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Practical and Proven Zero-Knowledge Constant Round Variants of GQ and Schnorr

机译:GQ 和 Schnorr 的实用且经过验证的零知识常数圆形变体

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In 1992 Burmester studied how to adapt the Guillou-Quisquateridentification scheme to a proven zero- knowledge proof withoutsignificantly increasing the communica- tion complexity andcomputational overhead. He proposed an al- most constant roundversion of Guillou-Quisquater. Di Crescenzo and Persiano presented a4-move constant round zero-knowledge interactive proof of membershipfor the corresponding language. A straightforward adaptation of theideas of Bellare-Micali- Ostrovsky will also give a constant roundprotocol. However, these protocols significantly increase thecommunication and computational complexity of the scheme. In thispaper we present constant round variants of the protocols ofGuillou-Quisquater and Schnorr with the same (order-wise)communication and com- putational complexity as the original schemes.Note that in our schemes the probability that a dishonest prover willfool a hon- est verifier may be exponentially small, while it canonly be one over a superpolynomial in Burmester's scheme. Ourprotocols are perfect zero-knowledge under no cryptographicassumptions.
机译:1992年,Burmester研究了如何在不显著增加通信复杂性和计算开销的情况下,将Guillou-Quisquater识别方案应用于已证明的零知识证明。他提出了一个最恒定的 Guillou-Quisquater 版本。Di Crescenzo 和 Persiano 提出了相应语言的 a4-move constant round zero-knowledge 交互式成员资格证明。对贝拉雷-米卡利-奥斯特洛夫斯基思想的直接改编也将给出一个恒定的回合协议。然而,这些协议显着增加了方案的通信和计算复杂性。在本文中,我们提出了 Guillou-Quisquater 和 Schnorr 协议的恒定回合变体,其通信和计算复杂度与原始方案相同。请注意,在我们的方案中,一个不诚实的证明者欺骗一个最优秀的验证者的概率可能呈指数级小,而在Burmester的方案中,它只能是超多项式的1。我们的协议在没有加密假设的情况下是完美的零知识。




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