首页> 外文期刊>Applicable algebra in engineering, communication and computing >Iterated local transitivity model for signed social networks

Iterated local transitivity model for signed social networks


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In this paper, we generalize the iterated local transitivity (ILT) model for online social networks for signed networks. Signed networks focus on the type of relations (friendship or enmity) between the vertices (members of online social networks). The ILT model for signed networks provide an insight into how networks react to the addition of clone vertex. In this model, at each time step t and for already existing vertex x, a new vertex (clone) is added which joins to x and neighbors of x. The sign of new edge neighborhood of x is defined by calculating the number of positive and negative neighbors of x. We also discuss properties such as balance and clusterability, sign-compatibility and C-sign-compatibility.
机译:在本文中,我们将在线社交网络的迭代局部传递性(ILT)模型推广为签名网络。签名网络侧重于顶点(在线社交网络的成员)之间的关系类型(友谊或敌意)。签名网络的 ILT 模型提供了对网络如何对添加克隆顶点做出反应的见解。在此模型中,在每个时间步长 t 和已经存在的顶点 x 中,都会添加一个新的顶点(克隆),该顶点连接到 x 和 x 的邻居。x 的新边邻域的符号是通过计算 x 的正邻域和负邻域数来定义的。我们还讨论了平衡和聚类性、符号兼容性和 C 符号兼容性等属性。




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