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Insights and Applications Gender Differences in Environmental Impacts from Patterns of Transportation - A Case Study from Sweden




Addressing unsustainable consumption patterns is an important target for fulfilling the goals set in , among others , Agenda 21 and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( 1993 ). Gender differences in consumption patterns and their environmental impact have so far been poorly investigated . Gender differ ences in traveling patterns in Sweden are explored using data from the National Travel Survey . Such differences are shown to be large , both in terms of distances traveled , modes of transport , and energy consumption and in terms of emissions of CO 2 . The average CO 2 emissions from mens ' mode of transportation was 53 higher during 1996 compared to the CO 2 emissions from womens' mode of transpor tation during the same year . This is due to the fact that men travel farther , but also because men travel with more energy - demanding vehicles than women . It is argued that those differences cannot be explained by differences in employment rate , but possibly by differences in sectors of employment , holder of a driving license , income , and car ownership . Gender differences in social and cultural aspects affecting environmental impacts from consumption patterns and lifestyles should not be ignored in further work for a sustainable society .
机译:解决不可持续的消费模式是实现《21世纪议程》和《联合国气候变化框架公约》(1993年)等目标的重要目标。迄今为止,对消费模式的性别差异及其对环境的影响研究甚少。使用国家旅行调查的数据探讨了瑞典旅行模式中的性别差异。这种差异在行驶距离、运输方式、能源消耗和二氧化碳排放方面都表现出很大。1996年,男通方式的平均CO2排放量比同年女通方式的CO2排放量高出53%。这是因为 男人走得更远 ,但也因为男人比女人旅行时精力更充沛 - 要求车辆 。有人认为,这些差异不能用就业率的差异来解释,而可能是用就业部门、驾驶执照持有人、收入和汽车拥有量的差异来解释。在为可持续社会而开展的进一步工作中,不应忽视影响消费模式和生活方式对环境影响的社会和文化方面的性别差异。




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