首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied polymer science >Kinetics and mechanism of the alkali‐catalyzedp‐cresol–formaldehyde reaction

Kinetics and mechanism of the alkali‐catalyzedp‐cresol–formaldehyde reaction




AbstractThe kinetics of the reaction ofp‐cresol with formaldehyde in relation to the functionality ofp‐cresol using NaOH as catalyst has been studied at temperatures of (65 ± 0.05)°C, (70 ± 0.05)°C, (75 ± 0.05)°C, and (80 ± 0.05)°C. The pH maintained was 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 9.4, and 10.0. The reaction follows a second‐order rate law. The rate was found to increase with increase in pH. The stepwise rate constants (k1andk2) for the formation of monomethylol‐p‐cresol and dimethylol‐p‐cresol, respectively, were calculated from the overall rate constantk. The values of Arrhenius parameters and the entropy of activation for the overall as well as the stepwise reactions were calculated. The experimental and calculated values ofkat pH 10.0 and temperatures 65, 70, 75, and 80°C were found to agree well within experimental errors. A mechanism conforming to the energies and entropies of activation of the
机译:摘要研究了以NaOH为催化剂的对甲酚与甲醛反应的动力学与对甲酚官能团的关系,研究了在(65 ± 0.05)°C、(70 ± 0.05)°C、(75 ± 0.05)°C和(80 ± 0.05)°C的温度下。 维持的pH值分别为7.0、8.0、9.0、9.4和10.0。反应遵循二阶速率定律。发现该速率随着pH值的增加而增加。分别根据总速率常数k计算形成单羟甲基对甲酚和二羟甲基对甲酚的逐步速率常数(k1andk2)。计算了整体反应和逐步反应的阿伦尼乌斯参数值和活化熵。kat pH 10.0 和温度 65、70、75 和 80°C 的实验值和计算值在实验误差范围内非常吻合。一种符合激活能量和熵的机制




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