首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Endemic land snail fauna (Mollusca) on a remote Peninsula in the Ogasawara Archipelago, northwestern Pacific

Endemic land snail fauna (Mollusca) on a remote Peninsula in the Ogasawara Archipelago, northwestern Pacific


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Historically, the Ogasawara Archipelago harbored more than 90 native land snail species, 90 of which were endemic. Unfortunately, about 40 of the species have already gone extinct across the entire archipelago. On Hahajima, the second-largest island and the one on which the greatest number of species was recorded, more than 50 of species are thought to have been lost. We report here the results of a recent survey of the snails of a remote peninsula, Higashizaki, on the eastern coast of Hahajima. Although the peninsula is small (similar to 0.3 km(2)) and only part is covered by forest (< 0.1 km(2)), we found 12 land snail species, all of which are endemic to Ogasawara. Among these species, five had been thought to already be extinct on Hahajima, including Ogasawarana yoshiwarana and Hirasea acutissima. Of the former, there has been no record since its original description in 1902. Except for the much larger island of Anijima and the main part of Hahajima, no single region on the Ogasawara Archipelago maintains as great a number of native land snail species. It is probable that the land snail fauna of the Higashizaki Peninsula is exceptionally well preserved because of a lack of anthropogenic disturbance and introduced species. In some circumstances, even an extremely small area can be an important and effective refuge for threatened land snail faunas.
机译:从历史上看,小笠原群岛栖息着 90 多种本土陆地蜗牛,其中 90% 是特有物种。不幸的是,大约40%的物种已经在整个群岛灭绝。在第二大岛Hahajima,也是记录物种最多的岛屿,超过50%的物种被认为已经消失。我们在这里报告最近对羽岛东海岸偏远半岛东崎的蜗牛的调查结果。虽然半岛很小(类似于0.3公里(2)),只有一部分被森林覆盖(<0.1公里(2)),但我们发现了12种陆地蜗牛,所有这些都是小笠原的特有物种。在这些物种中,有五个被认为已经在Hahajima灭绝,包括Ogasawarana yoshiwarana和Hirasea acutissima。对于前者,自 1902 年最初描述以来一直没有记录。除了更大的阿尼岛岛和羽岛的主要部分外,小笠原群岛上没有一个地区拥有如此多的本土陆地蜗牛物种。东崎半岛的陆地蜗牛动物群很可能由于缺乏人为干扰和引进物种而保存得特别好。在某些情况下,即使是极小的区域也可能成为受威胁的陆地蜗牛动物的重要而有效的避难所。




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