首页> 外文期刊>journal of school health >Is School Vision Screening Effective?

Is School Vision Screening Effective?




ABSTRACT:A population‐based cohort of all children entering kindergarten in a three‐year period (N = 2,938) was followed retrospectively from kindergarten through 12th grade to estimate incidence of abnormal school vision screening tests and rates of follow‐up by community ophthalmologists or optometrists. Overall 28 of children had at least one abnormal school vision screening test. Abnormal screening with referral increased from 1.2 of five‐year‐olds to 9.1 of 13‐year‐olds. Overall, 91 of children referred had further evaluation by eye care professionals. However, visits to an eye care professional often were delayed; median time was 0.8 years for children seeing an ophthalmologist and 1.8 years for children seeing an optometrist. Results support the continued use of simple visual acuity screening in schools. Consideration should be given to screening children beyond age 12 and developing methods to increase the rapidity of parental response to referral re
机译:摘要: 回顾性地跟踪了从幼儿园到 12 年级三年内所有进入幼儿园的儿童 (N = 2,938) 的基于人群的队列,以估计学校视力筛查测试异常的发生率和社区眼科医生或验光师的随访率。总体而言,28%的儿童至少进行了一次异常的学校视力筛查测试。转诊筛查异常率从 5 岁儿童的 1.2% 增加到 13 岁儿童的 9.1%。总体而言,91%的转诊儿童接受了眼科护理专业人员的进一步评估。然而,去看眼科护理专业人员经常被推迟;儿童看眼科医生的中位时间为 0.8 年,儿童看验光师的中位时间为 1.8 年。研究结果支持在学校继续使用简单的视力筛查。应考虑对 12 岁以上的儿童进行筛查,并制定方法提高父母对转诊反应的快速性




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