首页> 外文期刊>Acta materialia >Thermodynamics of open two-phase systems with coherent interfaces: Application to metal-hydrogen systems

Thermodynamics of open two-phase systems with coherent interfaces: Application to metal-hydrogen systems


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We develop a thermodynamic theory for the absorption/desorption of interstitial atoms by a solid crystalline host forming a coherent mixture of two phases with different compositions of interstitial solutes. It is shown that the misfit-generated strain produces a macroscopic energy barrier between the transforming phases. The energy barrier is proportional to the macroscopic volume and thus cannot be surmounted by the thermally assisted nucleation of the new phase. The barrier splits the phase-transition pressure (temperature) into two pressures (temperatures): one during increase of pressure (cooling) and another during decrease of pressure (heating). The difference between these pressures (temperatures) determines the system hysteresis. It is also shown that the chemical potential of interstitials within the two-phase region of the coherent phase diagram is a linear function of composition rather than a constant, as is the case in the absence of coherency strains. We apply the theory to the absorption/desorption of H atoms by a metal that is free to exchange hydrogen atoms with an external source (reservoir). The theory explains the ubiquitous hysteresis in the 'plateaus' of the pressure-composition isotherms and the critical pressure-composition point for the disappearance of the hysteresis. The proposed theory is generic in the sense that it is applicable to any open interstitial systems forming coherent hydrides or other interstitial phases in the host lattice of the same symmetry.
机译:我们开发了一种热力学理论,用于固体结晶主体对间隙原子的吸收/解吸,形成具有不同成分的间隙溶质的两相的相干混合物。结果表明,不拟配产生的应变在转化相之间产生了宏观能量势垒。能垒与宏观体积成正比,因此无法通过新相的热辅助成核来克服。屏障将相变压力(温度)分成两个压力(温度):一个在压力增加(冷却)期间,另一个在压力降低(加热)期间。这些压力(温度)之间的差异决定了系统滞后。还表明,相干相图两相区域内间隙的化学势是成分的线性函数,而不是常数,就像没有相干应变的情况一样。我们将该理论应用于金属对 H 原子的吸收/解吸,该金属可以自由地与外部源(储层)交换氢原子。该理论解释了压力成分等温线“平台”中普遍存在的滞后以及滞后消失的临界压力组成点。所提出的理论是通用的,因为它适用于在相同对称性的主体晶格中形成相干氢化物或其他间隙相的任何开放间隙系统。




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