首页> 外文期刊>International journal of legal medicine >Characterization of degradation and heterozygote balance by simulation of the forensic DNA analysis process

Characterization of degradation and heterozygote balance by simulation of the forensic DNA analysis process


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Simulation experiments were used to show the impact of varying extraction efficiency, aliquot proportion, and PCR efficiency on the heterozygote balance of a range of diploid and haploid cells. Reducing either parameters introduces variance. It is well-known that the variance in heterozygote balance increases as the amount of DNA is reduced. Surprisingly the distribution is in fact diamond shaped - the variance start to decrease at very low amounts of DNA. Simulations suggest that pristine diluted DNA is an acceptable approximation in validations to infer heterozygote balance. However, the difference in distribution of the variance between diploid and haploid cell types may, under some circumstances, need to be considered in statistical models. Finally, we exemplify how simulations can be used to predict the outcome of PCR for degraded samples. Visualizing the predicted DNA profile as an electropherogram can help to identify the best approach for sample processing.
机译:通过仿真实验,揭示了不同提取效率、等分试样比例和PCR效率对一系列二倍体和单倍体细胞杂合子平衡的影响。减少任一参数都会引入方差。众所周知,杂合子平衡的方差随着DNA量的减少而增加。令人惊讶的是,分布实际上是菱形的——在DNA含量非常低的情况下,方差开始减小。模拟表明,在推断杂合子平衡的验证中,原始稀释的DNA是可接受的近似值。然而,在某些情况下,可能需要在统计模型中考虑二倍体和单倍体细胞类型之间方差分布的差异。最后,我们举例说明了如何使用模拟来预测降解样品的PCR结果。将预测的 DNA 图谱可视化为电泳图有助于确定样品处理的最佳方法。




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