首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil and Plant Science >Conservation tillage as an approach to enhance crops water use efficiency

Conservation tillage as an approach to enhance crops water use efficiency


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Conservation tillage practices great role in improving productivity of water. This study hypothesis that tied-ridging and riding tillage could enhance the yield and water use efficiency. Hence, a field experiment was carried out to investigate their potentiality in improving the water use efficiencies for different crops (cotton, groundnut, sorghum and wheat) compared to basin (control) during two excessive seasons. The experiments were organized in a spilt-plot experimental design. The water use efficacies (WUEs) were examined in term of technical, economical and hydraulic water use efficiencies for the both conservation tillage under irrigated conditions. The results indicated that both the conservation tillage techniques showed positive effect (P.05) on the WUEs. The tied-ridging gave the highest values of WUEs than ridging for all crops. Moreover, tied-ridging increased the average values of water use efficiency by 75, 48, 17 and 85 for cotton, sorghum, groundnut and wheat, respectively, compared to that of control treatment, which significantly differed from the ridging treatment. Accordingly, conservation tillage improved WUE and the capability of soil to keep moisture which is reflected in high crops production. This suggests that there is substantial scope for improving irrigation water use efficiency of crops by adoption of conservation tillage.
机译:保护性耕作实践在提高水生产力方面发挥着重要作用。本研究假设绑带起垄和骑马耕作可以提高产量和水分利用效率。因此,进行了田间试验,以研究它们在两个过度季节与盆地(对照组)相比,在提高不同作物(棉花、花生、高粱和小麦)水分利用效率方面的潜力。这些实验以溢出图实验设计进行组织。从灌溉条件下保护性耕作的技术、经济和水力用水效率方面考察了水利用效率(WUEs)。结果表明,两种保护性耕作技术均对WUEs有积极影响(P.05)。对于所有作物来说,绑带起垄比起垄提供了最高的 WUE 值。与对照相比,绑扎处理使棉花、高粱、花生和小麦的水分利用效率平均值分别提高了75%、48%、17%和85%,与起垄处理差异显著。因此,保护性耕作提高了WUE和土壤保持水分的能力,这反映在作物的高产量上。这表明,通过采用保护性耕作来提高作物的灌溉用水效率有很大的空间。




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