泡52小时,得到褐色固体,将其溶解在二氯甲烷中。用石油稀释溶液,直到不再沉淀深色油。从倾析溶液中,析出4-(2-羟乙基氨基)-3-甲氧基硝基苯(0.5克)结晶;熔点87-88',T 4.6br(1 H,NH),6.06(3 H,s,OMe),6.09(2 H,t,OCH,),6.57(2 H,t,N-CH,)和7.9br(1 H,OH)(发现:C,50.9;H,5.8;N,13.2。C,H,,N,O,需要C,50.9;H,5.7;N,13.2%)。在二氧六环乙酸和(在150“C)二氧六环酮中获得了类似的结果。起始材料(约60%)在所有实验中均被回收。4-甲氧基-2-硝基苯胺--茶胺(2.0g)、水(8ml)、乙酸(26ml)和环氧乙烷(2ml)在60 h后进行羟乙基化反应,得到固体,由二氯甲烷-石油重结晶得到1-(2-羟基乙基氨基)-4-甲氧基-2-硝基苯(2.25 g),熔点90-92“,T 1.8br (1 H, NH), 6.03 (2 H, t, OCH,), 6.20 (3 H, s, OMe),6.43 (2H, t, N-CH,)和7.95br(1小时,OH)(发现:C,51.0;H,5.9;N,13.1。CgHl,hT@,需要 C,50.9;H,5.7;K,13.27A)。(b)将苯胺(5.0g)、环氧乙烷(5nil)和二氧六环(5ml)在密封管中加热16 h,柱层析(乙醚)得到(i)不变的胺(0.8 g);(ii) N-2-羟乙基衍生物 ( 1.2 g), m.p.88-91',光谱学上与先前描述的相同;(iii) 2-[2-(2-羟基乙氧基)-乙氨基]-5-甲氧基硝基苯 (31) (0.4 g),一种油,T 1.87br (1 H, NH)、6.20 (3 H, s, OMe)、6.1-6.7 (8 H, m,4 x CH,) 和 7.5br (1 H, OH) (发现:C, 51.4;H,6.3;N,11.0。Cl,H16N20,要求C,51.55;H,6.3;N,10.9%) ;(iv)2-(双-2-羟乙基氨基)-5-甲氧基硝基苯(14)(0.2克),一种油,T 6.13(3 H,s,OMe),6.38(4 H,t,OCH),6.77(4 H,t,N-CH,)和7.10br(2 H,OH)(发现:C,51.2;€3,5.95;N,10.5。CllH16N205 要求 C, 51.55;H,6.3;N, 10.9%).3-(双-2-羟乙基噗~no)-4-甲氧基硝基苯 ( 15) .-2-甲氧基-5-硝基苯胺 (20 g)、水 (80 ml) 、乙酸 (380 ml) 和环氧乙烷 (30 ml) 120 h 后得到二醇 (24.5 g)、M.P.74“ (来自二氯甲烷-石油)、T 6.05 (3 H, s, OMe)、6.35 (4 H, t, OCH)、6.65 (4 H, t,N-CH,) 和 7.5br (2 H, OH) (发现: C,51.4;H,6.2;N,10.9。C,1Hl,N,05 需要 C, 51.55;H,6.3;N,( 16).-将二醇(15)(0.51g)在沸腾苯(3ml)中用氯磷酰(1ml)处理2 h。冷却溶液用二氯甲烷稀释,用碳酸氢钠水溶液和水洗涤,干燥,蒸发,得到二氯化物(0.48g),map.55“(来自醚-石油),T 6.0(3 H,s,OMe)和6.4(8 H,s,4 x CH,)(发现:C,45.2;H,5.1;C1,23.8;N,9.4。CllHl,C1,N,03 需要 C, 45.1;H,4.8;C1,24.2;N, 9.6%).23 F. H. Bergeim, K. Losee, and W. A. Lott, J .Amer. Chem.SOC., 1947, 69, 583.10.9%).3-(双-2-氯乙基氨基)-4-甲氧基-L-硝基苯3-(双-2-氯乙基氨基)-4-甲基苯胺(17).-硝基化合物(16)(2.9g)在含有10%钯炭(0.3g)的甲醇(70ml)中的溶解物在室温和常压下加氢6 h。然后将溶液过滤到甲醇50%氯化氢(60毫升)中,蒸发后得到盐酸粗胺为固体(2.9克),很快变成棕色。立即用苯(80 ml)、吡啶(2 g)和氯甲酸苯酯(2.0 g)处理;通过T.1.C.净化油性产品(二氯甲烷),然后从醚-石油中结晶,得到苯基N-[3-(双-2-氯乙基氨基)-4-甲氧基苯基苯酯.~zy~-氨基甲酸酯(1.0 g),熔点63-66“(发现:C,56.45;H,5.3;C1,18.3;N,7.25。C1,H,,C1,N,O,需要C,56.4;H,5.3;C1,18.5;N,7.3%)。( 18) .-5-氨基-2-甲氧基乙酰苯胺 23 ( 18.0 g) 用环氧乙烷 (55 ml) 在水 (100 ml) 和乙酸 (100 ml) 中处理 44 小时,得到(通过用乙酸乙酯萃取中和溶液)二醇 (18) (18.0 g),熔点 90“(来自乙醚),T 2.20br (1 H, NH), 6.15 (3 H, s, OMe), 6.19(4 H, t, 0-CH,)、6.50 (4 H, t, N-CH,) 和 7.85 (3 H, s, Ac)(发现:C, 58.3;H,7.6;N,10.5。Cl3H,,N,O4 要求C, 58.2;H,7.5;将N,10.4%).5-(双-2-氯乙氨基)-2-甲氧基苯胺(20).-甲基磺酰氯(0.7ml)加入到吡啶(3ml)中的二醇(18)(0.5g)溶液中,并将混合物静置5小时。滤去沉淀物(吡啶甲烷磺酸盐),滤液浓缩除去大部分吡啶。将残留物溶于二氯甲烷中,洗涤、干燥、蒸发,得到5-(双-2-氯乙基氨基)-2-甲氧基乙酰苯胺(19),油(0.33g),经t.1.c纯化。(乙醚)、T 2.16br (1 H, NH)、6.17 (3 H, s, OMe)、6.32 (8 H,s, 4 x CH,) 和 7.81 (3 H, s, Ac) (发现: C , 51.15;H,6.1;C1,23.2;N,9.0。Cl,H,,Cl,N20,要求C,51.2;H,5.9;C1,23.2;N,9.2%)。将其溶于50%氯化氢的甲醇溶液(10ml)中,并将溶液在回流下煮沸2小时,然后蒸发得到胺(20)的盐酸盐(0.23g)。在吡啶-苯中用氯甲酸苯酯以通常的方式处理 N-[5-(双-2-氯乙基氨基)-2-甲氧基苯基]-氨基甲酸酯,熔点118-120“(来自二氯甲烷-石油)(发现:C,56.65;H,5.4;N,7.2。C18H20C1,-N,O,需要C,56.4;H,5.3;N,7.3%)。2-氯-4-硝基苯胺--1'he胺(2.0g)、水(25ml)、乙酸(35ml)和环氧乙烷(10ml)在100 h后羟乙基化,得到固体,在二氯甲烷-石油的分馏结晶化反应中得到不变胺( 1 .O g) 和 3-氯-4-( 2-羟基乙酰基 1 氨基)- 1-硝基苯 (0.45 g), 熔点 115-117“ (lit.,24 120°) (Found:C, 44.5;H,4.4;N,12.7。C,H,C1N2O,: C, 44.4;H,4.2;N,12.9%)。将胺(5 g)、氯氧烷(5 ml)和环氧乙烷(5 ml)在140“C下加热16 h,将胺(1.0 g)与环氧乙烷(5 ml)在乙酸(20 ml)和水(10 ml)中作用120 h,得到类似的结果。用t.1.c.将样品分离成不变胺(74%)和4-氯-1-(2-羟乙胺0)-2-硝基苯(23y0),熔点107-108“(lit.,z4 107.5”),T 1.87br(1 H,NH),6.10(2 H,t,0-CH,),6.47(2 H,t,NKH,)和8.05br(1 H,OH).24 C。B. Kremer 和 A. Bendich, J .Amer. Chem. SOC., 1939, 61,2658.5-(双-2-羟乙基氨基)-2-甲氧基乙酰苯胺3-(双-2-羟乙基氨基)-4-氯-1-硝基苯(21).-2-氯-5-硝基苯胺(20 g)与环氧乙烷(90 ml)在水(80 ml)和乙酸(380 ml)中反应100 h,然后用50“C反应70 h,得到油(43 g),进行柱层析(二氯甲烷,然后是乙醚)。含有所需产物(n.m.r.谱图)的慢速运行馏分通过t.1.c进一步纯化。(乙醚)得到二醇(21)(2.6克),熔点93-95“(来自二氯甲烷-石油),T 6.30(4 H,t,O*CH,),6.60(4 H,t,NCH,)和6.85br(2 H,OH)(发现:C,46.3;H,4.75;N,10.6。氯化铝,C1N,04要求C,46.1;H,5.0;N, 10.75%).3-(双-2-氯乙氨基)-4-氯单啉 (23) .---将二醇(21)(2.6g)与磷酰氯(5ml)反应,将苯(15ml)煮沸5h,得到t.l.c., 3-(双-2-氯乙基亚镍)-4-氯-L-硝基苯 (22) (2.6 g), M.P.61-62“ (来自醚石油) (发现: C, 40.5;H,3.75;C1,35.7;N, 9.5.CloHllCl,N,O, 需要 C, 40.4;H,3.7;C1,35.7;N,9.47;)。将该化合物(1.5g)在含有10%钯炭(0.15g)的甲醇(35ml)中加氢3小时,然后过滤到甲醇15%氯化氢(90ml)中并蒸发,得到胺(23)的粗盐酸盐(1.5g)。如前所述,立即用吡啶-苯中的氯甲酸苯酯处理;p通过t.1.c对聚氨酯进行处理。(二氯甲烷-石油,1:1)得到N-[3-(双-2-氯乙基)-4-氯苯基]氨基甲酸酯(1.05克),熔点64-66“(来自二氯甲烷石油)(发现:C,52.95;H,4.7;C1,27.2;N, 7.0.Cl,H,,C1,IL',O, 需要 C, 52.7;H,4.4;C1,27.4;N,7.2%).4-(双-2-羟乙基氨基)-L-氯-2-硝基苯(24).-4-氯-3-硝基苯胺(2.0g),水(10ml),乙酸(20ml)和环氧乙烷(4ml)120小时后得到由二氯甲烷结晶的油。丙酮-石油重结晶得到二醇(24)(1.3 g),n1.p。108“, T [(CD,),CO] 5.9-6.6 (2 H, OH) 和 6.40(8 H, t, 4 x CH,) (发现: C, 45.9;H,4.9;N, 10.8.CloHl,C1N,04 需要 C, 46.1;H,5.0;N,10.75%)。再用t.l.c.从它们中得到二醇(0.4g)的其它液,其中还提供了4-(2-乙酰氧基-乙基Z氨基)-l-氯-2-硝基苯(77毫克),一种油,vmax,1 732 cm-l(OAc),7 5。67 (2 H, t, OCH,), 5.90br ( 1 H, NH), 6.57 (2 H, t, N-CH,) 和 7.90 (3 H, s, Ac) (发现: C, 46.6;H,4.2;N,10.7。C,,HllC1N,04 需要 C, 46.4;H,4.3;N,10.804)。当 4-氯-3-硝基苯胺 ( 1 .O g)用环氧乙烷(2ml)在二氧六环己烷(3ml)中在100“C下加热16h,产物,按t.1.c分离。(二氯甲烷),分别为(i)不变胺(0.45克);(ii) L-氯-4-(2-羟基乙烷基)-2-硝基苯(0.48 g),熔点74“,T 5.3br(1 H,NH),6.13(2 H,t,OCH,),6.70(2 H,t,NCH,)和7.lbr(1 H,OH)(发现:C,44.3;H,4.2;C1,16.7;N,12.8.C,H,ClN,O,要求C,44.4;H,4.2;C1,16.4;N, 12.9%) ;(iii)二醇(24)(0.26g),M.P.106-log“,光谱与真实标本相同.5-(双-2-氯乙氨基)-2-氯苯胺(26).-用磷酰氯(10ml)处理二醇(24)(5.75g)在沸腾苯(30ml)中以通常的方式提供4-(双-2-氯乙基氨基)-I-氯-2-硝基苯(25)(4.0g),n1.p.144“(来自甲醇)(发现:C,40.3;H , 3.75;C1,36.0;N,9.6。CloHllC1,N,O,需要C,40.4;H,3.7;C1,35.7;N,9.4%)。将这种硝基化合物(1.0g)悬浮在含有10%钯木炭(0.1g)的甲醇(60ml)中,在环境条件下加氢5小时,然后过滤到甲醇5006氯化氢(30nil)中。粗盐酸盐,获得一次汽化,在甲醇醚重结晶后恢复为游离的 arnino-conzpound (26),m.p. 176-178“(发现:C,44.7;H,5.0;C1,40。0;N,10.3。CloH,,C1,N,需要C,44.9;H,4.9;C1,39.8;N,10.5%)。我们感谢英联邦奖学金委员会(Commonwealth Scholarship Commission)颁发的奖学金(授予A.J.A.M.)和希腊国家奖学金基金会(State ScholarshipFoundation of Greece)颁发的奖学金(授予C.S.)。[7/783 收稿日期: 1977-05-06




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