首页> 外文期刊>Molecular biology and evolution >Operon Concatenation Is an Ancient Feature That Restricts the Potential to Rearrange Bacterial Chromosomes

Operon Concatenation Is an Ancient Feature That Restricts the Potential to Rearrange Bacterial Chromosomes

机译:Operon Concatenation Is an Ancient Feature That Restricts the Potential to Rearrange Bacterial Chromosomes

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The last common ancestor of the Gammaproteobacteria carried an important 40-kb chromosome section encoding 51 proteins of the transcriptional and translational machinery. These genes were organized into eight contiguous operons ( rrnB - tufB - secE - rpoBC - str - S10 - spc - alpha ). Over 2 Gy of evolution, in different lineages, some of the operons became separated by multigene insertions. Surprisingly, in many Enterobacteriaceae , much of the ancient organization is conserved, indicating a strong selective force on the operons to remain colinear. Here, we show for one operon pair, tufB - secE in Salmonella , that an interruption of contiguity significantly reduces growth rate. Our data show that the tufB - secE operons are concatenated by an interoperon terminator–promoter overlap that plays a significant role regulating gene expression. Interrupting operon contiguity interferes with this regulation, reducing cellular fitness. Six operons of the ancestral chromosome section remain contiguous in Salmonella ( tufB - secE - rpoBC and S10 - spc - alpha ) and, strikingly, each of these operon pairs is also connected by an interoperon terminator–promoter overlap. Accordingly, we propose that operon concatenation is an ancient feature that restricts the potential to rearrange bacterial chromosomes and can select for the maintenance of a colinear operon organization over billions of years.




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