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Preliminary investigations on husbandry, nutrition and growth of glass eels and elvers,Anguilla anguillaL.

机译:玻璃鳗和麋鹿的饲养、营养和生长的初步研究,Anguilla anguillaL.



Abstract.Some effects of husbandry and feeding on growth of glass eels and elvers of the European eel.Anguilla anguillaL., were investigated. In the first 7 months after arrival the recorded mortality amounted to 34 of the initial population. due to escapes and possibly cannibalism the observed survival after 7 months was only 21 of the initial population.Mean growth rate of the whole population was 7.1 g day−1kg−0.8. Growth proved to be highly variable. Growth rate was clearly affected by feeding level but not by initial stocking density.Maximum growth rate was approximately 8g day,1kg−0.8with feed conversions of 1.7–2.0. An optimal feeding level of 7.5g day1kg−0.8resulted in feed conversions o
机译:摘要:饲养和摄食对欧洲鳗鲡玻璃鳗和鳗鱼生长的一些影响.安圭拉安圭拉L.,被调查。在抵达后的头7个月,记录的死亡率为初始人口的34%。由于逃跑和可能的自相残杀,观察到的 7 个月后存活率仅为初始种群的 21%。全种群平均生长率为7.1 g day−1kg−0.8。事实证明,增长变化很大。生长速度明显受饲喂水平的影响,但不受初始放养密度的影响。最大生长速率约为8g/天,1kg−0.8,饲料转化率为1.7–2.0。最佳饲喂量为7.5g,天1kg−0.8,饲料转化率高




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