首页> 外文期刊>Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery >Multifocal arterial haemorrhage in a partially stable pelvic fracture after a crush injury: a case report.

Multifocal arterial haemorrhage in a partially stable pelvic fracture after a crush injury: a case report.


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Introduction: Most pelvic haemorrhages are thought to be caused by injury to small arteries or veins in the fractured cancellous pelvic bone or in the surrounding soft-tissues, and only 6-18 of patients with unstable pelvic fractures have haemorrhage from larger arteries. When arterial injuries are present, the majority involve branches of the internal iliac artery with only few published reports of injuries to the external iliac artery or its branches. Materials and methods: We report of a patient who sustained a combined pelvic and acetabular fracture with multifocal bleeding involving branches of both the internal iliac as well as the external iliac arteries after a crush injury. The primary attention was focused on the most probable arterial injury, the internal iliac artery and only at repeat angiography was the injury to the internal epigastric artery, caused by degloving injury to the trunk, recognized. Results: Arterial control was achieved only following aggressive fluid resuscitation, pelvic packing, repeated embolization and ligation of the peripelvic inferior epigastric artery. After initial haemodynamic control was achieved, the patient sustained multiple complications, partly as a consequence of the injury, but also as a consequence of the life-saving treatments. Conclusion: The case describes a rare combination of arterial injuries in a complex pelvic fracture constituting a partially stable pelvic fracture and a dislocated acetabular fracture in a patient with pelvic crush injury and a degloving injury to the trunk. The case also describes the complex nature of these injuries and rarely reported problems related to the treatment of them.
机译:简介:大多数盆腔出血被认为是由骨折松质盆骨或周围软组织中的小动脉或静脉损伤引起的,只有 6-18% 的不稳定盆腔骨折患者有大动脉出血。当存在动脉损伤时,大多数累及髂内动脉分支,只有少数已发表的髂外动脉或其分支损伤的报告。材料和方法:我们报告了一名患者在挤压伤后发生骨盆和髋臼联合骨折,伴有多灶性出血,累及髂内动脉和髂外动脉的分支。主要注意力集中在最可能的动脉损伤上,即髂内动脉,只有在重复血管造影时,才能识别出由躯干脱脂损伤引起的上腹内动脉损伤。结果:只有在积极的液体复苏、盆腔填塞、反复栓塞和盆腔周围上腹下动脉结扎后才能实现动脉控制。在实现初始血流动力学控制后,患者出现了多种并发症,部分原因是受伤,但也是挽救生命的治疗的结果。结论:该病例描述了复杂骨盆骨折中罕见的动脉损伤组合,构成骨盆挤压伤和躯干脱位损伤患者的部分稳定骨盆骨折和髋臼脱位骨折。该案例还描述了这些伤害的复杂性,很少报告与治疗有关的问题。




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