首页> 外文期刊>Acta materialia >On modelling of dynamic recrystallisation of fee materials with low stacking fault energy

On modelling of dynamic recrystallisation of fee materials with low stacking fault energy


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A model for dynamic recrystallisation is presented, which was developed for face-centred cubic materials with low stacking fault energies. The critical conditions for nucleation are derived and a nucleation model is used that defines the nucleation rate as the velocity determining factor and that is based on the thermal climb of edge dislocations. Stable nuclei grow in dependence on the grain boundary mobility, thus a grain size distribution can be derived. During deformation, a time-dependent dislocation density gradient develops in the recrystallised grains, which leads to a corresponding dislocation density over all recrystallised grains. If the recrystallised grain fraction meets the critical conditions for the onset of recrystallisation, a second cycle will start. The development of grain size and recrystallised fraction is compared with measured data.




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