首页> 外文期刊>international endodontic journal >Pattern of transmission of laser light in teeth

Pattern of transmission of laser light in teeth




SummaryThis study examined the transmission of helium neon laser light in 20 dog and human teeth. The effect of probe position and angulation was observed both macroscopically and at a microscopic level using con‐focal microscopy. In all teeth in both species, laser light was transmitted through teeth to the pulpal surface with the light following the path of the enamel prisms and dentinal tubules. Probe angulation did not affect the pattern of light transmission, nor did probe position; however, the position of the probe on the tooth surface determined which section of the pulp was illuminated. Enamel and dentine together are able to collect and distribute light within the tooth, with both enamel prisms and dentinal tubules acting as optical fibre
机译:摘要本研究检查了氦氖激光在 20 颗狗和人类牙齿中的透射率。使用聚焦显微镜在宏观和微观水平上观察探针位置和角度的影响。在这两个物种的所有牙齿中,激光通过牙齿传输到牙髓表面,光线沿着牙釉质棱镜和牙本质小管的路径。探针角度不影响透光模式,探针位置也不影响;然而,探头在牙齿表面上的位置决定了牙髓的哪个部分被照亮。牙釉质和牙本质能够一起在牙齿内收集和分配光线,牙釉质棱镜和牙本质小管都充当光纤




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