首页> 外文期刊>Pacific Science: A Quarterly Devoted to the Biological and Physical Sciences of the Pacific Region >Avifauna from the Teouma Lapita Site, Efate Island, Vanuatu, Including a New Genus and Species of Megapode

Avifauna from the Teouma Lapita Site, Efate Island, Vanuatu, Including a New Genus and Species of Megapode

机译:来自瓦努阿图埃法特岛Teouma Lapita遗址的鸟类,包括Megapode的新属和新种

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The avifauna of the Teouma archaeological site on Efate in Vanuatu is described. It derives from the Lapita levels (3,000-2,800 ybp) and immediately overlying middens extending to similar to 2,500 ybp. A total of 30 bird species is represented in the 1,714 identified specimens. Twelve species are new records for the island, which, added to previous records, indicates that minimally 39 land birds exclusive of passerines were in the original avifauna. Three-fourths of the 12 newly recorded species appear to have become extinct by the end of Lapita times, 2,800 ybp. The avifauna is dominated by eight species of columbids (47.5 Minimum Number Individuals MNI) including a large extinct toothbilled -pigeon, Didunculus placopedetes from Tonga, and a giant Ducula sp. cf. D. goliath from New Caledonia. Seabirds are rare despite the coastal location of the site. Fowl are important contributors to the Teouma avifauna, with the humanintroduced Red Junglefowl Gallus gallus accounting for 15 MNI and present in all sampled layers. There are two species of megapodes (similar to 10 of MNI), with the extant Vanuatu Megapode Megapodius layardi most abundant and represented at all levels in the deposits. A substantially larger extinct megapode, Mwalau walterlinii, n. gen., n. sp., is present only in the Lapita midden area, where it is relatively rare. This extinct species was larger than all extant megapodes but smaller than the extinct Progura gallinacea from Australia, with proportions most similar to those of Alectura, and was a volant bird. The remaining significant faunal component is rails, with four species present, of which Porphyrio melanotus was the most abundant. Rare but notable records include an undescribed large rail; a parrot, Eclectus sp. cf. E. infectus; a hornbill, Rhyticeros sp. cf. R. plicatus; and a coucal, Centropus sp. indet., all conservatively considered likely to be conspecific with known taxa elsewhere in Melanesia.
机译:描述了瓦努阿图埃法特的特乌马考古遗址的鸟类。它源自 Lapita 水平 (3,000-2,800 ybp) 和紧邻的中层延伸到类似于 2,500 ybp。在1,714个已确定的标本中,共有30种鸟类。12 种是该岛的新记录,加上以前的记录,表明原始鸟类中至少有 39 种陆地鸟类(不包括雀形目)。在12个新记录的物种中,有四分之三似乎已经灭绝,到拉皮塔时代末期,即2,800年。鸟类以八种科伦科动物(47.5%的最小个体数[MNI])为主,包括一种已灭绝的大型齿嘴鸽,来自汤加的Didunculus placopedetes,以及来自新喀里多尼亚的巨型Ducula sp.cf. D. goliath。尽管该地点位于沿海地区,但海鸟很少见。家禽是Teouma鸟类的重要贡献者,人类引进的红林鸡Gallus gallus占MNI的15%,存在于所有采样层中。有两种巨足类(类似于MNI的10%),现存的瓦努阿图巨足类Megapodius layardi最丰富,在矿床的各个层面都有代表。一个大得多的已灭绝巨蜥,Mwalau walterlinii,n. gen.,n. sp.,只存在于Lapita midden地区,在那里它相对罕见。这个灭绝的物种比所有现存的巨足类动物都大,但比澳大利亚灭绝的Progura gallinacea小,比例与Alectura最相似,是一种活跃的鸟类。其余重要的动物区系成分是铁轨,有四个物种,其中黑卟啉(Porphyrio melanotus)数量最多。罕见但值得注意的记录包括未描述的大型铁轨;鹦鹉,Eclectus sp. cf. E. infectus;犀鸟,Rhyticeros sp. cf. R. plicatus;以及一种古卡,Centropus sp. indet.,保守地认为它们可能与美拉尼西亚其他地方的已知分类群同种。




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