首页> 外文期刊>The Anatomical record >Integrated actions of masticatory muscles: Simultaneous EMG from eight intramuscular electrodes

Integrated actions of masticatory muscles: Simultaneous EMG from eight intramuscular electrodes

机译:Integrated actions of masticatory muscles: Simultaneous EMG from eight intramuscular electrodes



AbstractIn 29 normal persons with complete dental arches, the muscular activity of the temporalis, masseter, medial pterygoid, anterior belly of the digastric, mylohyoid and geniohyoid muscles was studied electromyographically with bipolar fine wire electrodes during various mandibular movements – both resisted and unresisted. Action potentials were recorded on FM magnetic tape and each experiment was also videotaped. Temporalis muscle was active during centric closing of the jaw with either contact of the teeth, or against resistance; during free lateral movements to the ipsilateral side, either against resistance or occlusal contact; during incisor gum chewing, molar gum chewing on ipsilateral or contralateral sides, during normal mastication; and during forceful centric occlusion.Activity occurred in the masseter and medial pterygoid muscles during the following movements: closing the jaw slowly either without occlusal contact or with occlusal contact and against resistance; free lateral movement to contralateral side, either against resistance or with occlusal contact; protraction of the jaw either without occlusal contact or with occlusal contact; swallowing either saliva or water; incisor gum chewing with either the ipsilateral or contralateral molars; normal mastication; and during forceful centric occlusion.Activity occurred in the digastric, mylohyoid and geniohyoid muscles during the following movements; opening of the jaw either slowly or maximally against resistance; closing the jaw against resistance; free lateral movement to ipsilateral and contralateral sides, either against resistance or with occlusal contact; protraction against resistance of the jaw either without or with occlusal contact; swallowing saliva and water; and protraction of the tongue. They work in antagonism (reciprocally) during gum chewing and normal masticatio




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