首页> 外文期刊>Journal of developmental and physical disabilities >Functional Assessment in a Residential Setting:Identifying an Effective Communicative Replacement Response for Aggressive Behavior

Functional Assessment in a Residential Setting:Identifying an Effective Communicative Replacement Response for Aggressive Behavior


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Antecedent and consequent analyses were conducted in a residential setting to identify environmental variables maintaining aggressive behavior of a 24-year-old man with profound mental retardation. Results of the consequent analysis indicated the aggressive behavior was maintained by positive reinforcement (i.e., attention). Data from the antecedent analysis suggested that aggression was less likely to occur when social attention in the form of physical contact and conversation was available than when only conversation was available. A multielement design was used to compare rates of aggressive behavior and independent requests for attention across two functional communication training procedures that differed only in terms of the response effort. One condition required pointing to a picture of two people interacting (Point), the other condition required spelling the word "talk" on a laminated paper replica of a computer keyboard (Spell). Aggressive behavior occurred at lower rates in the Point condition than in the Spell condition. Additionally, independent requests occurred exclusively in the Point condition. Follow-up data indicate maintenance of treatment results for 2 years and daily use of several additional picture requests.
机译:在住宅环境中进行了前因后果分析,以确定维持一名 24 岁严重智力迟钝男子攻击性行为的环境变量。随后的分析结果表明,攻击性行为是通过正强化(即注意力)来维持的。来自先前分析的数据表明,当以身体接触和对话的形式提供社会关注时,攻击性发生的可能性比只有对话时要小。使用多元素设计来比较两个功能性沟通训练程序中攻击性行为和独立注意力请求的发生率,这些程序仅在响应努力方面有所不同。一个条件要求指向两个人互动的图片(Point),另一个条件要求在计算机键盘的层压纸复制品上拼写“talk”一词(拼写)。攻击性行为在点条件下的发生率低于在法术条件下。此外,独立请求仅在 Point 条件下发生。随访数据表明治疗结果维持 2 年,并每天使用几个额外的图片请求。




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