
The Error Probability of the Fixed-Complexity Sphere Decoder


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The fixed-complexity sphere decoder (FSD) has been previously proposed for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detection in order to overcome the two main drawbacks of the sphere decoder (SD), namely its variable complexity and its sequential structure. Although the FSD has shown remarkable quasi-maximum-likelihood (ML) performance and has resulted in a highly optimized real-time implementation, no analytical study of its performance existed for an arbitrary MIMO system. Herein, the error probability of the FSD is analyzed, proving that it achieves the same diversity as the maximum-likelihood detector (MLD) independent of the constellation used. In addition, it can also asymptotically yield ML performance in the high-signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. Those two results, together with its fixed complexity, make the FSD a very promising algorithm for uncoded MIMO detection.
机译:固定复杂度球体解码器(FSD)之前曾被提出用于多输入多输出(MIMO)检测,以克服球体解码器(SD)的两个主要缺点,即其可变复杂度和顺序结构。尽管 FSD 已显示出显著的准最大似然 (ML) 性能,并导致了高度优化的实时实现,但对于任意 MIMO 系统,尚无对其性能的分析研究。本文分析了FSD的误差概率,证明它实现了与最大似然检测器(MLD)相同的多样性,与所使用的星座无关。此外,它还可以在高信噪比 (SNR) 条件下渐近地产生 ML 性能。这两个结果,加上其固定的复杂性,使FSD成为一种非常有前途的无编码MIMO检测算法。




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