首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Studies onRubia akane(RA) derivatives. Part 8. Design, syntheses and antitumour activity of cyclic hexapeptide RA analogues possessing an alkyl substituent on the Tyr-3 aromatic ring

Studies onRubia akane(RA) derivatives. Part 8. Design, syntheses and antitumour activity of cyclic hexapeptide RA analogues possessing an alkyl substituent on the Tyr-3 aromatic ring

机译:茜草(RA)衍生物的研究.第 8 部分。在Tyr-3芳环上具有烷基取代基的环状六肽RA类似物的设计、合成和抗肿瘤活性



Studies on Rubia akane (RA) derivatives. Part 8.l Design, syntheses rnand antitumour activity of cyclic hexapeptide RA analogues possessing an alkyl substituent on the Tyr-3 aromatic ring Yukio Hitotsuyanagi,"Suguru Lee,"Izumi Ito," Kazuyuki Kondo," Koichi Takeya," Takehiro Yamagishi,b Takatoshi Nagate and Hideji Itokawa *ic,a a Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science, Horinouchi, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-03, Japan Medicinal Research Laboratories, Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Yoshino-cho, Ohmiya-shi, Saitama 330, Japan The effective conversion of RA-VII 1 into the naturally less-accessible RA-I14 has been devised through boron tribromide bis-0-demethylation and successive selective partial 0-methylation using diazo(trimethylsily1)methane. The O-triflate 11 prepared from RA-I14 was subjected to cross-coupling reaction with alkylstannanes to produce analogues 12,13 and 15, while compounds 13 and 15 were later converted into analogues 14 and 16, respectively.Analogues 12-16 showed antitumour activity against P-388 leukaemia both in vitro and in vivo. Introduction RA-VII 1 and bouvardin (NSC 259968) 2 are a class of antitumour bicyclic hexapeptides isolated from Rubiaceae plants. Owing to their promising antitumour activity in addition to their unique mode of action-inhibition of protein synthesis through interaction with eukaryotic 80 S ribosomes 4-peptide 1 is currently undergoing clinical trials in Japan as an anticancer agent. Their unique cycloisodityrosine structure has attracted much attention from synthetic chemists,6 and two total syntheses of compound 1 have been accomplished.7*8 A previous structure-activity relation study ' and biotransformations lo*ll of these peptides revealed that the methoxy group of the Tyr-3 residue is very important for such activity.When this methoxy group is substituted by a hydrogen atom (e.g. compound 3) or a hydroxy group (e.g. RA-I1 4), their cytotoxicity is reduced by -100 to 1000 times.' Also, this 0-demethylation has been identified as a metabolic pathway for these pep tide^.^"^'^*' In spite of such importance, no effort has been made thus far to modify the substituents of Tyr-3 because of the difficulties associated with the selective manipulation of this residue. We proposed that substitution of this methoxy group by an alkyl group, especially a sterically very similar ethyl group, would produce an analogue which possesses metabolic stability and might express more pronounced in uiuo antitumour activity. We report here on the syntheses of these analogues-and their in uitro and in uivo antitumour activities.Results and discussion We considered that RA-I1 4,12 possessing a hydroxy group at the 4 position of the Tyr-3 residue, would be a suitable precursor for these transformations. However, because of the very small amount (0.000025 of the dry roots of Rubia cordifolia) of compound 4 in the plant, an alternative access route from the more available RA-VII 1 or RA-V 5 (total -0.01) had to be devised.We first examined the selective 0-demethylation at the Tyr-3 residue of RA-VII 1under various conditions. However, the use of Lewis acid reagents (e.g.AlCl,, BCl,, BBr, or BI,) under selected conditions gave mainly RA-V 5, and an excess of these reagents resulted in di-0- demethylated product 6. The addition of nucleophiles such as A'a-2 Me9y=-:-3 HN Me Me--Fo >Me Ala-4 D-Ma-1 0 Ty-5Tyr-6 0 1; R' = R3 =OMe. R2 =H 2 R' =OMe, R2 =R3 =OH 3; R'=R2=H,R3=OMe 4; R' =OH, R2 =H. R3 = OMe 5; R' =OMe, R2 =H, R3 =OH 6; R'=R3=OH,R2=H 11; R' =OSOzCF3,R2 =H, R3 =OMe 12; R' =Me, R2 =H, R3 =OMe 13; R' =vinyl, R2 =H. R3 =OMe 14; R' =Et,R2 =H, R3 =OMe 15; R' =allyl, R2 =H, R3 =OMe 16; R' =R, Rz =H. R3 =OMe OR' QJR2 Me 7; R~=R~=H 8; R' =H, R2 =OMe 9; R'=Me,R2=H 10; R' =Me, R2 =OMe ethanethiol did not yield favourable selectivity.Other 0-demethylating reagents such as iodotrimethylsilane resulted in decomposition of the substrate. We next attempted the selective Tyr-6 0-methylation of the di-0-nor derivative 6 which was effectively obtained after slightly modifying previous condi- tions '(7 mole equivalents of boron tribromide in dichlorometh- J. Chem. SOC., Perkin Trans. 1 213 ane) in 74 yield. Initial attempts using iodomethane or dimethyl sulfate with potassium carbonate or sodium hydride under various conditions yielded little or non-selective 0-methylation. However, we found that diazo(trimethylsily1)meth-ane under modified Shioiri conditions l3 afforded the desired product RA-I1 4 predominantly, with optimised conditions.The best result was obtained when compound 6 was treated with 1.7 rnol equiv. of diazo(trimethylsily1)methane in the presence of 4-(dimethy1amino)pyridine (DMAP) (1.7 rnol equiv.) in acetonitrile-methanol (10: 1) at room temperature for 21 h which produced RA-114, RA-VII 1 and RA-V 5 in yields of 68, 19 and 4, respectively.? Although this selectivity of 0-methylation is rather unexpected, the reaction appears to have some generalities. When equimolar amounts of 4-methylphenol 7 and 2-methoxy-4-methylphenol 8 were treated with 1.7 mol equiv. of diazo(trimethylsily1)methane under the same condi- tions, yields of 38 for 4-methylanisole 9 and 60 of 3,4- dimethoxytoluene 10 were obtained, and 51 of substrate 7 and 31 of substrate 8 was recovered.The more pronounced selectivity observed for compound 6 might be attributed to the strained 14-membered ring structure which deforms the Tyr-6 aromatic ring and would enhance the reactivity of the hydroxy group attached to this ring. Introduction of the alkyl group was conducted through cross-coupling reactions of various alkylstannanes with RA- I1 0-triflate 11 which was prepared by the reaction of RA-I1 4 with N-phenyltrifluoromethanesulfonimide in quantitative yield. Compound 11 was first treated with tetramethyltin in the presence of dichlorobis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(rI) and lithium chloride to produce the methyl analogue 12 in 82 yield.However, attempted direct introduction of an ethyl group using tetraethyltin under the same conditions was unsuccessful. Thus, the more reactive tributylvinyltin was used to produce the vinyl analogue 13 (87), which was hydrogenated over palladium on carbon to furnish the ethyl analogue 14 in 92 yield. Similarly, the ally1 analogue 15 was prepared (78) from compound 11 using allyltributyltin, and was then converted into the propyl analogue 16 in 82 yield. Cytotoxicity and in uiuo antitumour activity of the prepared compounds including resynthesized analogue 3 for comparison were evaluated using P-388 leukaemia cells, and the results are summarised in Table I. The prepared alkyl analogues 12-16 are less cytotoxic than RA-VII 1, but more than ten times as toxic as the unsubstituted analogue 3.in uiuo Antitumour activity (P-388 cells) almost parallels the cytotoxicity. Although all alkyl analogues 12-16 showed antitumour activity, none of them exceeded the activity of RA-VII 1. The unsubstituted analogue 3 showed no activity. These results suggest that the alkyl group at position 6on the Tyr-3 residue produces a similar effect on the activity as a methoxy group, and this appendage site is responsible for the potentiation of the activity. In spite of the close structural similarities in steric bulkiness between an ethyl group and a methoxy group, the inferior activity of compound 15 compared with RA-VII 1 might be explained by the differences between their electric field potential around this region and/or different metabolic pathways in uiuo.1 Experimenta1 Organic solutions, dried over Na,S04, were evaporated under an aspirator vacuum with a rotary evaporator. Medium-pressure liquid chromatography (MPLC) was performed with t Although we have disclosed the predominant formation of RA-I1 4 using diazomethane in a previous communication,' the results are inconsistent and less reproducible due to the difficulty in controlling the stoichiometry of the reagent. $ Although the 14-membered cycloisodityrosine moiety (Tyr-5 and Tyr-6) has been proposed to be the pharmacophore for this class of antitumour agent~,*~.l~ this work suggests that the Tyr-3 residue is also very important for the activity both in uitro and in viuo.214 J, Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 1 Table 1 Cytotoxicity and in uiuo antitumour activity of RA analogues against P-388 leukaemia Antitumour activity (t/c) Dose Compound Cytotoxicity IC,," 0.4 1.6 6.25 1' 0.0013 144 152 Toxic 3 0.22' 92 100 101 12 0.018 105 121 149 13 0.0 13 100 110 127 14 0.0072 108 120 151 15 0.0039 I02 130 130 16 0.020 109 121 149 pg ~m-~.mg kg-'. 'Ref. 9. a Kusano C.I.G. system. Dichloromethane was distilled from calcium hydride. Mps were taken on a Yanagimoto melting point apparatus and are uncorrected. Optical rotations were measured on a JASCO DIP-360 digital polarimeter and are recorded in units of lo-' deg cm2 g-'. IR spectra were recorded on a JASCO A-302 spectrophotometer.NMR spectra were measured on a Bruker AM 400 spectrometer. 'H Chemical shifts are referenced in CDC1, to residual CHC1, (7.26 ppm); 13C chemical shifts are referenced to the solvent (CDCl,, 77.03). J Values are given in Hz. Mass spectra were taken using a VG AutoSpecE spectrometer. 0-Methylation of di-0-norRA-VII 6 with diazo(trimethylsily1)- methane To a solution of compound 6 (65.3 mg, 0.088 mmol) and DMAP (18.3 mg, 0.15 mmol) in acetonitrile-MeOH (9: 1; 1 cm3) was added a 2 rnol dmP3 solution of diazo(trimethylsily1)- methane in hexane (0.075 cm3, 0.15 mmol), and the mixture was stirred at room temperature for 21 h. Acetic acid (0.5 cm3) was added to the mixture, which was then concentrated under reduced pressure.The residue was chromatographed on a silica gel column with CH,Cl,-MeOH (10: 1) as eluent and then separated by MPLC with CH,Cl,-EtOAc-MeOH (12:2: 1) to give RA-VII 1 (13.2 mg, 19), RA-V 5 (2.6 mg, 4) and RA-I1 4 (45.3 mg, 68). Compounds 1, 4 and 5 were confirmed by direct comparison with authentic samples. 0-Methylation of the phenols 7 and 8 using diazo(trimethy1- si1yl)methane To a solution of 4-methylphenol 7 (108 mg, 1.0 mmol), 2- methoxy-4-methylphenol 8 (138 mg, 1.0 mmol) and DMAP (208 mg, 1.7 mmol) in acetonitrile-MeOH (9: 1; 20 cm3) was added a 2 rnol dm-, solution of diazo(trimethylsily1)methane in hexane (0.85 cm3, 1.7 mmol), and the mixture was stirred at room temperature for 24 h. Acetic acid (2 cm3) was added to the mixture, which was then concentrated under slightly reduced pressure.The residue was chromatographed on silica gel (MPLC) with CH,Cl,-hexane (1:l) as eluent and then with hexane-CH,Cl,-tetrahydrofuran (THF) (1 5 :2 : l), to provide 4-methylanisole 9 (46.4mg, 38) and 3,4-dimethoxytoluene 10 (91.6 mg, 60), and 51 (54.7 mg) of initial substrate 7 and 31 (43.2 mg) of initial substrate 8 were recovered. The structures of the obtained materials were confirmed by comparison of their 'H NMR (400 MHz) spectra and TLC mobility with those of authentic samples. RA-I1 0-triflate 11 A mixture of RA-I1 4 (80.5 mg, 0.11 mmol), N-phenyltri- fluoromethanesulfonimide (1 89.6 mg, 0.53 mmol), Et,N (0.074 cm3, 0.53 mmol) and CH,C1, (4 cm3) was stirred at room temperature for 26 h.The mixture was diluted with CH,Cl,, washed successively with water, 1 mol dm-, HCl and brine, and dried over Na,SO,. The solvent was evaporated off under reduced pressure to leave a residue, which was purified using MPLC (SiO,) with CH,Cl,-AcOEt-MeOH (15 :2 :1) as eluent to give the trijate 11 as an amorphous powder (94.0 mg, 99); vmaX(CHCl,)/cm-' 3425, 3040, 1680, 1640, 1510, 1425, 1270 and 1150; 6,(400 MHz; CDCl,; major conformer) 1.10 (3 H, d, J6.7, Ala-4 P-H3), 1.31 (3 H, d, J7.0, D-Ala-1 P-H3), 1.32 (3 H, d, J 7.0, Ala-2 B-H,), 2.64 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 3.1, Tyr-5 P-Ha), 2.69 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 NMe), 2.92 (3 H, s, Tyr-3 NMe), 2.95 (1 H, dd, J 18.0 and 3.8, Tyr-6 8-Hb), 3.10 (1 H, dd, J 18.0 and 1 1.8, Tyr-6 8-Ha), 3.12 (3 H, s, Tyr-5 NMe), 3.45 (1 H, dd, J 13.9 and 10.6, Tyr-3 8-Ha), 3.50 (1 H, dd, J 13.9 and 5.0, Tyr-3 p-Hb), 3.62 (1 H, dd, J 10.6 and 5.0, Tyr-3 a-H), 3.67 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 1 1.3, Tyr-5 p-Hb), 3.93 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 OMe), 4.34 (1 H, d, J 2.0, Tyr-6 6-Hb),4.37 (1 H, qd, J 7.0 and 6.8, D-Ala- 1 a-H), 4.54(1 H,dd, J11.8and3.8,Tyr-6a-H),4.75(1H,dq, J7.6and 6.7, Ala-4 a-H), 4.84 (1 H, dq, J8.2 and 7.0, Ala-2 a-H), 5.41 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 3.1, Tyr-5 a-H), 6.45 (1 H, d, J6.8, D-Ala-1 NH),6.56(1 H,d, J8.2,Ala-2NH),6.57(1 H,dd, J8.4and2.0, Tyr-66-Ha),6.74(1 H,d, J7.6,Ala-4NH),6.80(1 H,d, J8.4, Tyr-6 E-H), 6.87 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.4, Tyr-5 -Ha), 7.18-7.28 (6 H, m, Tyr-3 6-and E-H,, and Tyr-5 6-Ha and -Hb) and 7.41 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.2, Tyr-5 6-Hb); 6,(100 MHz; major conformer) D-Ala-1 (20.598, 47.53~, 170.63 CO), Ala-2 (16.308, 44.36a, 172.78 CO), Tyr-3 (33.088, 39.69 NMe, 67.70a, 118.59 CF,, 121.36~, 130.976, 139.57y, 148.196, 167.52 CO), Ala-4 (18.258,46.32~, 172.15 CO), Tyr-5 (30.42 NMe, 36.798, 54.22a, 124.08", 125.80~~, 130.826b, 132.626", 135.05y, 158.096, 169.20 CO) and Tyr-6 (29.18 NMe, 35.378, 56.02 OMe, 57.22a, 112.24~", 113.27tib, 120.846", 128.00y, 146.385, 152.96cb, 171.41 CO); m/z 889 (M + l', 10) and 121 (100); HR-FAB-MS Found: (M + H), 889.3066.C,,H,,F,N,O,,S (M + H) requires m/z,889.30541. N, 300 "C (from MeOH); .ID -209.8 (c 0.49, CHCI,); v,,,(KBr)/cm-' 3390, 3320, 2940, 1670, 1620, 1500, 1445, 1410, 1265, 1210, 1130 and 1100; 6,(400 MHz; CDCl,; major conformer) 1.11 (3 H, d, J 6.7, Ala-4 D-H,), 1.30 (3 H, d, J 6.9, D-Ala-1 P-H,), 1.35 (3 H, d, J 6.9, Ala-2 0-H,), 2.32 (3 H, s, Tyr-3 q-H3), 2.64 (1 H, dd, J 11.3, 3.0, Tyr-5 8-Ha), 2.69 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 NMe), 2.84 (3 H, s, Tyr-3 NMe), 2.95 (1 H, dd, J 18.6 and 3.9, Tyr-6 8-Hb), 3.09 (1 H, dd, J 18.6 and 11.9, Tyr-6 8-Ha), 3.12 (3 H, s, Tyr-5 NMe), 3.35 (1 H, dd, J 12.9 and 10.8, Tyr-3 8-Ha), 3.39 (1 H, dd, J 12.9 and 4.9, Tyr-3 p-Hb), 3.60 (1 H dd, J 10.8 and 4.9, Tyr-3 a-H), 3.67 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 11.3, Tyr-5 8-H), 3.93 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 OMe), 4.34 (1 H, d, J 2.0, Tyr-6 6-Hb), 4.36 (1 H, dq, J 7.1 and 6.9, D-Ala-1 a-H), 4.54 (1 H,dd, J11.9and3.9,Tyr-6a-H),4.75(1H,dq, J7.6and6.7, Ala-4 a-H), 4.84 (1 H, dq, J 8.4 and 6.9, Ala-2 a-H), 5.42 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 3.0, Tyr-5 a-H), 6.40 (1 H, d, J 8.4, Ala-2 NH), 6.44 (1 H, d, J7.1, D-Ala-1 NH), 6.57 (1 H, dd, J8.4 and 2.0, Tyr-66-Ha),6.71 (1 H,d, J7.6,Ala-4NH),6.80(1 H,d, J8.4, Tyr-6 E-H), 6.87 (1 H, dd, J8.4 and 2.4, Tyr-5 -Ha), 7.01 (2 H, d-like, J 7.8, Tyr-3 E- or 6-H,), 7.09 (2 H, d-like, J 7.8, Tyr-3 6-or E-H,), 7.20 (1 H, dd, J8.4 and 2.4, Tyr-5 -Hb), 7.26 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.2, Tyr-5 Ha) and 7.42 (I H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.2, Tyr-5 6-Hb); 6,( 100 MHz; CDCI,; major conformer) D-Ala-1 (20.628,47.67~, 170.61 CO), Ala-2(16.410,44.43~, 172.51 CO), Tyr-3 (20.95q, 33.00p, 39.72 NMe, 68.20a, 129.09~, 129.206, 135.536, 136.07y, 168.08 CO), Ala-4 (18.368, 46.31a, 172.19 CO), Tyr-5 (30.44 NMe, 36.858, 54.21~, 124.11~", 125.82~~, 130.906b, 132.696", 135.13y, 158.126, 169.25 CO) and Tyr-6 (29.23 NMe, 35.438, 56.08 OMe, 57.27~, 112.26~", 113.33?jb, 120.866", 128.12~, 146.416, 153.02cb, 171.65 CO); HR-FAB- MS Found: (M + H), 755.3807.C,,H,,N,O, (M + H) requires m/z,755.37681. N-Methyl-6-vinylphenylalanine-31RA-VII 13 To a solution of triflate 11 (62.3 mg, 0.070 mmol) in DMF (1.6 cm3) were added lithium chloride (30.6 mg, 0.72 mmol), dichlorobis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(rr) (49.3 mg, 0.070 mmol) and tributyl(viny1)tin (0.154 cm3, 0.53 mmol), and the mixture was stirred at 80 "C for 49 h. The mixture was then diluted with CH,Cl,, passed through a Celite pad, washed with saturated aq. NaCl, and dried over Na,SO,. The solvent was evaporated off under reduced pressure to leave a residue, which was purified using MPLC (SiO,) with CH,Cl,-AcOEt-MeOH (15:2 :1) as eluent to give compound 13as a crystalline powder (47.0 mg, 87); mp 257-261 "C (from MeOH); .ID -215.3 (c 0.71, CHCl,); v,,,(KBr)/cm-' 3390, 3310, 2940, 1670, 1625, 1510, 1445, 1410, 1265, 1210, 1135 and 1100; 6,(400 MHz; CDCl,; major conformer) 1.08 (3 H, d, J 6.7, Ala-4 8-H,), 1.28 (3 H, d, J 6.7, D-Ala-1 8-H,), 1.33 (3 H, d, J 6.8, Ala-2 8-H3), 2.63 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 2.5, Tyr-5 8-Ha), 2.68 (3 H, d, Tyr-6 NMe), 2.85 (3 H, s, Tyr-3 NMe), 2.94 (1 H, m, Tyr-6 p-Hb), 3.07 (1 H, m, Tyr-6 8-Ha), 3.10 (3 H, s, Tyr-5 NMe), 3.31-3.43 (2 H, m, Tyr-3 P-H,), 3.6 1 (1 H, dd, J 11.1 and 5.3, Tyr-3 a-H), 3.66 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 11.3, Tyr-5 p-Hb), 3.91 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 OMe), 4.32 (1 H, s-like, Tyr-6 6-Hb), 4.39 (1 H, dq, J 6.7 and 6.7, D-Ala-1 a-H), 4.54 (1 H, dd, J 11.8 and 3.6, Tyr-6 a-H), 4.75 (1 H, dq, J 7.7 and 6.7, Ala-4 a-H),4.79 (1 H, m, Ala-2 a-H), 5.2 1 (1 H, dd, J 11.0 and 1.4, Tyr-3 Ha), 5.40 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 2.5, Tyr-5a-H),5.70(1H,dd,J17.6and1.4,Tyr-38-Hb),6.49(1H, d, J 6.7, D-Ala-1 NH), 6.56 (2 H, d-like, J 8.3, Tyr-6 E-H and Ala-2 NH), 6.67 (1 H, ddd, J 17.6, 11.0 and 1.4, Tyr-3 q-H), 6.73 (1 H, d, J 7.7, Ala-4 NH), 6.78 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 1.8, Tyr-6 Ha), 6.85 (1 H, m, Tyr-5 -Ha), 7.08 (2 H, d-like, J 8.0, Tyr-3 6-H2), 7.19 (1 H, m, Tyr-5 E-H~), 7.24 (1 H, m, Tyr-5 6-Ha), 7.32 (2 H, d-like, J 8.0, Tyr-3 E-H,) and 7.40 (1 H, m, Tyr-5 6-Hb); 6,(100 MHz, major conformer) D-Ala-1 (20.628, 47.76a, 170.67 CO), Ala-2 (16.498, 44.50a, 172.64 CO), Tyr-3 (33.328,39.80NMe,68.16a, 113.538,126.41~, 129.446,136.07~, 136.38q, 138.506, 167.94 CO), Ala-4 (18.408, 46.39~, 172.24 CO), Tyr-5 (30.48 NMe, 36.928, 54.27a, 124.18~", 125.87cb, 130.92tjb, 132.73tia, 135.19, 158.226, 169.30 CO) and Tyr-6 (29.26 NMe, 35.498, 56.16 OMe, 57.36~1, 112.40~", 113.446b, 120.916", 128.21y, 146.516, 153.13~~, 171.68 CO); HR-FAB-MS Found: (M + H), 767.3807.C,,H,,N,O, (M + H) requires m/z,767.37681. 6-Ethyl-N-methylphenylalanine-3RA-VII14 Palladium (10) on activated carbon (61 mg) was added to a solution of the styrene 13 (60.3 mg, 0.079 mmol) in EtOH (15 cm3), and the mixture was stirred vigorously at room temperature for 1 h under hydrogen.The mixture was filtered, and the filtrate was concentrated under reduced pressure. The residue was chromatographed on silica gel (MPLC) with CH,Cl,-AcOEt-MeOH (12 :2 :1) to provide compound 14 as a crystalline powder (55.8 mg, 92); mp 234234°C (from MeOH); alD -208.1 (c 0.54, CHCl,); v,,,(KBr)/cm-' 3400, 3330,2950,1670, 1620, 1510,1445, 1410, 1265, 1210, 1130and 1100; 6,(400 MHz; CDCl,; major conformer) 1.10 (3 H, d, J 6.6, Ala-4 P-H,), 1.21 (3 H, t, J7.6, Tyr-3 8-H,), 1.30 (3 H, d, J 6.9, D-Ala-1 8-H3), 1.35 (3 H, d, J6.9, Ala-2 P-H,), 2.59 (2 H, q, J7.6, Tyr-3 q-H,), 2.66 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 2.9, Tyr-5 8-Ha), 2.68 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 NMe), 2.83 (3 H, s, Tyr-3, NMe), 2.94 (I H, dd, J 18.3 and 3.8, Tyr-6 p-Hb), 3.09 (1 H, dd, J 18.3 and 11.9, Tyr-6 8-Ha), 3.12 (3 H, s, Tyr-5 NMe), 3.34 (1 H, dd, J 13.8 and 10.9, Tyr-3 8-Ha), 3.39 (1 H, dd, J 13.8 and 4.7, Tyr-3 p-Hb), J.Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. I 215 3.60 (1 H, dd, J 10.9 and 4.7, Tyr-3 a-H), 3.67 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 11.3, Tyr-5 8-Hb), 3.92 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 OMe), 4.33 (1 H, J 1.8, Tyr-6 6-Hb),4.37 (1 H, qd, J 6.9 and 6.7, D-Ala-1 a-H), 4.54 (1 H, dd, J 11.9 and 3.8, Tyr-6 a-H), 4.75 (1 H, J7.6 and 6.6, Ala-4 a-H), 4.83 (1 H, dq, J 8.0 and 6.9 Ala-2 a-H), 5.41 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 2.9, Tyr-5 a-H), 6.45 (1 H, d, J 6.7, D-Ala-1 NH), 6.52 (1 H, d, J 8.0 Ala-2 NH), 6.57 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 1.8, Tyr-6 -Ha), 6.71 (1 H, d, J7.6, Ala-4NH), 6.79 (1 H, d, J8.4, Tyr-6 E-H), 6.86 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.3, Tyr-5 -Ha), 7.04 (2 H, d-like, J 7.8, Tyr-3 6-or E-H,), 7.1 1 (2 H, d-like, J 7.8, Tyr-3 E-or 6-H,), 7.20 (I H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.3, Tyr-5 E-H~), 7.26 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.1, Tyr-5 Ha) and 7.42 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.1, Tyr-5 6-Hb); 6, (100 MHz; CDC1,; major conformer) D-Ala-1 (20.688,47.83a, 170.69 CO), Ala-2 (16.588,44.53a, 172.54CO), Tyr-3 (15.628, 28.45q, 33.12p, 39.73 NMe, 68.33a, 128.088, 129.236, 135.92y, 142.676, 168.04 CO), Ala-4 (18.473, 46.41a, 172.25 CO), Tyr-5 (30.51 NMe, 36.97p, 54.25a, 124.22~", 125.90~~,130.986b, 132.786", 135.17y, 158.234, 169.33 CO) and Tyr-6 (29.28 NMe, 35.508, 56.16 OMe, 57.37a, 112.32~", 113.406b, 120.926", 128.18y, 146.526, 153.13cb, 171.77 CO); HR-FAB-MS Found: (M + H), 769.3947. C42H53N608 (M + H) requires m/z,769.39251.l,-Allyl-N-methylphenylalanine-3RA-VII 15 To a solution of triflate 11 (48.3 mg, 0.054 mmol) in DMF (1 cm3) were added lithium chloride (24.0 mg, 0.57 mmol), dichlorobis(triphenylphosphine)palladium(II) (39.0 mg, 0.056 mmol) and allyltributyltin (0.17 cm3, 0.55 mmol), and the mixture was stirred at 80 "C for 55 h. The mixture was diluted with CH,Cl,, passed through a Celite pad, washed with saturated aq. NaC1, and dried over Na,S04. The solvent was evaporated off under reduced pressure to leave a residue, which was purified using MPLC (SiO,) with CH,Cl,-AcOEt-MeOH (12 :2 :1) as eluent to give compound 15 as a crystalline powder (33.2 mg, 78), mp 224-227 "c(from MeOH); aD -159.7 (c 0.50, CHCl,); v,,,(KBr)/cm-' 3390, 3310, 2940, 1665, 1625, 1510, 1500, 1440, 1410, 1265, 1200, 1160, 1135 and 1100; 6,(400 MHz; CDCl,; major conformer) 1.09 (3 H, d, J 6.9, Ala-4 8-H3), 1.29 (3 H, d, J6.9, D-Ala-1 P-H,), 1.34 (3 H, d, J 6.9, Ala-2 8-H3), 2.65 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 3.0, Tyr-5 8-Ha), 2.68 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 NMe), 2.83 (3 H, s, Tyr-3 NMe), 2.95 (1 H, dd, J 18.0 and 3.7, Tyr-6 p-Hb), 3.08 (1 H, dd, J 18.0 and 11.9, Tyr-6 8-Ha), 3.1 1 (3 H, s, Tyr-5 NMe), 3.30-3.41 (4 H, m, Tyr-3 p-and q-H,), 3.60 (1 H, dd, J 10.8 and 4.7, Tyr-3 a-H), 3.66 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 11.3, Tyr-5 p-Hb), 3.92 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 OMe), 4.33 (1 H, d, J 1.7, Tyr-6 6-Hb), 4.38 (1 H, qd, J6.9 and 6.7, D-Ala-1 a-H), 4.54 (1 H, dd, J 11.9 and 3.7, Tyr-6 a-H), 4.76 (1 H, dq, J 7.6 and 6.9, Ala-4 a-H), 4.82 (1 H, dq, J 7.9 and 6.9, Ala-2 a-H), 4.99-5.07(2H,rn,Tyr-31-H2),5.41(1 H,dd,Jl1.4and3.0,Tyr-5 a-H), 5.94 (1 H, m, Tyr-3 0-H), 6.44 (1 H, d, J 6.7, D-Ala-1 NH), 6.51 (1 H,d, J7.9,Ala-2NH), 6.57(1 H,dd, J8.4and 1.7,Tyr-6 Ha), 6.71 (1 H,d, J7.6,Ala-4NH), 6.79(1 H,d, J8.4, Tyr-6 E-H), 6.86 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.3, Tyr-5 -Ha), 7.04 (2 H, d-like, J 7.8, Tyr-3 E-or 6-H,), 7.09 (2 H, d-like, J 7.8, Tyr-3 6-or E-H,), 7.20(1 H,dd, J8.4and2.3,Tyr-5 -Hb),7.25(l H,dd, J8.4and 2.1, Tyr-5 Ha) and 7.41 (1 H, dd, J8.4 and 2.1, Tyr-5 6-Hb);6, (100 MHz; major conformer) D-Ala-1 (20.688, 47.77a, 170.66 CO), Ala-2 (16.578, 44.49a, 172.47 CO), Tyr-3 (33.12P, 39.73q and NMe, 68.26a, 115.751, 128.82~, 129.326, 136.48y, 137.368, 138.395, 167.98 CO), Ala-4 (18.458, 46.37a, 172.21 CO), Tyr-5 (30.48 NMe, 36.948, 54.22a, 124.18~", 125.86~~, 130.96Zib, 132.756", 135.16y, 158.185, 169.29 CO) and Tyr-6 (29.25 NMe, 35.488, 56.13 OMe, 57.33a, 112.29~", 113.37lib, 120.896", 128.14y, 146.481;, 153.09~~, 171.71 CO); HR-FAB-MS Found: (M + H), 781.3937.C4,H5,N6O8 (M + H) requires m/z, 781.39251. N-Methyl-~-propylphenylalanine-3R A-VII 16 Palladium (10) on activated carbon (31 mg) was added to a solution of compound 15 (30.3 mg, 0.039 mmol) in EtOH 216 J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 1 (8 cm3), and the mixture was stirred vigorously at room temperature for 1.5 h under hydrogen. The mixture was filtered, and the filtrate was concentrated under reduced pressure.The residue was chromatographed on silica gel (MPLC) with CH,CI,-AcOEt-MeOH (12 :2 :1) as eluent to provide compound 16 as a crystalline powder (25.0 mg, 8279, mp 235-238°C (from MeOH); aD -200.3 (c 0.51, CHCl,); v,,,(KBr)/cm-l 3390, 3320,2940, 1670, 1620, 1510, 1440, 1405, 1265, 1130 and 1100; 6,(400 MHz; CDCl,; major conformer) 0.90 (3 H, t, J7.3, Tyr-3 1-H3),1.09 (3 H, d, J6.7, Ala-4 P-H,), 1.29 (3 H, d, J 6.9, D-Ala-1 P-H3), 1.34 (3 H, d, J 6.9, Ala-2 8-H3), 1.61 (2 H, m, Tyr-3 0-H,), 2.55 (2 H, t-like, J7.5, Tyr-3 q-H,), 2.64 (1 H, dd, J 1 1.3 and 3.0, Tyr-5 P-Ha), 2.68 (3 H, s, Tyr-6NMe), 2.83 (3 H, s, Tyr-3NMe), 2.95 (1 H, dd, J 17.8 and 3.7, Tyr-6 8-Hb), 3.08 (1 H, dd, J 17.8 and 12.0, Tyr-6 P-Ha),3.1 1 (3 H, s, Tyr-5 NMe), 3.34 (1 H, dd, J 13.9 and 10.7, Tyr-3 P-Ha), 3.38 (1 H, dd, J 13.9 and 5.0, Tyr-3 P-Hb), 3.61 (1 H, dd, J 10.7 and 5.0, Tyr-3 a-H), 3.66 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 11.3, Tyr-5 P-Hb), 3.92(3 H,s,Tyr-6OMe), 4.34(1 H,d, J2.0,Tyr-66-Hb),4.39(1 H, dq, J6.9 and 6.9, D-Ala-1 a-H), 4.55 (1 H, dd, J 12.0 and 3.7, Tyr-6 a-H), 4.75 (1 H, dq, J 7.6 and 6.7, Ala-4 a-H), 4.82 (1 H, dq, J8.1 and6.9,Ala-2a-H), 5.41 (1 H,dd, J11.3and3.0,Tyr-5 a-H), 6.52 (1 H, d, J 6.9, D-Ala-1 NH), 6.56 (1 H, d, J 8.1, Ala-2 NH), 6.57 (1 H, dd, J8.3 and 2.0, Tyr-6 -Ha), 6.72 (1 H, d, J 7.6, Ala-4 NH), 6.79 (1 H, d, J 8.3, Tyr-6 E-H), 6.86 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.4, Tyr-5 -Ha), 7.03 (2 H, d-like, J 7.9, Tyr-3 E-or 6-H,), 7.08 (2 H, d-like, J7.9, Tyr-3 6-or E-H,), 7.20 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.4, Tyr-5 8-Hb), 7.25 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.2, Tyr-5 Ha)and 7.41 (1 H, dd, J8.4 and 2.2, Tyr-5 6-Hb); 6,(100 MHz; CDCl,; major conformer) D-Ala-1 (20.67p, 47.75a, 170.71 CO), Ala-2 (16.398, 44.50a, 172.86 CO), Tyr-3 (13.691, 33.088, 37.57q, 39.77NMe,68.37a, 128.708, 129.116, 135.797, 141.071;, 167.97 CO), Ala-4 (18.368, 46.41a, 172.35 CO), Tyr-5 (30.51 NMe, 36.91p, 54.2501, 124.20~", 125.88~~, 130.926b, 132.776", 135.13y, 158.216, 169.30 CO) and Tyr-6 (29.29 NMe, 35.488, 56.14 OMe, 57.33a, 112.29~", 113.42Fb, 120.916", 128.20y, 146.49(, 153.08~~, 171.71 CO); HR-FAB-MS Found: (M + H), 783.4090. C43H55N60, (M + H) requires m/z,783.40811.Cell survival by MTT assay MTT colorimetric assay was performed in a 96-well plate.I6 The assay is dependent on the reduction of MTT by the mito- chondrial dehydrogenase of viable cells to give a blue formazan product which can be measured spectrophotometrically. Mouse P-388 leukaemia cells (2 x lo4 cells cm-,) were inoculated in each well with 0.1 cm3 of RPMI 1640 medium (Gibco, Grand Island, NY) supplemented with 10fetal calf serum (Flow Lab- oratories, UK), 100 units of penicillin and 100 pg cm-3 of streptomycin.After overnight incubation (37 "C; 5 CO,), sample solution (0.1 cm3) was added to each well and the plates were incubated for 2 days. Then MTT (0.05 cm3) (200 pg cm-, PBS) was added to each well and the plates were incubated for a further 4 h. The resulting formazan was dissolved in Me,SO (0.15 cm3).The plates were placed on a plate shaker for 5 min and read immediately at 540 nm. The IC,, (pg cmp3)-value was defined as that concentration of sample which caused 50 reduction of growth in sample-treated cells, with respect to the controls. The IC,,-value was calculated by using the probit test. in vivo Antiturnour activity P-388 murine leukaemia cells (1 x lo6 cells) were inoculated i.p. into female CDF, mice (67 weeks old, control n = 16; test n = 8) on day 0. Samples, suspended in 0.5gum arabic-saline solution, were administered i.p. on days 1-5. The antitumour activity was estimated according to the NCI tumour panel screening method.' ' References 1 Part 7, Y. Hitotsuyanagi, J.Suzuki, Y. Matsumoto, K. Takeya and H. Itokawa, J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. I, 1994, 1887. 2 H. Itokawa, K. Takeya, K. Mihara, N. Mori, T. Hamanaka, T. Sonobe and Y. Iitaka, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 1983, 31, 1424; H. Itokawa, K. Takeya, N. Mori, T. Hamanaka, T. Sonobe and K. Mihara, Chem. Pharm. Bull., 1984,32,284. 3 S. D. Jolad, J. J. Hoffmann, S. J. Torrance, R. M. Wiedhopf, J. R. Cole, S. 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机译:茜草(Rubia akane,RA)衍生物的研究。第 8 部分 l 设计、合成在 Tyr-3 芳香环上具有烷基取代基的环六肽 RA 类似物的 rnand 抗肿瘤活性 Yukio Hitotsuyanagi,“Suguru Lee,”Izumi Ito“,Kazuyuki Kondo,”Koichi Takeya,“Takehiro Yamagishi,b Takatoshi Nagate 和 Hideji Itokawa *ic,a 东京药学与生命科学大学,堀之内,八王子,东京 192-03,日本药物研究实验室, Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Yoshino-cho, Ohmiya-shi, Saitama 330, 日本 通过使用三溴化硼双-0-去甲基化和使用重氮(三甲基硅基1)甲烷的连续选择性部分0-甲基化,将RA-VII 1有效转化为天然难及的RA-I14。由RA-I14制备的O-triflate 11与烷基锡烷发生交叉偶联反应,生成类似物12、13和15,而化合物13和15随后分别转化为类似物14和16。类似物 12-16 在体外和体内均显示出对 P-388 白血病的抗肿瘤活性。引言 RA-VII 1 和 bouvardin (NSC 259968) 2 是从茜草科植物中分离的一类抗肿瘤双环六肽。由于其有前途的抗肿瘤活性,除了其独特的作用方式外,通过与真核生物相互作用抑制蛋白质合成 80 S 核糖体 4-肽 1 目前正在日本作为抗癌剂进行临床试验。其独特的环异二氨酸结构引起了合成化学家的广泛关注,6 并且已经完成了化合物 1 的两次共合成.7*8 先前对这些肽的构效关系研究和生物转化表明,Tyr-3 残基的甲氧基对这种活性非常重要.当该甲氧基被氢原子(例如化合物3)或羟基(例如RA-I1 4)取代时,它们的细胞毒性降低了-100至1000倍。此外,这种 0-去甲基化已被确定为这些 pep tide^.^“^'^*' 的代谢途径,尽管如此重要,但由于与选择性操作该残基相关的困难,迄今为止还没有做出任何努力来修饰 Tyr-3 的取代基。我们提出,用烷基取代这个甲氧基,特别是一个空间上非常相似的乙基,将产生一种具有代谢稳定性的类似物,并可能在uiuo抗肿瘤活性中表达更明显。我们在这里报告了这些类似物的合成 - 以及它们在uitro和uivo中的抗肿瘤活性。结果与讨论 我们认为,在Tyr-3残基的4位具有羟基的RA-I1 4,12将是这些转化的合适前体。但是,由于非常小的量(0.000025% 的 Rubia cordifolia) 化合物 4 的干根),必须设计一条来自更可用的 RA-VII 1 或 RA-V 5(总 -0.01%)的替代通道。我们首先检查了RA-VII 1在各种条件下Tyr-3残基的选择性0-去甲基化。然而,在选定的条件下使用路易斯酸试剂(例如AlCl,,BCl,BBr或BI)主要产生RA-V 5,并且这些试剂的过量导致di-0-去甲基化产物6。亲核试剂的加入,如A'a-2 Me9y=&-:-3 HN Me Me--Fo >Me Ala-4 D-马-1 0 Ty-5Tyr-6 0 1;R' = R3 =OMe。R2 =H 2 R' =OMe, R2 =R3 =OH 3;R'=R2=H,R3=OMe 4;R' =OH, R2 =H. R3 = OMe 5;R' =OMe, R2 =H, R3 =OH 6;R'=R3=OH,R2=H 11;R' =OSOzCF3,R2 =H, R3 =OMe 12;R' =我, R2 =H, R3 =OMe 13;R' =乙烯基, R2 =H. R3 =OMe 14;r' =Et,R2 =H, R3 =OMe 15;R' =烯丙基, R2 =H, R3 =OMe 16;R' =R, Rz =H. R3 =OMe OR' QJR2 Me 7;R~=R~=H 8;R' =H, R2 =OMe 9;R'=我,R2=H 10;R' =Me, R2 =OMe 乙硫醇没有产生良好的选择性。其他0-去甲基化试剂,如碘三甲基硅烷,导致底物分解。接下来,我们尝试了二-0-nor衍生物6的选择性Tyr-6 0-甲基化,该衍生物在略微修改先前的条件后有效获得'(二氯甲基J.Chem.SOC.,Perkin Trans.1,213 ane中三溴化硼的7摩尔当量),收率为74%。在各种条件下使用碘甲烷或硫酸二甲酯与碳酸钾或氢化钠的初步尝试产生了很少或非选择性的0-甲基化。然而,我们发现,在改良的盐里条件下,重氮(三甲基硅基1)甲基-烷l3主要提供了所需产物RA-I1 4,并具有优化的条件。化合物6在室温下与4-(二甲基1氨基)吡啶(DMAP)(1.7rn醇当量)在乙腈-甲醇(10:1)中存在下处理21小时,得到最佳结果,产生RA-114、RA-VII 1和RA-V 5,收率分别为68%、19%和4%。尽管0-甲基化的这种选择性是相当出乎意料的,但该反应似乎具有一些普遍性。当等摩尔量的4-甲基苯酚7和2-甲氧基-4-甲基苯酚8在相同条件下用1.7摩尔当量的重氮(三甲基硅基1)甲烷处理时,4-甲基苯甲醚9的收率为38%,3,4-二甲氧基甲苯10的收率为60%,底物7的回收率为51%,底物8的回收率为31%。观察到化合物 6 的更显着的选择性可能归因于应变的 14 元环结构,该结构使 Tyr-6 芳香环变形,并会增强附着在该环上的羟基的反应性。通过各种烷基锡烷与RA-I1 0-三氟甲磺酸盐11的交叉偶联反应进行烷基的引入,RA-I1 4与N-苯基三氟甲磺酰亚胺反应制备了定量收率。化合物11首先在二氯双(三苯基膦)钯(rI)和氯化锂存在下用四甲基锡处理,以82%的收率得到甲基类似物12。然而,在相同条件下使用四乙基锡直接引入乙基的尝试没有成功。因此,使用反应性更强的三丁基乙烯基锡来生产乙烯基类似物13(87%),乙烯基类似物在碳上加氢,以92%的收率提供乙基类似物14。类似地,使用烯丙基三丁基锡从化合物11制备(78%)的ally1类似物15,然后以82%的收率转化为丙基类似物16。使用P-388白血病细胞评估所制备的化合物(包括重新合成的类似物3)的细胞毒性和在uiuo中的抗肿瘤活性,结果总结在表I中。制备的烷基类似物 12-16 的细胞毒性低于 RA-VII 1,但毒性是未取代类似物的十倍以上 3.in uiuo 抗肿瘤活性(P-388 细胞)几乎与细胞毒性平行。尽管所有烷基类似物 12-16 都显示出抗肿瘤活性,但没有一个超过 RA-VII 1 的活性。未取代的类似物 3 没有活性。这些结果表明,Tyr-3残基上第6位的烷基对活性产生与甲氧基相似的作用,并且该附属位点负责增强活性。尽管乙基和甲氧基之间的空间体积结构非常相似,但与RA-VII 1相比,化合物15的活性较差,这可能是由于它们在该区域周围的电场电位和/或uiuo中的不同代谢途径之间的差异来解释。 实验a1 有机溶液,干燥在 Na,S04 上, 在带有旋转蒸发器的吸气器真空下蒸发。中压液相色谱 (MPLC) 用 t 尽管我们在之前的通讯中已经公开了使用重氮甲烷形成 RA-I1 4 的主要形式,但由于难以控制试剂的化学计量,结果不一致且重现性较差。$ 虽然 14 元环异二氨酸松啶部分(Tyr-5 和 Tyr-6)已被提议作为这类抗肿瘤药物的药效团~,*~.l~ 这项工作表明 Tyr-3 残基对 uitro 和 viuo 中的活性也非常重要.214 J, Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. 1 表 1 RA 类似物对 P-388 白血病的细胞毒性和抗肿瘤活性 抗肿瘤活性 (t/c%) 剂量 化合物 细胞毒性 IC,,“ 0.4 1.6 6.25 1' 0.0013 144 152 有毒 3 0.22' 92 100 101 12 0.018 105 121 149 13 0.0 13 100 110 127 14 0.0072 108 120 151 15 0.0039 I02 130 130 16 0.020 109 121 149 pg ~m-~.mg kg-'.'参考文献 9.草野 C.I.G. 系统。二氯甲烷是从氢化钙中蒸馏出来的。Mps 是在 Yanagimoto 熔点仪上拍摄的,未经校正。在JASCO DIP-360数字旋光仪上测量旋光度,并以lo-'deg cm2 g-'为单位记录。红外光谱记录在JASCO A-302分光光度计上。在布鲁克 AM 400 波谱仪上测量 NMR 波谱。'H CDC1 中引用了残留的 CHC1 (7.26 ppm) 的化学位移;13C化学位移以溶剂为基准(CDCl,,77.03)。J 值以 Hz 为单位给出。 质谱图是使用 VG AutoSpecE 光谱仪拍摄的。将二-0-norRA-VII 6与重氮(三甲基硅基1)-甲烷的0-甲基化反应 向化合物6(65.3mg,0.088mmol)和DMAP(18.3mg,0.15mmol)在乙腈-MeOH(9:1;1cm3)中的溶液中加入2 rnol dmP3的重氮(三甲基硅基1)-甲烷己烷溶液(0.075 cm3,0.15 mmol),并将混合物在室温下搅拌21小时。将乙酸(0.5cm3)加入混合物中,然后在减压下浓缩。残留物在硅胶柱上以CH,Cl,-MeOH(10:1)为洗脱液进行色谱,然后用MPLC用CH,Cl,-EtOAc-MeOH(12:2:1)分离,得到RA-VII 1(13.2mg,19%),RA-V 5(2.6mg,4%)和RA-I1 4(45.3mg,68%)。化合物1、4和5通过与真实样品的直接比较得到证实。使用重氮(三甲基1-si1yl)甲烷对酚7和8进行0-甲基化反应 向4-甲基苯酚7(108mg,1.0mmol),2-甲氧基-4-甲基苯酚8(138mg,1.0mmol)和DMAP(208mg,1.7mmol)的乙腈-MeOH(9:1;20cm3)溶液中加入2 rnol dm-,重氮(三甲基硅基1)甲烷的己烷溶液(0.85 cm3, 1.7 mmol),并将混合物在室温下搅拌24小时。将乙酸(2cm3)加入混合物中,然后在略微减压下浓缩。残留物在硅胶(MPLC)上以CH,Cl,-己烷(1:l)为洗脱液,然后用己烷-CH,Cl,-四氢呋喃(THF)(1 5:2:l)进行色谱分析,得到4-甲基苯甲醚9(46.4mg,38%)和3,4-二甲氧基甲苯10(91.6 mg,60%),以及51%(54.7 mg)的初始底物7和31%(43.2 mg)的初始底物8。通过将所得材料的'H NMR(400 MHz)光谱和TLC迁移率与真实样品进行比较,证实了所得材料的结构。RA-I1 0-三氟甲磺酸盐 11 将RA-I1 4(80.5 mg,0.11 mmol),N-苯基三氟甲磺酰亚胺(1 89.6 mg,0.53 mmol),Et,N(0.074 cm3,0.53 mmol)和CH,C1,(4 cm3)的混合物在室温下搅拌26 h,用CH,Cl稀释,依次用水,1 mol dm-,HCl和盐水洗涤, 并在 Na,SO 上干燥。减压蒸去溶剂,留下残留物,用MPLC(SiO,)以CH,Cl,-AcOEt-MeOH(15:2:1)为洗脱液纯化,得到三甲酸酯11为无定形粉末(94.0 mg,99%);vmaX(CHCl,)/cm-' 3425、3040、1680、1640、1510、1425、1270 和 1150;6,(400兆赫;CDCl,;主要构象) 1.10 (3 H, d, J6.7, Ala-4 P-H3), 1.31 (3 H, d, J7.0, D-Ala-1 P-H3), 1.32 (3 H, d, J 7.0, Ala-2 B-H,), 2.64 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 3.1, Tyr-5 P-Ha), 2.69 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 NMe), 2.92 (3 H, s, Tyr-3 NMe), 2.95 (1 H, dd, J 18.0 and 3.8, Tyr-6 8-Hb), 3.10 (1 H, dd, J 18.0 和 1 1.8, Tyr-6 8-Ha), 3.12 (3 H, s, Tyr-5 NMe), 3.45 (1 H, dd, J 13.9 和 10.6, Tyr-3 8-Ha), 3.50 (1 H, dd, J 13.9 和 5.0, Tyr-3 p-Hb), 3.62 (1 H, dd, J 10.6 和 5.0, Tyr-3 a-H), 3.67 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 和 1 1.3, Tyr-5 p-Hb)、3.93 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 OMe)、4.34 (1 H, d, J 2.0, Tyr-6 6-Hb)、4.37 (1 H, qd, J 7.0 和 6.8, D-Ala- 1 a-H)、4.54(1 H,dd, J11.8和3.8,Tyr-6a-H)、4.75(1H,dq, J7.6和6.7, Ala-4 a-H)、4.84 (1 H, dq, J8.2和7.0, Ala-2 a-H)、5.41 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 和 3.1, Tyr-5 a-H)、6.45(1 H、d、J6.8、D-Ala-1 NH)、6.56(1 H,d、J8.2、Ala-2NH)、6.57(1 H,dd、J8.4和2.0、Tyr-66-ha)、6.74(1 H,d、J7.6、Ala-4NH)、6.80(1 H,d、J8.4、Tyr-6 E-H)、6.87(1 H、dd、J 8.4和2.4、Tyr-5 &-Ha)、7.18-7.28(6 H、m、Tyr-3 6-和 E-H、Tyr-5 6-Ha 和 &-Hb)和 7.41(1 H、 dd, J 8.4 和 2.2, Tyr-5 6-Hb);6,(100 MHz;主要构象)D-Ala-1(20.598,47.53~,170.63 CO),Ala-2(16.308,44.36a,172.78 CO),Tyr-3(33.088,39。69 NMe, 67.70a, 118.59 CF,, 121.36~, 130.976, 139.57y, 148.196, 167.52 CO)、Ala-4 (18.258,46.32~, 172.15 CO)、Tyr-5 (30.42 NMe, 36.798, 54.22a, 124.08&“, 125.80~~, 130.826b, 132.626”, 135.05y, 158.096, 169.20 CO) 和 Tyr-6 (29.18 NMe, 35.378, 56.02 OMe, 57.22a, 112.24~“, 113.27tib, 120.846”, 128.00y, 146.385, 152.96cb, 171.41 CO);m/z 889 ([M + l]', 10%) 和 121 (100);HR-FAB-MS [找到:(M + H), 889.3066.C,,H,,,F,N,O,,S (M + H) 需要 m/z,889.30541。[N, 300 “C(来自 MeOH);[.ID -209.8 (c 0.49, CHCI,); v,,,(KBr)/cm-' 3390, 3320, 2940, 1670, 1620, 1500, 1445, 1410, 1265, 1210, 1130 和 1100; 6,(400 MHz;CDCl,;主要构象) 1.11 (3 H, d, J 6.7, Ala-4 D-H,), 1.30 (3 H, d, J 6.9, D-Ala-1 P-H,), 1.35 (3 H, d, J 6.9, Ala-2 0-H,), 2.32 (3 H, s, Tyr-3 q-H3), 2.64 (1 H, dd, J 11.3, 3.0, Tyr-5 8-Ha), 2.69 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 NMe), 2.84 (3 H, s, Tyr-3 NMe), 2.95 (1 H, dd, J 18.6 and 3.9, Tyr-6 8-Hb), 3.09 (1 H, dd, J 18.6 and 11.9, Tyr-6 8-Ha), 3.12 (3 H, s, Tyr-5 NMe), 3.35 (1 H, dd, J 12.9 and 10.8, Tyr-3 8-Ha), 3.39 (1 H, dd, J 12.9 and 4.9, Tyr-3 p-Hb)、3.60(1 H dd、J 10.8 和 4.9、Tyr-3 a-H)、3.67(1 H、dd、J 11.3 和 11.3、Tyr-5 8-H)、3.93(3 H、s、Tyr-6 OMe)、4.34(1 H、d、J 2.0、Tyr-6 6-Hb)、4.36(1 H、dq、J 7.1 和 6.9、D-Ala-1 a-H)、4.54(1 H,dd、J11.9和3.9,Tyr-6a-H)、4.75(1H、dq, J7.6和6.7, Ala-4 a-H), 4.84 (1 H, dq, J 8.4 and 6.9, Ala-2 a-H), 5.42 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 3.0, Tyr-5 a-H), 6.40 (1 H, d, J 8.4, Ala-2 NH), 6.44 (1 H, d, J7.1, D-Ala-1 NH), 6.57 (1 H, dd, J8.4 and 2.0, Tyr-66-Ha),6.71 (1 H,d, J7.6,Ala-4NH),6.80(1 H,d, J8.4, Tyr-6 E-H), 6.87 (1 H, dd, J8.4 and 2.4, Tyr-5 &-Ha), 7.01 (2 H, d-like, J 7.8, Tyr-3 E- or 6-H),7.09 (2 H, d-like, J 7.8, Tyr-3 6-or E-H,), 7.20 (1 H, dd, J8.4 and 2.4, Tyr-5 &-Hb), 7.26 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.2, Tyr-5 &Ha) and 7.42 (I H, dd, J 8.4 和 2.2, Tyr-5 6-Hb);6,( 100兆赫;美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDCI);主要构象者)D-Ala-1(20.628,47.67~,170.61 CO),Ala-2(16.410,44.43~,172.51 CO),Tyr-3(20.95q, 33.00p, 39.72 NMe, 68.20a, 129.09~, 129.206, 135.536, 136.07y, 168.08 CO), Ala-4 (18.368, 46.31a, 172.19 CO), Tyr-5 (30.44 NMe, 36.858, 54.21~, 124.11~“, 125.82~~, 130.906b, 132.696”, 135.13y, 158.126, 169.25 CO) 和 Tyr-6 (29.23 NMe, 35.438, 56.08 OMe, 57.27~, 112.26~“, 113.33? JB, 120.866”, 128.12~, 146.416, 153.02cb, 171.65 CO);HR-FAB- MS [找到:(M + H),755.3807.C,,H,,N,O,(M + H) 需要 m/z,755.37681。[N-甲基-6-乙烯基苯丙氨酸-31RA-VII 13 向三氟甲磺酸酯11(62.3mg,0.070mmol)在DMF(1.6cm3)溶液中加入氯化锂(30.6mg,0.72mmol),二氯双(三苯基膦)钯(rr)(49.3mg,0.070mmol)和三丁基(viny1)锡(0.154cm3,0.53mmol),并将混合物在80“C下搅拌49小时。然后用CH,Cl稀释混合物,通过Celite垫,用饱和水洗涤。NaCl,并在Na,SO,上干燥。减压蒸去溶剂,留下残留物,用MPLC(SiO,)以CH,Cl,-AcOEt-MeOH(15:2:1)为洗脱液纯化,得到化合物13,结晶粉末(47.0 mg,87%);MP 257-261 “C(来自 MeOH);[.ID -215.3 (c 0.71, CHCl,); v,,,(KBr)/cm-' 3390, 3310, 2940, 1670, 1625, 1510, 1445, 1410, 1265, 1210, 1135 和 1100; 6,(400 MHz;CDCl,;主要构象者) 1.08 (3 H, d, J 6.7, Ala-4 8-H,), 1.28 (3 H, d, J 6.7, D-Ala-1 8-H,), 1.33 (3 H, d, J 6.8, Ala-2 8-H3), 2.63 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 2.5, Tyr-5 8-Ha), 2.68 (3 H, d, Tyr-6 NMe), 2.85 (3 H, s, Tyr-3 NMe), 2.94 (1 H, m, Tyr-6 p-Hb)、3.07(1 H、m、Tyr-6 8-Ha)、3.10(3 H、s、Tyr-5 NMe)、3.31-3.43(2 H、m、Tyr-3 P-H、)、3.6 1(1 H、dd、J 11.1 和 5.3、Tyr-3 a-H)、3.66(1 H、dd、J 11.3 和 11.3、Tyr-5 p-Hb)、3.91(3 H、s、Tyr-6 OMe)、4.32(1 H、s-like、Tyr-6 6-Hb)、4.39(1 H、 dq, J 6.7 和 6.7, D-Ala-1 a-H), 4.54 (1 H, dd, J 11.8 和 3.6, Tyr-6 a-H), 4.75 (1 H, dq, J 7.7和6.7,Ala-4 a-H),4.79(1 H,m,Ala-2 a-H),5.2 1(1 H,dd,J 11.0和1.4,Tyr-3和Ha),5.40(1 H,dd,J 11.3和2.5,Tyr-5a-H),5.70(1H,dd,J17.6和1.4,Tyr-38-Hb),6.49(1H,d,J 6.7,D-Ala-1 NH),6.56(2 H,d-like,J 8.3,Tyr-6 E-H和Ala-2 NH),6.67(1 H, ddd, J 17.6, 11.0 和 1.4, Tyr-3 q-H), 6.73 (1 H, d, J 7.7, Ala-4 NH), 6.78 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 和 1.8, Tyr-6 &Ha), 6.85 (1 H, m, Tyr-5 &-Ha), 7.08 (2 H, d-like, J 8.0, Tyr-3 6-H2), 7.19 (1 H, m, Tyr-5 E-H~), 7.24 (1 H, m, Tyr-5 6-Ha), 7.32 (2 H, d-like, J 8.0, Tyr-3 E-H,) 和 7.40 (1 H, m, Tyr-5 6-Hb);6,(100 MHz,主要构象)D-Ala-1(20.628,47.76a,170.67 CO),Ala-2(16.498,44.50a,172.64 CO),Tyr-3(33.328,39.80NMe,68.16a,113.538,126.41~, 129.446,136.07~, 136.38q, 138.506, 167.94 CO), Ala-4 (18.408, 46.39~, 172.24 CO), Tyr-5 (30.48 NMe, 36.928, 54.27a, 124.18~“, 125.87cb, 130.92tjb, 132.73tia, 135.19, 158.226, 169.30 CO) 和 Tyr-6 (29.26 NMe, 35.498, 56.16 OMe, 57.36~1, 112.40~”, 113.446b, 120.916“, 128.21y, 146.516, 153.13~~, 171.68 CO);HR-FAB-MS [找到:(M + H), 767.3807.C,,H,,N,O, (M + H) 需要 m/z,767.37681。[6-乙基-N-甲基苯丙氨酸-3]将活性炭(61mg)上的RA-VII14钯(10%)加入到苯乙烯13(60.3mg,0.079mmol)的EtOH(15cm3)溶液中,并在氢气下在室温下剧烈搅拌混合物1小时。过滤混合物,滤液减压浓缩。将残留物与CH,Cl,-AcOEt-MeOH(12:2:1)在硅胶(MPLC)上色谱,得到化合物14作为结晶粉末(55.8mg,92%);mp 234234°C (来自MeOH);[alD -208.1 (c 0.54, CHCl,); v,,,(KBr)/cm-' 3400, 3330,2950,1670, 1620, 1510,1445, 1410, 1265, 1210, 1130和1100; 6,(400 MHz;CDCl,;主要构象者) 1.10 (3 H, d, J 6.6, Ala-4 P-H,), 1.21 (3 H, t, J7.6, Tyr-3 8-H,), 1.30 (3 H, d, J 6.9, D-Ala-1 8-H3), 1.35 (3 H, d, J6.9, Ala-2 P-H,), 2.59 (2 H, q, J7.6, Tyr-3 q-H,), 2.66 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 2.9, Tyr-5 8-Ha), 2.68 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 NMe)、2.83(3 H、s、Tyr-3、NMe)、2.94(I H、dd、J 18.3 和 3.8、Tyr-6 p-Hb)、3.09(1 H、dd、J 18.3 和 11.9、Tyr-6 8-Ha)、3.12(3 H、s、Tyr-5 NMe)、3.34(1 H、dd、J 13.8 和 10.9、Tyr-3 8-Ha)、3.39(1 H、dd、J 13.8 和 4.7、Tyr-3 p-Hb)、 J.Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans.I 215 3.60 (1 H, dd, J 10.9 和 4.7, Tyr-3 a-H), 3.67 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 和 11.3, Tyr-5 8-Hb), 3.92 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 OMe), 4.33 (1 H, J 1.8, Tyr-6 6-Hb), 4.37 (1 H, qd, J 6.9 and 6.7, D-Ala-1 a-H), 4.54 (1 H, dd, J 11.9 and 3.8, Tyr-6 a-H), 4.75 (1 H, J7.6 和 6.6, Ala-4 a-H), 4.83 (1 H, dq, J 8.0 和 6.9 Ala-2 a-H), 5.41 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 和 2.9, Tyr-5 a-H), 6.45 (1 H, d, J 6.7, D-Ala-1 NH), 6.52 (1 H, d, J 8.0 Ala-2 NH), 6.57 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 1.8, Tyr-6 &-Ha), 6.71 (1 H, d, J7.6, Ala-4NH), 6.79 (1 H, d, J8.4, Tyr-6 E-H), 6.86 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.3, Tyr-5 &-Ha), 7.04 (2 H, d-like, J 7.8, Tyr-3 6-or E-H,), 7.1 1 (2 H, d-like, J 7.8, Tyr-3 E-or 6-H,), 7.20 (I H, dd, J 8.4 和 2.3, Tyr-5 E-H~)、7.26 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 和 2.1, Tyr-5 &Ha) 和 7.42 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 和 2.1, Tyr-5 6-Hb);6、(100 MHz;疾病预防控制中心1,;主要构象)D-Ala-1(20.688,47.83a,170.69 CO),Ala-2(16.588,44.53a,172.54CO),Tyr-3(15.628,28.45q,33.12p,39.73 NMe,68.33a,128.088,129.236, 135.92y, 142.676, 168.04 CO)、Ala-4 (18.47[3, 46.41a, 172.25 CO)、Tyr-5 (30.51 NMe, 36.97p, 54.25a, 124.22~“, 125.90~~,130.986b, 132.786”, 135.17y, 158.234, 169.33 CO) 和 Tyr-6 (29.28 NMe, 35.508, 56.16 OMe, 57.37a, 112.32~“, 113.406b, 120.926”, 128.18y, 146.526, 153.13cb, 171.77 CO);HR-FAB-MS [发现:(M + H),769.3947。C42H53N608 (M + H) 需要 m/z,769.39251。[l,-烯丙基-N-甲基苯丙氨酸-3]RA-VII 15向三氟甲磺酸酯11(48.3mg,0.054mmol)在DMF(1 cm3)溶液中加入氯化锂(24.0 mg,0.57 mmol)、二氯双(三苯基膦)钯(II)(39.0 mg,0.056 mmol)和烯丙基三丁基锡(0.17 cm3,0.55 mmol),并将混合物在80“C下搅拌55 h。将混合物用CH,Cl稀释,通过Celite垫,用饱和水洗涤。NaC1,并在Na,S04上干燥。减压蒸去溶剂留下残留物,用MPLC(SiO,)以CH,Cl,-AcOEt-MeOH(12:2:1)为洗脱液纯化,得到化合物15为结晶性粉末(33.2mg,78%),熔点224-227“c(来自MeOH);[一]D -159.7 (c 0.50, CHCl,);v,,,(KBr)/cm-' 3390、3310、2940、1665、1625、1510、1500、1440、1410、1265、1200、1160、1135 和 1100;6,(400兆赫;CDCl,;主要构象) 1.09 (3 H, d, J 6.9, Ala-4 8-H3), 1.29 (3 H, d, J6.9, D-Ala-1 P-H,), 1.34 (3 H, d, J 6.9, Ala-2 8-H3), 2.65 (1 H, dd, J 11.3 and 3.0, Tyr-5 8-Ha), 2.68 (3 H, s, Tyr-6 NMe), 2.83 (3 H, s, Tyr-3 NMe), 2.95 (1 H, dd, J 18.0 and 3.7, Tyr-6 p-Hb)、3.08(1 H、dd、J 18.0 和 11.9、Tyr-6 8-Ha)、3.1 1(3 H、s、Tyr-5 NMe)、3.30-3.41(4 H、m、Tyr-3 p-和 q-H)、3.60(1 H、dd、J 10.8 和 4.7、Tyr-3 a-H)、3.66(1 H、dd、J 11.3 和 11.3、Tyr-5 p-Hb)、3.92(3 H、s、Tyr-6 OMe)、4.33(1 H、 d, J 1.7, Tyr-6 6-Hb), 4.38 (1 H, qd, J6.9 and 6.7, D-Ala-1 a-H), 4.54 (1 H, dd, J 11.9 and 3.7, Tyr-6 a-H), 4.76 (1 H, dq, J 7.6 and 6.9, Ala-4 a-H), 4.82 (1 H, dq, J 7.9 and 6.9, Ala-2 a-H), 4.99-5.07(2H,rn,Tyr-31-H2),5.41(1 H,dd,Jl1.4and3.0,Tyr-5 a-H), 5.94 (1 H, m, Tyr-3 0-H), 6.44 (1 H, d, J 6.7, D-Ala-1 NH), 6.51 (1 H,d, J7.9,Ala-2NH), 6.57(1 H,dd, J8.4and 1.7,Tyr-6 &Ha), 6.71 (1 H,d, J7.6,Ala-4NH), 6.79(1 H,d, J8.4, Tyr-6 E-H), 6.86 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.3, Tyr-5 &-Ha), 7.04 (2 H, d-like, J 7.8, Tyr-3 E-或 6-H,)、7.09 (2 H, d-like, J 7.8, Tyr-3 6-or E-H,)、7.20(1 H,dd, J8.4and2.3,Tyr-5 &-Hb)、7.25(l H,dd, J8.4and 2.1, Tyr-5 &Ha) 和 7.41 (1 H, dd, J8.4 和 2.1, Tyr-5 6-Hb);6、(100 MHz;主要构象)D-Ala-1(20.688,47.77a,170.66 CO),Ala-2(16.578,44.49a,172.47 CO),Tyr-3(33.12P,39.73q和NMe,68.26a,115.751,128.82~,129.326,136.48y,137。368, 138.395, 167.98 CO)、Ala-4 (18.458, 46.37a, 172.21 CO)、Tyr-5 (30.48 NMe, 36.948, 54.22a, 124.18~“, 125.86~~, 130.96Zib, 132.756”, 135.16y, 158.185, 169.29 CO) 和 Tyr-6 (29.25 NMe, 35.488, 56.13 OMe, 57.33a, 112.29~“, 113.37lib, 120.896”, 128.14y, 146.481;, 153.09~~, 171.71 CO);HR-FAB-MS [发现:(M + H),781.3937.C4,H5,N6O8 (M + H) 需要 m/z,781.39251。[N-甲基-~-丙基苯丙氨酸-3]将活性炭(31mg)上的R A-VII 16钯(10%)加入到化合物15(30.3mg,0.039mmol)的EtOH 216 J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans.1(8 cm3)溶液中,并将混合物在室温下在氢气下剧烈搅拌1.5小时。过滤混合物,滤液减压浓缩。将残留物在硅胶(MPLC)上以CH,CI,-AcOEt-MeOH(12:2:1)为洗脱液进行色谱,以结晶粉末(25.0 mg,8279,MP 235-238°C(来自MeOH)的形式提供化合物16;[一]D -200.3 (c 0.51, CHCl,);v,,,(KBr)/cm-l 3390、3320、2940、1670、1620、1510、1440、1405、1265、1130 和 1100;6,(400兆赫;CDCl,;主要构象) 0.90 (3 H, t, J7.3, Tyr-3 1-H3),1.09 (3 H, d, J6.7, Ala-4 P-H,), 1.29 (3 H, d, J 6.9, D-Ala-1 P-H3), 1.34 (3 H, d, J 6.9, Ala-2 8-H3), 1.61 (2 H, m, Tyr-3 0-H,), 2.55 (2 H, t-like, J7.5, Tyr-3 q-H,), 2.64 (1 H, dd, J 1 1.3 and 3.0, Tyr-5 P-Ha)、2.68 (3 H, s, Tyr-6NMe)、2.83 (3 H, s, Tyr-3NMe)、2.95 (1 H, dd, J 17.8 和 3.7, Tyr-6 8-Hb)、3.08 (1 H, dd, J 17.8 和 12.0, Tyr-6 P-Ha)、3.1 1 (3 H, s, Tyr-5 NMe)、3.34 (1 H, dd, J 13.9 和 10.7,Tyr-3 P-H)、3.38(1 H、dd、J 13.9 和 5.0、Tyr-3 P-Hb)、3.61(1 H、dd、J 10.7 和 5.0、Tyr-3 a-H)、3.66(1 H、dd、J 11.3 和 11.3、Tyr-5 P-Hb)、3.92(3 H,s,Tyr-6OMe)、4.34(1 H,d、J2.0,Tyr-66-Hb)、4.39(1 H、dq、J6.9 和 6.9、D-Ala-1 a-H)、4.55(1 H、 dd, J 12.0 和 3.7, Tyr-6 a-H), 4.75 (1 H, dq, J 7.6 和 6.7, Ala-4 a-H), 4.82 (1 H, dq, J8.1 和 6.9,Ala-2a-H), 5.41 (1 H,dd, J11.3和3.0,Tyr-5 a-H), 6.52 (1 H, d, J 6.9, D-Ala-1 NH), 6.56 (1 H, d, J 8.1, Ala-2 NH), 6.57 (1 H, dd, J8.3 and 2.0, Tyr-6 &-Ha), 6.72 (1 H, d, J 7.6, Ala-4 NH), 6.79 (1 H, d, J 8.3, Tyr-6 E-H), 6.86 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.4, Tyr-5 &-Ha), 7.03 (2 H, d-like, J 7.9, Tyr-3 E-or 6-H,), 7.08 (2 H, d-like, J7.9, Tyr-3 6-or E-H,), 7.20 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 and 2.4, Tyr-5 8-Hb), 7.25 (1 H, dd, J 8.4 和 2.2, Tyr-5 &Ha)和 7.41 (1 H, dd, J8.4 和 2.2, Tyr-5 6-Hb);6,(100兆赫;CDCl,;主要构象)D-Ala-1(20.67p,47.75a,170.71 CO),Ala-2(16.398,44.50a,172.86 CO),Tyr-3(13.691,33.088,37.57q,39.77NMe,68.37a,128.708, 129.116, 135.797, 141.071;, 167.97 CO)、Ala-4 (18.368, 46.41a, 172.35 CO)、Tyr-5 (30.51 NMe, 36.91p, 54.2501, 124.20~“, 125.88~~, 130.926b, 132.776”, 135.13y, 158.216, 169.30 CO) 和 Tyr-6 (29.29 NMe, 35.488, 56.14 OMe, 57.33a, 112.29~“, 113.42Fb, 120.916”, 128.20y, 146.49(, 153.08~~, 171.71 CO);HR-FAB-MS [找到:(M + H),783.4090。C43H55N60,(M + H)需要m/z,783.40811.在96孔板中通过MTT测定MTT比色测定进行细胞存活。I6 该测定依赖于活细胞的线粒体脱氢酶对MTT的还原,从而得到可以通过分光光度法测量的蓝色甲臜产物。小鼠 P-388 白血病细胞(2 x lo4 细胞 cm-,)在每个孔中接种 0.1 cm3 RPMI 1640 培养基(Gibco,Grand Island,NY),补充有 10% 胎牛血清(Flow Lab-oratories,UK),100 单位青霉素和 100 pg cm-3 链霉素。孵育过夜后(37“C;向每个孔中加入5%CO,),样品溶液(0.1cm3),并将板孵育2天。然后将MTT(0.05cm3)(200pgcm-,PBS)加入每个孔中,并将板再孵育4小时。将所得甲臜溶于Me,SO(0.15 cm3)中。将板放在板振荡器上5分钟,并立即在540nm处读取。IC,, (pg cmp3) 值定义为相对于对照组,导致样品处理细胞生长减少 50% 的样品浓度。IC,,-值是使用概率检验计算的。体内抗逆转活性 P-388 小鼠白血病细胞(1 x Lo6 细胞)在第 0 天腹腔接种到雌性 CDF、小鼠(67 周龄,对照 n = 16;测试 n = 8)中。样品悬浮在0.5%阿拉伯盐水溶液中,在第1-5天腹腔内给药。抗肿瘤活性是根据 NCI 肿瘤面板筛选方法估计的。' 参考文献 1 第 7 部分,Y. 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