
Full abstraction, totality and PCF

机译:完全抽象、整体和 PCF

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Inspired by question of Riecke, we consider the interaction of totality and full abstraction, asking whether full abstraction holds for Scott's model of cpos and continuous functions if one restricts to total programs and total observations. The answer is negative, as there are distinct operational and denotational notions of totality. However, when two terms are each total in both senses, they are totally equivalent operationally iff they are totally equivalent in the Scott model. Analysing further, we consider sequential and parallel versions of PCF and several models: Scott's model of continuous functions, Milner's fully abstract model of PCF and their effective submodes. We investigate how totality differs between these models. Some apparently rather difficult open problems arise that essentially concern whether the sequential and parallel versions of PCF have the same expressive power, in the sense of total equivalence.
机译:受 Riecke 问题的启发,我们考虑了整体性和完全抽象的相互作用,询问如果限制在总程序和总观察中,完全抽象是否适用于 Scott 的 cpos 和连续函数模型。答案是否定的,因为整体性有明显的操作和外延概念。然而,当两个项在两种意义上都是总和时,它们在操作上是完全等价的,因为它们在斯科特模型中是完全等价的。进一步分析,我们考虑了PCF的顺序和并行版本以及几个模型:Scott的连续函数模型,Milner的PCF完全抽象模型及其有效子模态。我们研究了这些模型之间的整体性有何不同。出现了一些显然相当困难的开放性问题,这些问题主要涉及PCF的顺序和并行版本是否具有相同的表达能力,即完全等价。




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