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On the anscombe condition for stochastic processes in a separable banach space

机译:关于可分离 banach 空间中随机过程的 anscombe 条件



This paper treats the validity of A NSCOMBE-type conditions for special stochastic processes in a BANACH space. Such conditions concern the uniform continuity of sequences of stochastic processes and are useful for proving limit theorems of randomly indexed sums. The first part is devotes to stochastic processes with independent increments. The second part investigates stochastic processes generated by operator normed sums of weakly dependent random variables (strongly mixing or unigorm;y strongly mixing). The special case of operator normed sums of independent random varables in an EUCLIDEAN space was treated in GLESER 4, but these results are incorrect.
机译:本文研究了 BANACH 空间中特殊随机过程的 A NSCOMBE 型条件的有效性.这些条件涉及随机过程序列的均匀连续性,可用于证明随机索引和的极限定理。第一部分致力于具有独立增量的随机过程。第二部分研究了由弱因随机变量(强混合或单变量;y 强烈混合)。在 GLESER [4] 中处理了欧几里得空间中独立随机变量的算子规范和的特殊情况,但这些结果是不正确的。




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