首页> 外文期刊>Desalination: The International Journal on the Science and Technology of Desalting and Water Purification >Removal of THM precursors from a high-alkaline surface water by enhanced coagulation and behaviour of THMFP toxicity on D.magna

Removal of THM precursors from a high-alkaline surface water by enhanced coagulation and behaviour of THMFP toxicity on D.magna


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This study evaluates the effectiveness of polyaluminium chloride (PAC1) compared to aluminium sulphate (alum)and ferric chloride (FeCl_3) to remove THM precursors and reduce THM formation potential of two samples (S1 andS2) from a surface water resource with low TOC (<3mg/l),high alkalinity (180 mgCaCO_3/l) and pH (8.0),to complywith stringent Italian limits for TTHMs (30 mug/1).The effectiveness of the coagulants used was evaluated bymeasurements of turbidity,TOC,UV absorbance at 254 nm wavelength (UV_(254)),and total trihalomethanes formationpotential (TTHMFP),as well as by monitoring their toxicity behaviour using a standardized,reliable,and time-savingbiotest (Daphnia magna acute immobilization test) in raw,coagulated,and chlorinated samples.PAC1 was the mosteffective coagulant to remove turbidity for both samples (S 1 and S2);however,it did not reduce NOM as effectivelyas FeCl_3 and alum.For S2,PAC1 was more selective for bromoform removal than FeCl_3.None of the coagulant dosesapplied could reduce TTHMs to the required limits,not even high doses (80 mg/1).Toxicity test results displayeddifferent behaviour due to coagulant type and dose.The toxicity of raw chlorinated water could be reduced by a slightlybut significant degree by enchanced coagulation.This study showed the necessity of NOM characterization to optimizethe coagulation process as well as integrating it with an advanced pre-/post-treatment technology to obtain safe water.
机译:本研究评估了与硫酸铝(明矾)和氯化铁(FeCl_3)相比,聚合氯化铝 (PAC1) 在去除 THM 前体并降低两个样品(S1 和 S2)的 THM 形成潜力方面的有效性,这些样品来自低 TOC (<3mg/l)、高碱度 (180 mgCaCO_3/l) 和 pH (8.0),以符合意大利对 TTHM (30 mug/1) 的严格限制。通过测量浊度、TOC、254 nm波长(UV_(254))和总三卤甲烷形成电位(TTHMFP)的浊度、TOC、紫外吸光度,以及使用标准化、可靠和省时的生物测试(大水蚤急性固定试验)监测其在未加工、凝固和氯化样品中的毒性行为来评估所用混凝剂的有效性。PAC1是去除两种样品(S 1和S2)浑浊度的最有效混凝剂;然而,它并没有像FeCl_3和明矾那样有效地降低 NOM。对于S2,PAC1对溴仿去除的选择性比FeCl_3更具选择性,所施用的凝血剂剂量均不能将TTHM降低到所需的限度,即使是高剂量(80 mg/1)也无法降低。毒性试验结果显示,由于混凝剂的类型和剂量不同,存在不同的行为。原氯化水的毒性可以通过强化混凝略微但显着地降低。这项研究表明,NOM表征对于优化混凝过程以及将其与先进的预处理/后处理技术相结合以获得安全水的必要性。




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