




J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1992 3145 Corrigenda Effect of Coenzyme Analogue on Enantioselectivity of Alcohol Dehydrogenase Changsheng Zheng and Robert S. Phillips J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. I, 1992, 1083 Page 1083, left-hand column, 3rd para., 2nd line: delete ref. 9; right-hand column, heading to Table 1: delete ref. 9. Page 1084, Fig. 1: insert following caption below Figure. Fig. 1 Temperature dependence of differences of free energy of activation for oxidation of butan-2-01 with coenzymes NADP, APADP and SNADP. The enantiospecificity ratio, E = (~~a~/~~)~/(~~a~/~~)~,-RTlnE = AAGZ; and AAG: = AAfl -TAAS*. NADP, open squares; APADP, open circles; SNADP, open triangles. Unusual Behaviour of Some y-and Lactones Towards Dichloromethylenation using Tris(dimethy1amino)phosphine-Tetrachloromethane Alphonse Bandzouzi, Mohammed Lakhrissi and Yves Chapleur J.Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. I, 1992, 1471 Page 1471, left-hand column, formulae 1-3: delete formula and insert the following: BnOY# R' 1 R',f?=O 2 R', R2 = CCb 3 R'=H,F?=Me right-hand column, formula 4 delete and insert the following: 4 Page 1472, right-hand column, formulae at head of Scheme: delete and insert the following: 'CCb. ClPYj -ccr,+ PY, Y P NMez C 3 146 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1992 First Synthesis of Spirobenzofuran-2,l ‘-isobenzofuran-3,3’-dione and its X-Ray Crystal Structure Roy M. Letcher, Nai-Chiu Kwok and Kung-Kai Cheung J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans. I, 1992, 1769 Page 1769, right-hand column: delete formula 4 and replace by the following: 3 1‘ 0Copyright 1992 by the Royal Society of Chemistry
机译:J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1, 1992, 3145 Corrigenda Effect of Coenzyme Analogue on Enantioselectivity of Alcohol Dehydrogenase, Changsheng, Zheng and Robert S. Phillips, J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans.I, 1992, 1083 第1083页,左栏,第3段,第2行:删去参考文献9;右栏,标题为表1:删去参考文献9。第 1084 页,图 1:在图下方插入以下标题。图1 辅酶NADP、APADP和SNADP氧化丁-2-01活化自由能差异对温度的影响。对映特异性比,E = (~~a~/~~)~/(~~a~/~~)~,-RTlnE = AAGZ;和 AAG:= AAfl -TAAS*。NADP,开放广场;APADP,开放圈子;SNADP,开三角形。使用三(二甲基1氨基)膦-四氯甲烷对二氯甲基化的一些y-和&内酯的异常行为 Alphonse Bandzouzi, Mohammed Lakhrissi and Yves Chapleur J.Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans.I, 1992, 1471 Page 1471, left-hand column, formulae 1-3: 删除公式并插入以下内容: BnOY&# R' 1 R',f?=O 2 R', R2 = CCb 3 R'=H,F?=Me 右栏,公式 4 删除并插入以下内容: 4 第 1472 页,右栏,公式在方案的开头:删除并插入以下内容: 'CCb. ClPYj -ccr,+PY, Y P NMez C 3 146 J. CHEM. SOC. PERKIN TRANS. 1 1992 首次合成螺[苯并呋喃-2,l'-异苯并呋喃]-3,3'-二酮及其 X 射线晶体结构 Roy M. Letcher, Nai-Chiu Kwok and Kung-Kai Cheung J. Chem. SOC.,Perkin Trans.I, 1992, 1769 Page 1769, right-hand column: 删去公式4,代之以: 3 1' 0英国皇家化学学会版权所有 1992




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