首页> 外文期刊>Journal of endocrinological investigation. >Low serum25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in healthy young males.

Low serum25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in healthy young males.


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It is a well-known fact that vitamin D is essential not only for calcium balance, but also for a number of other functions such as immune system, glucose homeostasis, liver, skeletal muscles, and adipocytes. In view of these considerations it was with great interest that we read the articles written by Giusti at al. (1) and Papapetrou et al. (2) demonstrating low concentrations of 25(OH)D in hospitalized and institutionalized elderly people, respectively. In line with these data, our most recent report showed that 97.5 of post-menopausal women treated for osteoporosis had 25(OH)D concentrations <75 nmol/l (3). However, although there is considerable evidence that vitamin D deficiency is a frequent disorder in the elderly, in our opinion, data about the vitamin D status in young adults are still insufficient. Nevertheless, this issue has been set as one of the goals of our Genetics Of Osteoporosis Study (GOOS).
机译:众所周知,维生素 D 不仅对钙平衡至关重要,而且对许多其他功能也至关重要,例如免疫系统、葡萄糖稳态、肝脏、骨骼肌和脂肪细胞。鉴于这些考虑,我们饶有兴趣地阅读了 Giusti 等人 (1) 和 Papapetrou 等人 (2) 撰写的文章,分别证明住院和收容老年人的 25(OH)D 浓度较低。根据这些数据,我们最近的报告显示,97.5%接受骨质疏松症治疗的绝经后妇女的D浓度为25(OH)D<75 nmol/l(3)。然而,尽管有相当多的证据表明维生素 D 缺乏症是老年人的常见疾病,但我们认为,关于年轻人维生素 D 状况的数据仍然不足。尽管如此,这个问题已被设定为我们的骨质疏松症遗传学研究(GOOS)的目标之一。




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