
High frequency yoga breathing can increase alveolar dead space


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In the study by Bonacin et al, Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) resulted in an increase in dead space accompanied by an increase in an intrapulmonary venous shunt 1. This finding is important as there is an inverse correlation.between dead space and carbondioxide (CO_2) elimination from the respiratory system 2. Apart from pathological conditions the dead space can also increase in normal volunteers with changes in respiration. While there are several reports of increased lung capacity following the practice of yoga breathing techniques 3,4, there is a single study which reported the effect of yoga breathing on dead space. High frequency yoga breathing (HFYB) or Kapalabhati is a yoga breathing technique which is practiced by increasing the breath rate and forceful exhalation. In the earlier study which assessed the effect of HFYB on dead space 5, the breath rate during HFYB was 232 cycles/minute. The present study evaluated the change in alveolar dead space during and after HFYB practiced at the rate of 60 breaths/minute which is recommended when used as therapy 6.
机译:Bonacin等人的研究显示,胃食管反流病(gastroesophageal Reflux disease, GERD)导致死腔增加,并伴有肺内静脉分流增加[1]。这一发现很重要,因为死腔与呼吸系统中二氧化碳(CO_2)的消除之间存在负相关[2]。除了病理状况外,正常志愿者的死腔也会随着呼吸的变化而增加。虽然有几篇报道称练习瑜伽呼吸技巧后肺活量增加[3,4],但有一项研究报道了瑜伽呼吸对死腔的影响。高频瑜伽呼吸 (HFYB) 或 Kapalabhati 是一种瑜伽呼吸技术,通过增加呼吸频率和用力呼气来练习。在评估HFYB对死腔影响的早期研究中[5],HFYB期间的呼吸频率为232次/分钟。本研究评估了HFYB以60次/分钟的速度练习期间和之后肺泡死腔的变化,这是推荐用于治疗时[6]。




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