首页> 外文期刊>Physics Letters, B. Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics >Long-lived unstable superparticles at the LHC

Long-lived unstable superparticles at the LHC


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In various models of supersymmetry (SUSY), the lightest superparticle in the minimal SUSY standard model sector, which we call MSSM-LSP, becomes unstable. Then, we may observe the decay of the MSSMLSP in the detector at the LHC experiment. We show that the discovery of such a decay process (and the determination of the lifetime of the MSSM-LSP) may be possible at the LHC even if the decay length of the MSSM-LSP is much longer than the size of the detector; sizable number of the MSSM-LSPs decay inside the detector if the lifetime is shorter than 10-(3–5) s. We also discuss the implications of the study of the MSSM-LSP decay for several well-motivated SUSY models.
机译:在各种超对称模型(SUSY)中,最小SUSY标准模型扇区中最轻的超粒子(我们称之为MSSM-LSP)变得不稳定。然后,我们可以在大型强子对撞机实验中观察探测器中MSSMLSP的衰变。我们表明,即使MSSM-LSP的衰变长度远长于探测器的尺寸,在大型强子对撞机上也可能发现这种衰变过程(并确定MSSM-LSP的寿命);如果使用寿命短于 10-(3–5) 秒,则大量 MSSM-LSP 会在探测器内衰减。我们还讨论了研究MSSM-LSP衰变对几个动机良好的SUSY模型的影响。




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