首页> 外文期刊>Chemistry of Materials: A Publication of the American Chemistry Society >Density Functional Investigation of the Antiferromagnetic Ordering, Spin Orientation, and Ferroelectric Polarization of Rare-Earth IronBorate TbFe3(BO3)4

Density Functional Investigation of the Antiferromagnetic Ordering, Spin Orientation, and Ferroelectric Polarization of Rare-Earth IronBorate TbFe3(BO3)4


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First-principles density functional calculations were carried out to examine the electronic and magnetic properties of rare-earth iron borate TbFe3(BO3)4. The spin exchange interactions between the Fe~(3+) (d~5, S = 5/2) ions and the preferred orientation of the Tb~(3+) (f~8) spins were evaluated, and the ferroelectric polarization of TbFe3(BO3)4 was calculated. In agreement with experiment, our calculations predict that the spin exchange between the Fe~(3+) spins is ferromagnetic within each //ab sheet of Fe~(3+) ions but antiferromagnetic between adjacent //ab sheets of Fe~(3+) ions, whereas the spin exchange between the Fe~(3+) and Tb~(3+) ions within each //ab sheet of Fe~(3+) and Tb~(3+) ions is antiferromagnetic. The Tb~(3+) (f~8) ions is found to possess an electron configuration responsible for uniaxial magnetism, hence orienting the Tb~(3+) spins along the c-direction and leading to the highly anisotropic magnetic susceptibility. The ferroelectric polarization of TbFe3(BO3)4 is largely due to the absence of inversion symmetry of the crystal structure and is weakly affected by its magnetic structure.
机译:采用第一性原理密度泛函计算方法研究了稀土硼酸铁TbFe3(BO3)4的电子和磁性能。评价了Fe~(3+)(d~5,S = 5/2)离子与Tb~(3+)(f~8)自旋优选取向之间的自旋交换相互作用,计算了TbFe3(BO3)4的铁电极化。与实验结果一致,我们的计算预测,Fe~(3+)自旋之间的自旋交换在Fe~(3+)的每个//ab片内是铁磁性的,而相邻的//ab片的Fe~(3+)离子之间的自旋交换是反铁磁性的,而Fe~(3+)和Tb~(3+)和Tb~(3+)离子在每个//ab片内的自旋交换是反铁磁性的。发现 Tb~(3+) (f~8) 离子具有负责单轴磁性的电子构型,因此 Tb~(3+) 沿 c 方向定向自旋并导致高度各向异性磁化率。TbFe3(BO3)4的铁电极化主要是由于晶体结构缺乏反转对称性,受其磁性结构的影响较弱。




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