首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Clinical Investigation: The Official Journal of the American Society for Clinical Investigation >Transcription factor T-bet regulates inflammatory arthritis through its function in dendritic cells.

Transcription factor T-bet regulates inflammatory arthritis through its function in dendritic cells.

机译:转录因子 T-bet 通过其在树突状细胞中的功能调节炎症性关节炎。

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The transcription factor T-bet (Tbx21) plays a major role in adaptive immunity and is required for optimal IFN-gamma production by DCs. Here we demonstrate an essential function for T-bet in DCs in controlling inflammatory arthritis. We show that collagen antibody-induced arthritis (CAIA), a model of human RA, is a bipartite disease characterized by an early innate immune system component intact in RAG2 mice and a later adaptive immune system phase. Mice lacking T-bet had markedly reduced joint inflammation at both early and late time points and RAG2T-bet double-deficient mice were essentially resistant to disease. Remarkably, adoptive transfer of T-bet-expressing DCs reconstituted inflammation in a T-bet deficient and T-bet/RAG2-deficient milieu. T-bet regulates the production of proinflammatory cytokine IL-1alpha and chemokines macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha (MIP-1alpha) and thymus- and activation-related chemokine (TARC) by DCs. Further, T-bet expression in DCs is required for T helper cell activation. We conclude that T-bet plays a vital function in DCs that links innate and adaptive immunity to regulate inflammatory responses. T-bet provides an attractive new target for the development of novel therapeutics for inflammatory arthritis.
机译:转录因子 T-bet (Tbx21) 在适应性免疫中起主要作用,是 DC 产生最佳 IFN-γ 所必需的。在这里,我们展示了 DC 中 T-bet 在控制炎症性关节炎方面的基本功能。我们发现,胶原抗体诱导的关节炎 (CAIA) 是人类 RA 的模型,是一种二分疾病,其特征是 RAG2 小鼠的早期先天免疫系统成分完好无损,而适应性免疫系统阶段较晚。缺乏T-bet的小鼠在早期和晚期时间点的关节炎症均显着减少,RAG2T-bet双缺陷小鼠基本上对疾病具有抵抗力。值得注意的是,表达 T-bet 的 DC 的过继转移在 T-bet 缺陷和 T-bet/RAG2 缺陷环境中重组了炎症。T-bet 调节促炎细胞因子 IL-1α 和趋化因子巨噬细胞炎症蛋白-1α (MIP-1alpha) 以及胸腺和活化相关趋化因子 (TARC) 的产生。此外,DC 中的 T-bet 表达是辅助性 T 细胞活化所必需的。我们得出结论,T-bet 在 DC 中起着至关重要的作用,它将先天性和适应性免疫联系起来以调节炎症反应。T-bet为开发炎症性关节炎的新疗法提供了一个有吸引力的新靶点。




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