首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Natural acetylenes. Part 53. A route to C5, C6, and C7cis- andtrans-alk-3-en-1-ynesviatheir trimethylsilyl derivatives

Natural acetylenes. Part 53. A route to C5, C6, and C7cis- andtrans-alk-3-en-1-ynesviatheir trimethylsilyl derivatives

机译:天然乙炔。第 53 部分。通过其三甲基硅烷基衍生物通往 C5、C6 和 C7 顺式和反式-3-烯-1-炔的途径



1978 1485 Natural Acetylenes. Part 532 A Route to C5,C6,and C, cis-and trans-Alk-3-en-I -ynes via their Trimethylsilyl Derivatives By lain W. Farrell, Milton T. W. Hearn. and Viktor Thaller,” The Dyson Perrins Laboratory, Oxford University, Oxford OX1 3QY cis-and trans-?-Trimethylsilyl-pent-3-en-l-yne, -hex-3-en-l -yne, and -hept-3-en-l -yne have been prepared by fractional distillation of their cis-trans-mixtures and shown to provide a convenient route for the synthesis of the corresponding stereoisomeric terminal acetylenes. PENT-and HEX-~-EN-~-YNES have been frequently re-quired in the synthesis of natural acetylenes, e.g. trans-pentenyne (la) for the C,, alcohol (2) from dahlias and cis-hexenyiie (lb) €or the acetylenic fury1 ketone (3)present in the broad bean.4 The need to synthesise labelled 14-cis-and 14-trans-dehydrocrepenynate (4)for biosynthetic experiments necessitated the preparation of cis-and tram-heptenynes (lc) and led to a convenient general route to the stereoisomeric C,--C, alkenynes.Alk-3-en-l-ynes can be synthesised in a number of ways, sonw leading predominantly to one of the stereo- isomer^.^ Most commonly the cis-trans-mixture is ob- tained either from alk-3-ynyl tosylate~*>~.~ (this route has Part 52, I. W. Farrell, V. Thaller, and J. L. Turner, J.C.S. Pfvkin 1, 1977, 1886. A more detailed account of part of the work described in this paper is in the D.Phi1. Thesis of I. W. Farrell, Oxford, 1977. C. Chin, I. C. Cutler, Sir Ewart R. H. Jones, J. Lee, S.Safe, and V. Thaller, .J. Clzem. SOC.(C), 1970, 314. * F. C. Falvcett, D. M. Spencer, R. L. Wain, A. G. Fallis, Sir Ewart H.H. Jones, M. Le Quan, C. B. Page, V. Thaller, D. C. Shubrook, and 1’. M. Whitham, J. Chem. SOC.(C), 1968, 2455. been used in the present investigation) or from alk-2-ynyl ethers8 The mixtures can be separated into stereo- isomers by fractional distillation, as described for the C, and C, compounds, or by g.1.c. as described for the C, corn~ound.~Neither separation is particularly con-venient because of the very close b.p.s of the stereo- isomers, the losses incurred by the high volatility of the alkenynes, and their instability. Silylation of the ethynyl group is known both to stabilise terminal acetylenes and to increase their b.p.s.1° The cis-trans-mixtures of the alkenynes (la-c) were therefore silylated via their Grignard or lithio derivatives, most efficiently (ca.8076 yields) when n-butyl-lithium Cf.E. J. Corey and R. A. Ruden, Tett,ahedyon Letteys, 1973, 1495. G. Eglinton and M. C. Whiting, J. Chem. Soc., 1950, 3650. A. Butenandt and E. Hecker, Angew. Chem., 1961, 73,349. L. Brandsma, ‘ Preparative Acetylenic Chemistry,’ Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1971, p. 124. J. L. H. Allan and M. C. Whiting, J. Chem. Soc., 1953, 3314. lo Cf. R. Eastmond, T. R. Johnson, and D. R. M. Walton, Tetrahedron, 1972, 28, 4601. was added to the mixture of trimethylsilyl chloride and the cis-trans-alkenyne (cf. silylation of benzenes ll). The resulting trimethylsilyl derivatives (5a-c) were easy RCH=CH*C-CH (1) a; R = Me b; R=Et c; R = Prn t t,tMeCH=CH*C-C,*CH=CH,*CH(OH)-CH,,*CH=CH, J.C.S.Perkin I distillation on a spinning-band column using p-cymene as chaser and gave cis- l-Erimethylsilyl~ent-3-en-l-yne cis-(5a) (5.38g, 43.5 ; contaminated with 2.5 trans-isomer), b.p. 62" at 46 mniHg (Found: C, 70.1; H, 10.4. C,H,,Si requires C, 69.5; H, 10.lyo), nDl9 1.4575, tn (48.5 "C) 3.0 min, vmax,(CC14)3 030, 2 150, and 2 120 cm-l, vma,.(CS,) 1 250, 840br, and 720 cm-l, ~(Ccl,) 9.98 (9 H, s, SiMe,), 8.3 (3 H, dd, J 7 and 1.5 Hz, CH,*CH=CH), 4.8 (1 H, dq, J 11and 1.5 (2) C r-o--1 t EtCH=CH-C-C*CO*C=CH*CH=C*CH=CH*CO,i'vIe(3) CPr*CH=CH*C-C*CH,CH-CH*CH,,*CO,hIe(4) RCH=CH*C-C*SiMe, (5)a; R = Me b; R=Et c; R=Pr to handle and the b.p.s of the stereoisomers differed sufficiently in each case (by ca.6 "C) to make their separation by fractional distillation convenient (a spin- ning band column was used). The cis-and trans-isomer fractions of (5a-c) were characterised and their stereo- chemical purity (294)was determined by g.1.c. The cis-and trans-alkenynes (la-c) could be regenerated as ethereal solutions by cleaving the carbon-silicon bond with silver nitrate l2 or fluoride the cleavage pro- ceeding in 85-90y0 yields. For example, by using the fluoride ion cleavage, an ethereal solution of the cis-and trans-hexenynes (1b) was obtained from the cis-trans-alkenyne mixture in 60 overall yield.EXPERIMENTAL For spectral techniques see Part 41.13 Spinning band distillations were carried out in a Nester- Faust Annular Still (NFA-200) operating at 7 000 rev. min-l. For g.1.c. a Pye 104 series 24 instrument with 10 poly- ethylene glycol succinate on Embacel (60-100 mesh) packed in a 150 x 0.3 cm column (N, flow 45 ml min-l) was used. Tetrahydrofuran (THF) was purified by refluxing with Na wire and benzophenone prior to distillation and was stored over Linde 4 8, molecular sieve. Solutions of BuIlLi in hexane were standardised by the double titration method using benzyl chloride. (a) Silylation via the Li Salts.-cis- and trans- l-Trimethyl- silylpent-3-en- l-yne (5a). cis-trans-Pent-3-en- l-yne (la) (4.5 g,68 mmol; 55 cis-isomer) and Me,SiCl (7.49 g, 69 mmol) in anhydrous THF (50ml) were cooled (Me,CO-solid CO,) under N,.BunLi in hexane (42.5 ml, 68 mmol) was added dropwise to the stirred solution (the red-brown colour of the acetylide ion was briefly seen). After the addition was completed a fine white precipitate slowly appeared. The stirred mixture was allowed to warm to 20 "C over 12 h. It was then poured into an excess of dil. HC1 and extracted with Et,O. The extract was dried (MgSO,) and concentr- ated under N, at 760 mmHg. The residue was fractionally distilled and gave cis-trans- l-trimethylsilylpent-3-en- l-yne (8.4 g,89; 56 cis-isomer), b.p. 68-75' at 50 mmHg. The mixture of isomers (12.35 g) was separated by fractional l1 R. Naylor, Tetrahedvon Letters, 1975, 435.l3 €I. M. Schmidt and J. F. Arens, Rec. Trav. chim., 1967, $6. 1138. Hz, CH,*CH=CH), and 4.2 (1 H, dq, J 11 and 6.5 Hz, CH,CH=CH), m/e 138 (M+,500/6),123 (loo), 107 (8), 95 (27), 81 (lo), 69 (22), and 67 (22); and the trans-isomer trans- (5a)l (3.9 g, 29y0; contaminated with 6 cis-isomer), b.p. 68" at 46 mmHg (Found: C, 69.5; H, 10.1. C,H,,Si requires C, 69.5; H, 10.1), nD1@ 1.4625, tR (48 "C) 4.4 min, vma,(CC14) 3 030, 2 170, 2 130, and 955 cm-l, v,,.(CS,) 840br cm-l, ~(Ccl,) 9.9 (9 H, s, SiMe,), 8.3 (3 H, dd, J 7 and 2 Hz, CH,*CH=CH), 4.7 (1 H, dq, J 16 and 2 Hz, CH,*CH=CH), and 4.0 (1 H, dq, J 16 and 6.5 Hz, CH,-CH=CH), in/e 138 (M', 25y0), 123 (loo), 109 (7), 107 (6), 97 (7), 95 (12), 83 (lo), 6 (15), and 59 (15).An intermediate fraction (0.9g, 7.376) had a cis : trans ratio of ca. 2 : 1. cis-and trans-l-Trimethylsilylhex-3-en-1-yne (5b). Analogously, cis-trans-hex-3-en- 1-yne (lb) (7.6 g, 95 mmol; 55 cis-isomer), Me,SiCl (10.9 g, 100 mmol), and BunLi in hexane (59 ml, 95 mmol) in THF (100 ml) gave, after distil- lation, cis-trans-l-Me3Si-hex-3-en-l-yne(5b) (1 1.4 g, 7976 ; 53 cis-isomer), b.p. 58-72" at 12 mniHg. Separation of the mixture (23 g) gave cis-l-tri~etlzylsiZyl~e~-3-en-l-yne cis-(5b) (10.7 g, 46.5 ; contaminated with 90 conversion into trans-hex-3-en-l-yne (<2 cis-isomer) ; no other product was detected. The mixture was poured into dil. HC1 (10 ml) and extracted with Et,O. The extract was washed successively with dil. HC1 and brine, and dried (MgSO,). Filtration gave an Et,O solution of trans-hex-3-en-1-ync. We thank I.C.I. for a Fellowship (toM. T. W. H.),and the S.R.C. for a studentship (to I. W. I?.) and research grant support. 8/122 Received, 25th January, 19781
机译:1978 1485 天然乙炔。第 532 部分 A 通过其三甲基硅烷基衍生物通往 C5、C6 和 C、顺式和反式 Alk-3-en-I -炔的途径 作者:lain W. Farrell、Milton T. W. Hearn。和 Viktor Thaller,“牛津大学戴森佩林斯实验室,牛津 OX1 3QY 顺式和反式-?-三甲基硅基-戊-3-烯-l-炔、-hex-3-en-l -yne 和 -hept-3-en-l -yne 通过分馏制备了顺反式混合物,并证明为合成相应的立体异构体末端乙炔提供了方便的途径。在天然乙炔的合成中经常需要PENT-and HEX-~-EN-~-YNES,例如用于C的反式戊烯炔(la),来自大丽花的醇(2)和顺式-己烯(lb)€或蚕豆中存在的乙炔fury1酮(3).4 合成标记的14-顺式和14-反式脱氢crepenynate (4)用于生物合成实验的需要需要制备顺式和tram-庚烯炔(LC),并导致了通往立体异构体C的便捷一般途径,--C, 烯炔。Alk-3-en-l-ynes可以通过多种方式合成,sonw主要导致立体异构体之一^.^ 最常见的顺反式混合物是从甲苯磺酸alk-3-炔基甲苯磺酸酯~*>~.~(该路线有第52部分,I. W. Farrell,V. Thaller和J. L. Turner,J.C.S. Pfvkin 1,1977,1886。本文中描述的部分工作的更详细描述在 D.Phi1 中。I. W. Farrell 的论文,牛津大学,1977 年。C. Chin, &I. C. Cutler, Sir Ewart R. H. Jones, J.Lee, S.Safe 和 V. Thaller, .J. Clzem。SOC.(C), 1970, 314.* F. C. Falvcett, D. M. Spencer, R. L. Wain, A. G. Fallis, Sir Ewart H.H. Jones, M. Le Quan, C. B. Page, V. Thaller, D. C. Shubrook, and 1'.M. Whitham, J. Chem. SOC.(C), 1968, 2455.用于本研究)或从烷-2-炔基醚8 混合物可以通过分馏分离成立体异构体,如C和C化合物所述,或通过g.1.c。如C所描述的,玉米~ound.~由于立体异构体的b.p.s非常接近,烯烃的高挥发性引起的损失以及它们的不稳定性,这两种分离都不是特别方便。已知乙炔基的硅烷化既能稳定末端乙炔,又能增加其b.p.s.1°因此,烯炔(la-c)的顺反式混合物通过其格氏或锂衍生物进行硅烷化,当正丁基锂Cf.E时效率最高(约8076产率)。J. Corey 和 RA Ruden,Tett,ahedyon Letteys,1973 年,1495 年。G. Eglinton 和 MC Whiting,J. Chem. Soc.,1950 年,3650 年。A. Butenandt 和 E. Hecker,Angew。化学, 1961, 73,349.L. Brandsma,“制备乙炔化学”,爱思唯尔,阿姆斯特丹,1971 年,第 124 页。J. L. H. Allan 和 MC Whiting, J. Chem. Soc., 1953, 3314.参见 R. Eastmond, T. R. Johnson, and D. R. M. Walton, Tetrahedron, 1972, 28, 4601.加入到三甲基氯硅烷和顺式反式烯烃的混合物中(参见苯的硅烷化)。得到的三甲基硅烷衍生物(5a-c)容易RCH=CH*C-CH(1)a;R = 我 b;R=等c;R = Prn t t,tMeCH=CH*[C-C],*[CH=CH],*CH(OH)-[CH,],*CH=CH, J.C.S.Perkin I在旋转带塔上使用p-cymene作为追逐剂进行蒸馏,并得到顺式-L-Erimethylsilyl~ent-3-en-l-yne [cis-(5a)](5.38g,43.5%;被2.5%反式异构体污染),b.p. 62“,浓度为46 mniHg(发现:C,70.1;H,10.4。C,H,,Si 需要 C, 69.5;H, 10.lyo), nDl9 1.4575, tn (48.5 “C) 3.0 min, vmax,(CC14)3 030, 2 150, and 2 120 cm-l, vma,.(CS,) 1 250, 840br, and 720 cm-l, ~(Ccl,) 9.98 (9 H, s, SiMe,), 8.3 (3 H, dd, J 7 and 1.5 Hz, CH,*CH=CH), 4.8 (1 H, dq, J 11and 1.5 (2) C r-o--1 t EtCH=CH-C-C*CO*C=CH*CH=C*CH=CH*CO,i'vIe(3) CPr*CH=CH*C-C*CH,CH-CH*[CH,],*CO,hIe(4) RCH=CH*C-C*SiMe, (5)a;R = 我 b;R=等c;R=Pr 处理,立体异构体的 b.p.s 在每种情况下都有很大的差异(约 6 “C),以便于通过分馏分离它们(使用旋转带柱)。对(5a-c)的顺式和反式异构体组分进行了表征,并通过g.1.c测定了其立体化学纯度(294%)。顺式和反式烯炔(la-c)可以通过与硝酸银l2或氟化物裂解碳硅键来再生为空灵溶液,解理过程为85-90y0产率。例如,通过使用氟离子裂解,从顺式-反式烯烃混合物中获得顺式和反式己烯炔(1b)的空灵溶液,总收率为60%。实验 有关光谱技术,请参见第 41.13 部分 旋转带蒸馏在以 7 000 转 min-l 运行的 Nester-Faust 环形蒸馏器 (NFA-200) 中进行。对于 g.1.c.使用Pye 104系列24仪器,在Embacel(60-100目)上使用10%聚乙二醇琥珀酸酯,包装在150 x 0.3cm色谱柱(N,流量45ml min-l)中。四氢呋喃 (THF) 在蒸馏前用 Na 丝和二苯甲酮回流纯化,并储存在 Linde 4 8 分子筛上。使用氯苄通过双重滴定法对BuIlLi在己烷中的溶液进行标准化。(a) 通过顺式和反式-l-三甲基-硅烷基-3-烯-l-炔进行硅烷化 (5a)。顺反式-戊-3-烯-l-炔(la)(4.5g,68mmol;55%顺式异构体)和Me,SiCl(7.49g,69mmol)在无水THF(50ml)中冷却(Me,CO-固体CO,)。将己烷溶液(42.5ml,68mmol)中的BunLi滴加到搅拌的溶液中(短暂地看到乙炔离子的红棕色)。添加完成后,缓慢出现细小的白色沉淀。将搅拌后的混合物加热至20“C超过12小时。然后将其倒入过量的 HC1 中,并用 Et,O 萃取。将提取物干燥(MgSO)并在N下浓缩,浓度为760 mmHg。将残余物分馏,得到顺反式-l-三甲基硅基戊-3-烯-l-炔(8.4 g,89%;56%顺式异构体),b.p. 68-75',50 mmHg。异构体混合物(12.35g)通过分数l1 R分离。Naylor, Tetrahedvon Letters, 1975, 435.l3 €I. M. Schmidt and J. F. Arens, Rec. Trav. chim., 1967, $6.1138. Hz, CH,*CH=CH) 和 4.2 (1 H, dq, J 11 和 6.5 Hz, CH,CH=CH), m/e 138 (M+,500/6),123 (loo), 107 (8), 95 (27), 81 (lo), 69 (22) 和 67 (22);反式异构体[反式(5a)l(3.9g,29y0;被6%顺式异构体污染),b.p.68“,46 mmHg(发现:C,69.5;H,10.1。C,H,,Si 需要 C, 69.5;H,10.1%),nD1@ 1.4625,tR(48“C)4.4 min,vma,(CC14)3 030,2 170,2 130和955 cm-l,v,,.(CS,) 840br cm-l, ~(Ccl,) 9.9 (9 H, s, SiMe,), 8.3 (3 H, dd, J 7 和 2 Hz, CH,*CH=CH), 4.7 (1 H, dq, J 16 和 2 Hz, CH,*CH=CH) 和 4.0 (1 H, dq, J 16 和 6.5 Hz, CH,-CH=CH), in/e 138 (M', 25y0), 123 (loo), 109 (7), 107 (6), 97 (7)、95 (12)、83 (lo)、6 (15) 和 59 (15)。中间组分(0.9g,7.376)的顺反比约为2:1。顺式和反式-L-三甲基硅基己-3-烯-1-炔(5b)。类似地,顺反式-六烯-3-烯-1-炔(lb)(7.6 g,95 mmol;55%顺式异构体)、Me,SiCl(10.9 g,100 mmol)和BunLi的己烷溶液(59 ml,95 mmol)在THF(100 ml)中得到,蒸馏后,顺反式-l-Me3Si-hex-3-en-l-yne(5b)(1 1.4 g,7976;53%顺式异构体),b.p. 58-72“,浓度为12 mniHg。分离混合物(23 g)得到顺式-l-三~etlzylsiZyl~e~-3-烯-l-炔 [cis-(5b)](10.7 g,46.5%;被90%转化为反式-hex-3-en-l-yne(<2%顺式异构体); 未检测到其他产品。将混合物倒入HC1(10ml)中,并用Et,O萃取。提取液先后用HC1和盐水洗涤,干燥(MgSO,)。过滤得到反式-hex-3-en-1-ync的Et,O溶液。我们感谢 I.C.I. 的奖学金 (toM. T. W. H.),感谢 S.R.C. 提供的学生奖学金(给 I. W. I?.)和研究资助支持。[8/122 收稿日期: 19781-01-25




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