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Fournier's gangrene: historical survey, current status, and case description.

机译:Fournier 坏疽:历史调查、现状和病例描述。

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BACKGROUND: The first-documented clinical picture of the disease was made by Fournier in 1883. Its epidemiology has changed and is much different from the original. It is infectious in its etiology, affecting mostly men between 50 and 60 years of age. Predisposing factors include diabetes, neoplasms, chronic glucocorticoid therapy, immune-compromise, chemo- and radiotherapy, immunosuppression, Crohn's disease, and alcohol abuse. High mortality results from the rapid progress of the disease, leading to quick development of septic shock and multi-organ failure. Most important in the treatment of Fournier's gangrene are surgical debridement of the wound, fascia incision and drainage of necrotic lesion, and intravenous antibiotic therapy. The typical picture of the disease might be hidden by concomitant disease. CASE REPORT: A case of Fournier's gangrene in an 81-year-old woman with concomitant neurologic complications, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, and chronic obstructed pulmonary disease is described. Three days after the suspected diagnosis, the decision was made to fully remove the necrotic tissue surgically. Despite all the efforts of the medical team, the patient died 14 days after being diagnosed with Fournier gangrene. The immediate cause of death was septic shock. CONCLUSIONS: In the early stages of the disease, before necrotic lesions occur, a final diagnosis might be difficult. In the present case, death was caused by the patient's advanced age, simultaneously appearing symptoms, and late surgical intervention, but mostly by lung failure.
机译:背景:Fournier于1883年首次记录了该疾病的临床图片。它的流行病学发生了变化,与原来的有很大不同。它的病因具有传染性,主要影响 50 至 60 岁的男性。诱发因素包括糖尿病、肿瘤、慢性糖皮质激素治疗、免疫功能低下、化疗和放疗、免疫抑制、克罗恩病和酗酒。高死亡率是由于疾病的快速进展导致的,导致感染性休克和多器官衰竭的快速发展。在治疗 Fournier 坏疽时,最重要的是伤口的手术清创、坏死病灶的筋膜切开和引流以及静脉注射抗生素治疗。该疾病的典型情况可能被伴随的疾病所掩盖。病例报告:描述了一例 81 岁女性的 Fournier 坏疽病例,伴有神经系统并发症、高血压、心肌病和慢性阻塞性肺疾病。疑似诊断三天后,决定通过手术完全切除坏死组织。尽管医疗团队做出了所有努力,但患者在被诊断出患有 Fournier 坏疽 14 天后死亡。死亡的直接原因是感染性休克。结论:在疾病的早期阶段,在坏死病变发生之前,最终诊断可能很困难。在本病例中,死亡是由于患者高龄、同时出现症状和手术干预较晚所致,但主要是由于肺衰竭。




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