首页> 外文期刊>Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1 >Photocyclisation of enamides. Part IX. Syntheses of benzonaphthyridines by photocyclisation ofN-pyridylcyclohex-1-enecarboxamides and pyridine-(N-cyclohex-1-enyl)carboxamides

Photocyclisation of enamides. Part IX. Syntheses of benzonaphthyridines by photocyclisation ofN-pyridylcyclohex-1-enecarboxamides and pyridine-(N-cyclohex-1-enyl)carboxamides




1976 1861Photocyclisation of Enamides. Part 1X.l Syntheses of Benzonaphthyri-dines by Photocyclisation of N-Pyridylcyclohex-I -enecarboxamides andPyridine-(N-cyclohex-I -enyl)carboxamidesBy lchiya Ninomiya," Toshiko Kiguchi, Sadami Yamauchi, and Takealti Naito, Kobe Women's College ofThe N-pyridylenamides (Ia-c) were photocyclised to afford equimolar mixtures of cis- and trans-lactanis (IIa-d).Photocyclisation of the N- (pyridy1carbonyl)enamines (VII1)-(IX) gave products (X)-(XVI) with incorporationof solvent alcohol.Pharmacy, Motoyamakita, Higashinada, Kobe, JapanPREVIOUSLY we have described the stereoselectivephotocyclisation of N-acylanilides as part of a study ofenamide photochemistry. We now report an extensionof this photocyclisation to N-pyridylenamides andN-(pyridylcarbonyl)enamine, thus providing a convenientroute to a variety of benzonaphthyridine systems.Photocyclisation of N-Pyridylenarutides.-Tlie N-pyridylenamides (Ia-c) were readily prepared by acyl-ation of aminopyridines with cyclohex-l-enecarbonyl~hloride.~ Their structures were readily determinedPart VIII, I.Ninomiya, T. Naito, and H. Takasugi, J.C.S.Perkin I, 1975, 1791.from their n.m.r. spectra, particularly from the presenceof an olefinic proton signal at 6 cn. 6.7-7.0 (this peakwas used for checking whether photocyclisation hadoccurred). Ogata has reported the related photocyclis-ation of N-pyridyla~rylamides.~Irradiation of the N-pyridylenamides (Ia-c) wascarried out in solution, as described previously,2 with a120 W low-pressure mercury lamp at room temperature.The reaction was monitored by t.1.c.and g.1.c. The2 I. Ninomiya, S. Yamauchi, T. Kiguchi, A. Shinohara, andT. Naito, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1974, 1747.3 M. Ogata and H. Matsumoto, Clzern. and Phann. Bull.(Japun), 1972, 20, 22641862 J.C.S. Perkin IHeating the tertiary amines (IVb-d) with palladium-charcoal yielded the corresponding aromatic benzo-naphthyridines (Vb--d)697 as sole products.Photocyclisation of 7- (Pyridylcarbonyl) enamides.-I thas been reported that photocyclisation of pyridine-carboxanilide does not O C C U ~ . ~ ~ ~ Further, the prepar-ation of benzonaphthyridines by photocyclisation ofboth benzylideneaminopyridine and N-pyridylmethylene-aniline has been described.However, these reportshave been limited to the formation of the aromatic ringsystems. For comparison with the results of photo-cyclisation of the N-pyridylenamides, we have in-vestigated the photocyclisation of N-(pyridylcarbony1)-enamines, which were readily prepared by acylation ofN-cyclohexylidenebenzylamine with pyridinecarbonylchlorides in good yields. The products (VI1)-(IX)again showed characteristic olefinic proton signals intheir n.m.r. spectra.Methanolic O.O2M-solutions of the N- (pyridylcarbony1)-enamines (VI1)-(IX) were irradiated with a 120 Wlow-pressure mercury lamp at room temperature. Thereaction proceeded very slowly, and prolonged irradi-ation only caused decomposition of the product. There-fore, the irradiation was stopped at a point where aconsiderable amount of starting enamides still remained(t.1.c.) ; this was readily removed by chromatography.Although methanol was the solvent of choice for cyclis-ation, addition of a small amount of benzene was veryeffective in raising the yield.Thus, from irradiation ofthe enamide (VII) in methanol, the photoproduct (X)was obtained in 9 yield along with the unchangedenamide (VII) (17). However, in benzene-methanol(1 : 3) the yield of (X) was raised to 25. When ethanolwas used as solvent for photocyclisation, an ethanoladduct was obtained. Oxidative photocyclisation gavethe didehydro-lactam (XI) (16).Similarly, the enamide (VIII) afforded the photocyclis-ation products (XII) and (XIII), albeit in poor yields.The presence of an alkoxy-group at the ring junction inthe photoproducts (X) and (XII) was deduced as follows.The n.m.r.spectra contained a methoxy-singlet at 63.00. Further, compounds (X) and (XII), when heated,were readily converted into the corresponding didehydro-lactams (XI) and (XIII), respectively, identical with theproducts of oxidative photocyclisation. The n.m.r.spectra of compounds (XI) and (XIII) showed signals foreight aliphatic protons, and the aromatic proton signalsclearly determined the orientation of substitution on thepyridine ring, and thus the direction of cyclisation.The methoxy-group in structures (X) and (XII)presumably arises from the solvent. Mechanistic con-siderations s and the n.m.r. analysis indicate its locationas C-6a.Photocyclisation of the nicotinoylenamine (IX) , which7 S.V. Kessar, M. Singh, P. Jit, G. Singh, and A. I<. Lumb.,* M. T. LeGoff and P. Beugelmans, Bull. Soc. chim. France,9 I. Ninomiya, T. Naito, and T. Mori, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1973,Tetvakedron Letters. 1971, 471.1972, (a) p. 1106; (b) p. 1115.505.crude photoproduct showed one spot on t.1.c. but twopeaks on g.l.c., suggesting the formation of two stereo-isomers. This was confirmed by the analyses of theproducts and by dehydrogenation which afforded asingle product .Contrary to the photocyclisations of N-acylanilides,2in which ratios of cis- and trans-products were influencedby the solvent, the ratios of the present photocyclisationproducts were not affected by the solvent; in methanol,benzene, or ether equimolar mixtures of isomers wereformed.Further, thermal interconversion of the isomerswas not observed. The structures of the photoproductswere established from analyses and n.m.r. data, whichhowever gave no hint of the stereochemistry at the ringjunction.Oxidative photocyclisations of the enamides (Ia and b)afforded in each case a single product (IIIa or b), with adouble bond at the ring junction.Whereas photocyclisation of the enamides (Ia and b)proceeded regiospecifically, the enamide (Ic) from 3-For (1)at 2 - Nb; 4-MC; 3 - NFor 111) - Y)a; 4 - Nb; 2 - NC; 1 - Nd; 3 - N 0 =azine!IVa -d) IVb-d)aminopyridine afforded a mixture of two products(IIc and d) corresponding to the two possible directionsof cyclisation.Dehydrogenation of the product (IIa) afforded thecorresponding aromatic lactam (VI) in good yield,identical with an authentic ample.^ Reduction of theproducts (IIa-d) (as equimolar mixtures of cis- andtrans-isomers) with lithium aluminium hydride affordedstereoisomeric mixtures of the tertiary amines (IVa-d) .K.Ito and Y. Kanaoka, Chenz. and Pharm. Bull. (Japan),1974, 22, 1431.5 G. H. Alt and A. J. Speziale, J. Org. Chem., 1966, 81, 1340.H. H. Perkampus and B. Behjati, J . Heterocyclic Chem.,1974, 11, 5111976 1863could afford two geometrical isomers of each of two typesof photoproduct (corresponding to the two modes ofcyclisation), was carried out. The isolated photoproductswere the two types of didehydro-lactam, (XVI) (21)and (XV) (1 yo), and the methoxy-incorporated lactam(XIV) (2).The structures of the didehydro-lactams(XVI) and (XV) were deduced from their n.m.r. spectra,in particular the aromatic proton signals which deter-mined the direction of cyclisation. The product (XIV),n n no m(XYI)which underwent ready conversion into (XV) uponheating, exhibited a methoxy-singlet at 6 3.00. Further,oxidative photocyclisation of (IX) afforded two dide-hydro-lactams, (XVI) (4) and (XV) (24). The ratioof yields of the didehydro-lactams (XV) and (XVI) wasthe converse of that obtained from non-oxidative cyclis-ation.In conclusion, the photocyclisation of N-(pyridyl-carbony1)enamines proceeded very slowly and affordedan alkoxy-incorporated lactam susceptible t o decomposi-tion under irradiation conditions, whereas the N-pyridylenamides underwent smooth photocyclisation toafford equimolar mixtures of cis- and tram-lactams,irrespective of the solvent employed.EXPERIMENTALlH N.m.r.spectra were measured for solutions in deuterio-chloroform with tetramethylsilane as internal reference.1.r. spectra were taken for chloroform solutions unlessotherwise stated. Mass spectra were measured on a JEOL-JMS-OlSG machine. M.p.s were determined with a Kofler-type hot-stage apparatus. Photochemical reactions werecarried out as described in Part I.9Acylation of 2-Aminopyridine.-T.o a stirred solution of2-aminopyridine (8.0 g) and triethylamine (15 g) in anhydrousbenzene (300 ml) cooled in ice, a solution of cyclohex-l-enecarbonyl chloride (15 g) in anhydrous benzene (60 ml)was added dropwise. The resulting solution was heatedunder reflux for 2 h, then washed with water, dried, andevaporated.The residue was chromatographed on alumina.Elution with benzene afforded N- (2-fiyridyl) cyclohex- 1-enecarboxamide (Ia) (7.4 g, 46), crystals, m.p. 64-66 "C(from n-hexane), vmx. 3 180 (NH), 1678 (NCO), and 1639cm-1 (C=C), 6 8.37br (1 H, s , NH), 8.30 (2 H, m, 3'- and 5'-H),7.75 (1 H, td, J 7.8 and 2.0 Hz, 4'-H), and 6.90 (2 H, m,6'-H, GCH) (Found: C, 71.0; H, 7.0; N, 13.95. C,,H,,-N,O requires C, 71.25; H, 7.0; N, 13.85). Elution withbenzene-chloroform afforded N-(2-pyridyl)-2-( 2-fiyridyl-amino)cyclohexanecarboxamide (2.7 g, 16y0), m.p.199-20 lo,as crystals (from methanol), vmx. 3 360 (NH), 3 150 (NH),and 1 678 cm-l (NCO), 6 10.27br (1 H, s, CONH), 6.10 (1 H,d, J 0 Hz, NH), 4.55 (1 H, m, N-CH), and 3.00 (1 H, in,COCH) (Found: C, 68.85; H, 6.8; N, 19.0. C17H,,N,0requiresc, 68.9; H, 6.8; N, 18.90/,).N- (4-PyridyZ) cyclohex- 1 -enecarboxamide (Ib) . --A similarreaction of 4-aminopyridine (3.5 g) with cyclohex- l-ene-carbonyl chloride (6.0 g) afforded the enamide (Ib) (6.7 g,go), b.p. 190" (bath temp.) at 6 x mmHg, v,,,.3 490 (NH), 1 685 (NCO), and 1 640 cm-l (C=C), 6 8.58br(1 H, s, NH), 8.49 (2 H, dd, J 5 and 1.5 Hz, 2'- and 6'-H),7.61 (2 H, dd, J 5 and 1.5 Hz, 3'- and 5'-H), and 6.75 ( 1 H,m, HC=C) (Found: C, 71.25; H, 6.95; N, 13.45).N- (3-Pyridy1)cycZohex- 1-enecarboxavnide (Ic) .-A similarreaction of 3-aminopyridine (3.8 g) with cyclohex- l-ene-carbonyl chloride (5.0 g) afforded the enamide (Ic) (6.1 g,75y0), b.p.180" (bath temp.) at 6 x mniHg, vnmx.3 470 (NH), 1679 (NCO), and 1639 cni-1 (C=C), 6 8.18br(1 €3, s, NH) and 6.78 (1 H, m, HGC) (Found: C, 71.4;H, 7.15; N, 13.95).cis- and trans-6a, 7,8,9,10,1Oa-Hexahyclrobe~zzocl,8naph-thyridin-6(5H)-om (IIa) .-A O.O2~-solution of the enamide(Ia) (370 mg) in methanol, ether, or benzene (100 ml) wasirradiated with a low-pressure mercury lamp at roomtemperature for 49 h. The solvent was removed in vucuoand the residue was chromatographed on silica gel. Elutionwith chloroform afforded the lactarn (IIa) (38-41 "/o), m.p.194-198" (from ether), vmax, 3 440 (NH) and 1685 cm-l(NCO), 6 10.10br (1 H, s, NH), 8.31 (1 H, dd-like, 3-H), 7.55(1 H, m, 1-H), and 7.00 (1 H, m, 2-H) (Found: C, 70.95;H, 6.75; N, 13.7.C,,H,,N,O requires C, 71.25; H, 7.0;N, 13.85), shown to be a mixture of cis- and trans-isomers (ca. 1 : 1) by g.1.c. and n.m.r.cis- and trans-6a, 7,8,9,10,1Oa-Hexahydrobenzocl,6nafih-thyridin-6(5H)-one (IIb) .-By the procedure given for(Ia), irradiation of the enamide (Ib) (400 mg) in methanol,ether, or benzene for 19-20 h afforded, after chromato-graphy on silica gel with chloroform as eluant, the lactam(IIb) (72.5-87.5), m.p. 240-244", as crystals (frommethanol), vmax. 3 430 (NH) and 1 693 cm-l (NCO), 6 9.20(1 H, m, NH) and 6.80 (1 H, d, J 6 Hz, 4-H) (Found: C,71.55; H, 7.25; N, 13.75), shown to be a mixture of cis-and trans-isomers (ca.1 : 1) by g.1.c. and n.ii1.r.Photocyclisation of the Enamide (Ic) .-By the procedurJ.C.S. Perkin Igiven for (Ia), irradiation of the enamide (Ic) (3.0 g) in etherfor 20 h afforded, after chromatography on silica gel withchloroform, cis- and trans-6a, 7,8,9,10,10a-hexahydrobenzo-~1,5Jna~hthyridin-6(5H)-one (IIc) (0.32 g, l l ) , m.p.236-237" (from methanol), vmx 3 440 (NH) and 1 684cm-l (NCO), 6 9.48 (1 H, m, NH) (Found: C, 71.15; H,6.9), and cis- and trans-6a,7,SJ9,10, 1Oa-hexahydrobenzoc-1,7naphthyridin-6(5H)-one (Ild) (0.54 g, 18), m.p.236-240' (from methanol), vmx. 3 440 (NH) and 1 689 cm-1(NCO), 6 9.48br (1 H, s, NH) (Found: C, 71.35; H, 6.9;N, 13.7) (each ca.1 : 1 by g.1.c. and n.m.r.). Irradiationof the enamide (Ic) in benzene gave the same lactams, butwith methanol as solvent only decomposition took place.7,8,9,1 O-Tetrahydrobenzoc 1, 8naphthyridin-6( 5H) -one(IIIa).-The enamide (Ia) (400 mg) in methanol (100 ml)was irradiated in the presence of iodine (250 mg) for 35 h.The solvent was removed and the residue was dissolved inchloroform and washed with aqueous sodium hydrogensulphate and water, dried, and evaporated. The residuewas chromatographed on silica gel ; elution with chloroformgave the didehydro-lactarn (IIIa) (40 mg, loyo), m.p. 236-237" (from methanol), vmx. 3 450 (NH) and 1 649 cm-1(NCO), 6 12.47br (1 H, s, NH), 8.75 (1 H, dd, J 5 and 1.8Hz,3-H), 8.00(1H,dd, JSand1.8Hz, l-H),and7.15(1H,dd, J 8 and 5 Hz, 2-H) (Found: C, 72.05; H, 5.9; N, 13.7.Cl,H,,N20 requires C, 72.0; H, 6.05; N, 14.0).7,8,9,1 O-Tetralzydrobenzo c 1, Glnaphthyridin-6 (5H)-oe(IIIb).-By the procedure given for (Ia), irradiation of theenamide (Ib) (400 mg) in the presence of iodine (130 mg)afforded the didehydro-lnctarn (IIIb) (310 mg, 77.5) ascrystals (from methanol), m.p.262-264", vmx. 3 440 (NH)and 1 654 cm-l (NCO), 6 (C,D,N) 9.02br (1 H, s, 1-H), 8.70(1 H, d, J 6 Hz, 3-H), and 7.43 (1 H, d, J 6 Hz, 4-H) (Found :C, 72.2; H, 6.25; N, 13.5).cis- and trans-5,6,6a,7,8,9,1O,l0a-Octahydrobenzoc 1,8-naphthyridine (IVa).-To a solution of the lactam (IIa)(500 mg) in anhydrous ether-tetrahydrofuran (10 : 3; 130ml), lithium aluminium hydride (500 mg) was added carefulIyin small portions.Theexcess of hydride was decomposed by adding water withcooling. The organic layer was separated and the aqueouslayer was extracted with ether. The combined extractswere washed with brine, dried (Na,SO,), and evaporated t ogive the secondary amine (IVa) (206 mg, 55), as crystals(from n-hexane), m.p. 89-90", vmX. 3 440 cm-l (NH),6 7.88br (1 H, d, 3-H), 7.25 (1 H, m, 1-H), 6.49 (1 H, dd,J 7.5 and 5 Hz, 2-H), and 5.25br (1 H, s, NH) (Found:C, 76.7; H, 8.4; N, 14.85. Cl,Hl,N, requires C, 76.55;H, 8.55; N, 14.9).cis- and trans-5,6,6a, 7,8,9,10,10a-0ctahyd~obenzoc 1,6-napkthyridine ( I n ) .-A similar reaction of the lactam(IIb) (310 mg) with lithium aluminium hydride (290 mg)afforded the secondary amine (IVb) (130 mg, 45) ascrystals (from ether), m.p.174-176", v,,,. 3 500 cm-l (NH),6 6.25 (1 H, d, J 5.5 Hz, 4-H) and 3.25br (1 H, s, NH) (Found :C, 76.55; H, S.55; N, 14.75).cis- and trans-5,6,6a,7,8,9,10,10a-0ctahydrobenzocl,5-nuphthyridine (IVc) .-A similar reaction of the lactam (IIc)(320 mg) with lithium aluminium hydride (300 mg) affordedthe secondary amine (IVc) (160 mg, 29) as crystals (fromn-hexane), m.p. 92-93", v,, 3 450 cm-l (NH), 6 7.90 (1 H,dd, J 1.5 and 4.5 Hz, 2-H), 6.90 (1 H, dd, J 4.5 and 8 Hz,3-H), 6.68 (1 H, dd, J 8 and 1.5 Hz, 4-H), and 3.20br (1 H,s, NH) (Found: C, 76.4; H, 8.4; N, 14.95).cis- and trans-5,6,6a, 7,8,9,10,10a-0ctahydrobenzoc 1,7-The mixture was refluxed for 1 h.waphthyridine (IVd) .-A similar reaction of the lactam (IId)(500 mg) with lithium aluminium hydride (500 mg) affordedthe secondary avnine (IVd) (330 mg, 77) as crystals (fromn-hexane), m.p.89-90', vmx. 3 470 cm-l (NH), 6 6.95 (1 H, m,1-H), and 3.75br (1 H, s, NH) (Found: C, 76.75; H, 8.45).Benzocl,Snaphthytyridin-6(5H)-one (VI) .-A mixture ofthe lactam (IIa) (200 mg) and 10 palladium-charcoal(200 mg) was heated at 220-240 'C (metal bath) for 5 h,then extracted with hot chloroform. The chloroform layerwas filtered and evaporated and the residue was recrystal-lised from chloroform to give the lactam (VI) (140 mg, 70)as crystals, m.p. 268" (lit.,4 274-276'), identical with anauthentic sample.Benzoc 1, 6lnaphthyridine (Vb) .-A similar reaction ofthe secondary amine (IVb) (320 nig) at 250 "C for 7 hafforded the benzonaphthyridine (Vb) (116 mg, 37) ascrystals (from ether), m.p.93-95' (lit.,6 10P-106") (Found:C, 79.85; H, 4.65; N, 15.5. Calc. for C,,H,N,: C , 80.0;H, 4.5; N, 15.55).Benzoc 1,5nuphtlzyridine (Vc) .-A similar reaction ofthe secondary amine (IVc) (140 mg) and 10 palladium-charcoal (140 mg) afforded the benzonaphthyridine (Vc)(120 mg, 90) as crystals (from ether), m.p. 92-93.5"(lit.,6 95-97") (Found: C, 79.7; H, 4.55; N, 15.35).Benzocl, 7naphthyridine (Vd) .-By the procedure givenfor (IVb), the secondary amine (IVd) (160 mg) afforded thebenzonaphthyridine (Vd) (140 mg, 91) as crystals (fromether), m.p.98--1100" (lit.,' 102') (Found: C, 79.7; H, 4.5;N, 15.65).Preparation of the Enamides (VI1)-(IX) .-N-Benzy2-N-cyclohex- 1-enylnicotinamide (IX) . A solution of cyclo-hexanone (9.82 g) and benzylamine (9.63 g) in benzene(200 ml) was refluxed for 5 h with removal of water asformed, then evaporated under reduced pressure. Asolution of the resulting imine and triethylamine (23 g) inanhydrous benzene (100 ml) was added dropwise to a cooledsuspension of an excess of nicotinoyl chloride. Afterstirring at room temperature for 2 h, the mixture was washedwith water, dried (Na,SO,), and evaporated t o give an oil,which was chromatographed on alumina with benzene-chloroform as eluant. Distillation of the eluted oil affordedthe enanzide (IX) (11 g, 46) as an oil, b.p.205" (bathtemp.) at 7 x lov3 mmHg, vmax. 1631 cm-l (NCO), 6 8.81(1 H, dd, J 1.5 and 1 Hz 2-H), 8.63 (1 H, dd, J 5 and 1.5 Hz,4-H), 7.91 (1 H, dt, J 7 and 1.5 Hz, 6-H), 5.31 (1 H, t-like,C=CH), and 4.85 (2 H, s, N*CH,Ph) (Found: C, 77.9; H, 6.8;N, 9.45. C,,H,,N,O requires C, 78.05; H, 6.9; N, 9.6).Similarly, N-benzyl-N-cyclohex-l-enylisonicotinanzide (VII)was prepared in 26 yield as crystals (from ether), m.p.81-82", vmaX 1 635 cm-' (NCO), 6 8.63 (2 H, m, 2- and 6-H),5.26 (1 H, approx. t, HC=C), and 4.81 (2 H, s, NCH,Fh)(Found: C, 78.1; H, 6.95; N, 9.6).N-Benzyl-W-cyclohex-l-enylpicolinamide (VIII) was alsoprepared similarly in 68.50/, yield, as crystals (from n-hexane), m.p. 56-57.5", vmx. 1635 cm-l (NCO), 6 5.10(1 H, m, HGC) and 4.81 (2 H, s, NCH2Ph) (Found: C,78.25; H, 6.8; N, 9.6).Photocyclisation of the Enamides (VI1)-(IX) .-Reactionswere carried out as described previously with 0 .0 2 ~ -solutions of the enamides in an appropriate solvent, such asmethanol or ethanol.The enavnide (VII) in methanol. The enamide (VII)(3.9 g) was irradiated in methanol for 11 h. (Prolongedirradiation caused decomposition of the products.) Thesolvent was removed and the residue was chromatographe1976 1865on alumina. Elution with benzene afforded first N-benzyl-Ga, 7,8,9,10,1Oa-hexahydvo-6a-methoxybenzoc 2, 61naph-thyridin-5(6H)-one (X) (350 mg, 9) as crystals (frommethanol), m.p. 165-167", vmax 1657 (NCO) and 1066cm-l, 6 8.66 (2 H, m, 1- and 3-H), 7.97 (1 H , d, J 5.5 Hz,4-H), 5.63 and 4.50 (2 H , ABq, J 16 Hz, NCH,Ph), and3.01 (3 H, s, OCH,) (Found: AT+, 322.168 324.C,,H,,N20,requires M , 322.168 13), then the starting enamide (VII)(650 mg, 17).The enamide (VIII)(4.8 g) in methanol (800 ml) for 80 h afforded, upon repeatedchromatography, 6-benzyl-Ga-rnethoxy-6a, 7,8,9,10,10a-hexahydrobeiizofl1,7naphthyridin-5(6H)-one (XII) (30iiig, 0.674) as a pale brown oil, vma,. 1 660 (NCO) and 1 065cni-l, 6 8.71 (1 H, m, 3-H), 7.67 (1 H, m, 1-H), 7.45 (1 H, m,3-H), 5.71 and 4.53 (2 H, ABq, J 11 Hz, NCH,Ph), and3.03 (3 H, s, OCH,).The enamide (IX) in methanol. The enamide (IX) (4.67g) was irradiated for 7-8 h. Benzene eluted 6-benzyl-6a, 7,8,9,10,10a-hexahydro-6a-rnetlioxybenzoh 1,6naph-thyridin-B(5H)-one (XIV) (50 mg, 1) as an amorphoussolid (from ether), v,,, 1647 (NCO) and 1063 cm-1, 68.70 (1 H, dd, J 5 and 2 Hz, 2-H), 8.43 (1 H, dd, J 8 and 2Hz, 4-H), 5.61 and 4.50 (2 H, ABq, J 16 Hz, NCH,Ph), 3.21(1 H, m, 10a-H), and 3.00 (3 H, s, OCH,), followed by 5-benzyZ-7,8,9,1O-tetralzydrobenzoh l, 6nuphthyridin-6(5H)-one (XV) (100 nig, 2) as pale yellow crystals (from meth-anol), m.p.172-174", vmak 1650 (NCO), 1613, and 1590cm-l, 6 8.96 (1 H, dd, J 4.5 and 2 Hz, 2-H), 8.76 (1 H, dd,J 8 and 2 Hz, 4-H), and 5.47 (2 H, s, NCH,Ph) (Found:C, 78.7; H, 6.05; N, 9.5. Cl,H1,N,O requires C, 78.6;H, 6.25; N, 9.65), and finally the enamide (IX) (1.68 g,36). Elution with benzene-chloroform then afforded6-benzyZ-7,8,9, lO-tetrahydrobenzoc 2,7nuphtlzyridin-5( 6H)-The enamide (VIII) in methanol.one (XVI) (1 g, 21) as pale yellow crystals (from methanol),m.p.189-19lo, v,, 1657 (NCO) and 1612 cm-l, 6 9.65(1 H, s, 4-H), 8.71 (1 H, d, J 6 Hz, 2-H), and 5.43 (2 H,s, NCH,Ph) (Found: C, 78.5; H, 6.15; N, 9.65. Cl,H18N,0requiresc, 78.6; H, 6.25; N, 9.65).Oxidative Photocyclisation of the Enamide (VII) .-Theenamide (VII) (1.26 g) in methanol (200 ml) in the presenceof iodine (1 g) was irradiated for 27 h. The solution wasevaporated and the residue was dissolved in chloroform.This solution was washed with aqueous sodium hydrogensulphate and water, dried, and evaporated. The residuewas chromatograplied on alumina. Elution with benzenegave the enamide (VII) (600 mg, 48), followed by 6-benzy2-7,8,9,lO-tetrahydrobenzoc 2,6naphthyridin-5( 6H) -one (XI) (200 mg, ISYO), as needles (from ether-methanol),m.p. 139-141", vmx 1652 (NCO) and 1614 cni-l, 8 9.125 Hz, 4-H), and 5.42 (2 H, s, NCH,Ph) (Found: C, 78.3;H , 6.3; N, 9.4. Cl,Hl,N,O requires C, 78.6; H, 6.25; N,9.65).Oxidative Photocyclisution of the Enamide (VIII) .-By theprocedure given for (VII), the enamide (VIII) (2.34 g)afforded 6-benzyl-7,8,9,10-tetra~zydrobenzofl 1,7naphthyri-din-5(6H)-one (XIII) (12 mg, 0.5) as a pale brown amor-phous substance, v,,,. 1 657 (NCO) and 1 613 cm-l, 6 8.91(1 H, m, 3-H), 8.03 (1 H, m, 1-H), 7.60 (1 H, m, 2-H), and5.51 (2 H, s, NCH,Ph) (Found: M+, 290.141 45. C,,HI8N,Orequires M, 290.141 91).Oxidative Photocyclisation of the Enamide (IX) .-By theprocedure given for (VII), the enamide (IX) (1.26 g) affordedthe didehydro-lactam (XV) (300 mg, 24), the enamide(IX) (150 mg, 12y0), and the didehydro-lactam (XVI) (506/073 Received, 12tJi Januavy, 19761(1 H, S, 1-H), 8.70 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz, 3-H), 8.23 (1 H, d, J*Q, 4)
机译:1976 1861烯酰胺的光环化。第 1 部分X.l 通过光环化 N-吡啶基环己-I -烯甲酰胺和吡啶-(N-环己-I -烯基)甲酰胺的苯并萘二甲酰胺的合成作者:lchiya Ninomiya,“Toshiko Kiguchi、Sadami Yamauchi 和 Takealti Naito,神户女子大学对 N-吡啶酰胺 (Ia-c) 进行光环化以获得顺式和反式内酯 (IIa-d) 的等摩尔混合物。N-(吡啶1羰基)烯胺(VII1)-(IX)的光环化得到产物(X)-(XVI),并掺入溶剂醇。药房, Motoyamakita, Higashinada, Kobe, Japan以前,我们已经将N-酰苯胺的立体选择性光环化描述为烯酰胺光化学研究的一部分。我们现在报道了这种光环化扩展到N-吡啶酰胺和N-(吡啶基羰基)烯胺,从而为各种苯并萘啶系统提供了一条便捷的途径。N-吡啶烷酰胺的光环化反应很容易通过氨基吡啶与环己-l-烯羰基~hloride的酰基化反应来制备.~ 它们的结构很容易确定Part VIII, I.Ninomiya, T. Naito, and H. Takasugi, J.C.S.Perkin I, 1975, 1791.从它们的n.m.r.谱图中,特别是从6 cn处的烯烃质子信号的存在中。6.7-7.0(该峰用于检查是否发生光环化)。绪方报道了N-吡啶~rylamides的相关光环化。~如前所述,在室温下用 a120 W 低压汞灯在溶液中照射 N-吡啶酰胺 (Ia-c)。通过t.1.c.和g.1.c监测反应。The2 I. 二宫、S. Yamauchi、T. Kiguchi、A. Shinohara 和 T.Naito, J.C.S. Perkin I , 1974, 1747.3 M. Ogata 和 H. Matsumoto, Clzern.和 Phann。牛。(Japun), 1972, 20, 22641862 J.C.S. Perkin I将叔胺(IVb-d)与钯炭一起食用,产生相应的芳香族苯并萘啶(Vb--d)697作为唯一产品。7-(吡啶基羰基)吏酰胺的光环化作用.-I.有报道称吡啶-羧酰苯胺的光环化作用不 O C C U ~ .~~~ 此外,还描述了通过亚苄氨基吡啶和N-吡啶基亚甲基苯胺的光环化制备苯并萘啶。然而,这些报道仅限于芳香环系统的形成。为了与N-吡啶酰胺的光环化结果进行比较,我们研究了N-(吡啶基羰基1)-烯胺的光环化反应,N-环己亚苄胺与吡啶羰酰氯的酰化反应容易制备,收率很高。产物(VI1)-(IX)再次在其n.m.r.谱中显示出特征性的烯烃质子信号。N-(吡啶基羰基1)-烯胺(VI1)-(IX)的甲醇O.O2M溶液在室温下用120W低压汞灯照射。作用进行得非常缓慢,长时间的照射只会导致产物分解。因此,辐照在仍然存在大量起始烯酰胺的点上停止(t.1.c.);这很容易通过色谱法去除。虽然甲醇是环化反应的首选溶剂,但添加少量苯对提高收率非常有效。因此,通过在甲醇中辐照烯酰胺(VII),光产物(X)与未改变的烯酰胺(VII)(17%)一起获得了9%的收率。然而,在苯甲醇(1:3)中,(X)的收率提高到25%。当乙醇用作光环化溶剂时,得到乙醇导管。氧化光环化得到二脱氢内酰胺 (XI) (16%)。同样,烯酰胺(VIII)提供了光环化产物(XII)和(XIII),尽管收率很低。在光产物(X)和(XII)的环结处存在烷氧基,推导如下。n.m.r.谱图在63.00处含有甲氧基单线态。此外,化合物(X)和(XII)在加热时容易转化为相应的二脱氢内酰胺(XI)和(XIII),分别与氧化光环化的产物相同。化合物(XI)和(XIII)的n.m.r.谱图显示了8个脂肪族质子的信号,芳香质子信号清楚地确定了吡啶环上的取代方向,从而确定了环化的方向。结构(X)和(XII)中的甲氧基可能来自溶剂。机理 con-siderations 和 n.m.r. 分析表明其位置为 C-6a.烟酰胺 (IX) 的光环化,其中 7 S.V. Kessar, M. Singh, P. Jit, G. Singh, and A. I<.Lumb.,* M. T. LeGoff 和 P. Beugelmans,公牛。Soc. chim.法国,9 I. Ninomiya, T. Naito, and T. Mori, J.C.S. Perkin I, 1973,Tetvakedron Letters.1971年,471.1972,(a)第1106页;(b) p. 1115.505.粗光产品在T.1.C.上显示一个斑点。但G.L.C.上有两个峰,表明形成了两个立体异构体。通过对产物的分析和脱氢反应证实了这一点,脱氢反应产生了单一产物。与N-酰苯胺的光环化相反,2其中顺式和反式产物的比例受溶剂的影响,而目前的光环化产物的比例不受溶剂的影响;在甲醇、苯或醚中形成异构体的等摩尔混合物。此外,没有观察到异构体的热相互转化。光产物的结构是通过分析和n.m.r.数据确定的,然而,这些数据没有给出环结处立体化学的提示。烯烃酰胺(Ia 和 b)的氧化光环化在每种情况下都具有单个产物(IIIa 或 b),在环连接处具有双键。而烯酰胺(Ia和b)的光环化是区域特异性的,而烯酰胺(Ic)从3-For(1)到2-Nb;4-MC;3 - NFor 111) - [Y)a;4 - NB;2 - 常闭;1 - 钕;3 - N 0 =嗪!IVa -d) IVb-d)氨基吡啶提供了两种产物(IIc 和 d)的混合物,对应于环化的两种可能方向。产物(IIa)的脱氢得到相应的芳香内酰胺(VI),收率高,与正品相同.^ 用氢化铝锂还原产物(IIa-d)(作为顺式和反异构体的等摩尔混合物)得到叔胺(IVa-d)的立体异构体混合物。K.Ito 和 Y. Kanaoka,Chenz。和药学。(日本),1974, 22, 1431.5 G. H. Alt and A. J. Speziale, J. Org. Chem., 1966, 81, 1340.H. H. Perkampus and B. Behjati, J .Heterocyclic Chem.,1974, 11, 5111976 1863可以对两种类型的光产物(对应于两种环化模式)各产生两种几何异构体。分离的光产物是两种类型的二脱氢内酰胺,(XVI)(21%)和(XV)(1岁),以及甲氧基掺入的内酰胺(XIV)(2%)。从二脱氢内酰胺(XVI)和(XV)的n.m.r.谱中推导了二脱氢-内酰胺(XVI)和(XV)的结构,特别是芳香质子信号,阻止了环化方向的发展。产物(XIV),n n no m(XYI)在加热时被加热转化为(XV),表现出甲氧基单线态。此外,(IX)的氧化光环化产生了两种二氢内酰胺,(XVI)(4%)和(XV)(24%)。二脱氢内酰胺(XV)和(XVI)的产率之比与非氧化环化反应的产率相反。综上所述,N-(吡啶基-羰基1)烯胺的光环化过程非常缓慢,并且在辐照条件下使烷氧基掺入的内酰胺易被分解,而N-吡啶酰胺的光环化过程平滑,以提供顺式和氨基内酰胺的等摩尔混合物,无论使用何种溶剂。以四甲基硅烷为内部参考,测量氘氯仿溶液的实验lH N.m.r.光谱。除非另有说明,否则取氯仿溶液的光谱。在JEOL-JMS-OlSG机器上测量质谱图。M.p.s是用Kofler型热阶段装置测定的。光化学反应如第I.9部分所述进行2-氨基吡啶的酰化反应.-T.o将2-氨基吡啶(8.0g)和三乙胺(15g)在无水苯(300ml)中的搅拌溶液在冰中冷却,滴加环己-l-烯甲酰氯(15g)在无水苯(60ml)中的溶液。将所得溶液在回流下加热2小时,然后用水洗涤,干燥,并蒸发。残留物在氧化铝上色谱。用苯洗脱得到N-(2-吡啶基)环己-1-烯甲酰胺(Ia)(7.4克,46%),晶体,熔点64-66“C(来自正己烷),vmx。3 180 (NH)、1678 (NCO) 和 1639cm-1 (C=C)、6 8.37br (1 H, s , NH)、8.30 (2 H, m, 3'- 和 5'-H)、7.75 (1 H, td, J 7.8 和 2.0 Hz, 4'-H) 和 6.90 (2 H, m,6'-H, GCH) (发现: C, 71.0;H,7.0;N,13.95。C,,H,,-N,O需要C,71.25;H,7.0;N,13.85%)。用苯-氯仿洗脱得到N-(2-吡啶基)-2-(2-吡啶基氨基)环己烷甲酰胺(2.7g,16y0),m.p.199-20 lo,作为晶体(来自甲醇),vmx。3 360 (NH)、3 150 (NH) 和 1 678 cm-l (NCO)、6 10.27br (1 H, s, CONH)、6.10 (1 H,d, J 0 Hz, NH)、4.55 (1 H, m, N-CH) 和 3.00 (1 H, in,COCH) (发现:C, 68.85;H,6.8;N,19.0。C17H,,N,0requiresc, 68.9;H,6.8;N,18.90/,)。N-(4-吡啶Z)环己-1-烯甲酰胺(Ib)。--4-氨基吡啶(3.5 g)与环己烯-甲酰氯(6.0 g)的类似反应得到烯酰胺(Ib)(6.7 g,go%),b.p. 190“(浴温),6 x mmHg,v,,,.3 490 (NH),1 685 (NCO)和1 640 cm-l (C=C),6 8.58br(1 H,s,NH),8.49(2 H,dd,J 5和1.5 Hz, 2'-和6'-H),7.61(2 H,dd,J 5和1.5 Hz,3'-和5'-H)和6.75(1 H,m,HC=C)(发现:C,71.25;H,6.95;N,13.45%)。N-(3-吡啶1)cycZohex-1-enecarboxavnide(Ic).-3-氨基吡啶(3.8g)与环己烯-烯甲酰氯(5.0g)的类似反应得到烯酰胺(Ic)(6.1g,75y0),b.p.180“(浴温)在6 x mniHg,vnmx.3 470(NH),1679(NCO)和1639 cni-1(C=C),6 8.18br(1€3,s,NH)和6.78(1 H,m,HGC)(发现: C,71.4;H,7.15;N,13.95%)。顺式和反式-6a,7,8,9,10,1Oa-Hexahyclrobe~zzo[c][l,8]naph-thyridin-6(5H)-om (IIa) .-A O.O2~-烯酰胺(Ia)(370mg)在甲醇、乙醚或苯(100ml)中的溶液在室温下用低压汞灯照射49小时。将溶剂在vucuo中除去,并将残留物在硅胶上色谱。氯仿洗脱得到内酰胺(IIa)(38-41“/o),m.p.194-198”(来自乙醚),vmax,3 440(NH)和1685 cm-l(NCO),6 10.10br(1 H,s,NH),8.31(1 H,dd-like,3-H),7.55(1 H,m,1-H)和7.00(1 H,m,2-H)(发现:C,70.95;H,6.75;N, 13.7.C,,H,,N,O 需要 C, 71.25;H,7.0;N,13.85%),g.1.c显示是顺式和反式异构体(约1:1)的混合物。和n.m.r.顺式和反式-6a,7,8,9,10,1Oa-六氢苯并[c][l,6]萘磷-甲状腺啶-6(5H)-酮(IIb).-通过(Ia)给出的程序,将烯酰胺(Ib)(400mg)在甲醇,乙醚或苯中辐照19-20小时,在硅胶上以氯仿为洗脱剂进行色谱分析后,内酰胺(IIb)(72.5-87.5%),m.p.240-244“,作为晶体(来自甲醇),vmax。3 430 (NH) 和 1 693 cm-l (NCO), 6 9.20 (1 H, m, NH) 和 6.80 (1 H, d, J 6 Hz, 4-H) (发现: C,71.55;H,7.25;N,13.75%),g.1.c显示是顺式和反式异构体(ca.1:1)的混合物。和 n.ii1.r.烯酰胺 (Ic) 的光环化 .-通过程序J.C.S.Perkin Igiven 为 (Ia),辐照烯酰胺 (Ic) (3.0 g)在醚中20 h,在硅胶上用氯仿、顺式和反式-6a、7,8,9,10,10a-六氢苯并-[~][1,5Jna~hthyridin-6(5H)-酮(IIc)(0.32 g,l l %),m.p.236-237“(来自甲醇),vmx 3 440(NH)和1 684cm-l(NCO),6 9.48(1 H,m,NH)(发现:C,71.15;H,6.9%)和顺式和反式-6a,7,SJ9,10,1Oa-六氢苯并[c]-[1,7]萘啶-6(5H)-酮(Ild)(0.54g,18%),m.p.236-240'(来自甲醇),vmx。3 440 (NH) 和 1 689 cm-1(NCO), 6 9.48br (1 H, s, NH) (发现: C, 71.35;H,6.9;N, 13.7%) (各 ca.1 : 1 by g.1.c. 和 n.m.r.)。在苯中辐照烯酰胺(Ic)得到相同的内酰胺,但以甲醇为溶剂仅发生分解.7,8,9,1 O-四氢苯并[c] [ 1,8]萘啶-6(5H)-酮(IIIa).-甲醇(100ml)中的烯酰胺(Ia)(400mg)在碘(250mg)存在下辐照35 h.除去溶剂,将残留物溶解在氯仿中,并用硫酸氢钠水溶液和水洗涤, 干燥,蒸发。残留物在硅胶上色谱;用氯仿洗脱得到二脱氢内酰胺(IIIa)(40mg,loyo),m.p.236-237“(来自甲醇),vmx。3 450 (NH) 和 1 649 cm-1(NCO), 6 12.47br (1 H, s, NH), 8.75 (1 H, dd, J 5 and 1.8Hz,3-H), 8.00(1H,dd, JSand1.8Hz, l-H),和 7.15(1H,dd, J 8 and 5 Hz, 2-H) (发现: C, 72.05;H,5.9;N, 13.7.Cl,H,,N20 需要 C, 72.0;H,6.05;N, 14.0%).7,8,9,1 O-四基子苯并[c] [ 1, Glnaphthyridin-6 (5H)-o%e(IIIb).-通过(Ia)给出的程序,在碘(130mg)存在下辐照乙酰胺(Ib)(400mg)得到二脱氢lnctarn(IIIb)(310mg,77.5%)作为晶体(来自甲醇),m.p.262-264“,vmx。3 440 (NH) 和 1 654 cm-l (NCO), 6 (C,D,N) 9.02br (1 H, s, 1-H), 8.70(1 H, d, J 6 Hz, 3-H) 和 7.43 (1 H, d, J 6 Hz, 4-H) (发现 :C, 72.2;H, 6.25;N, 13.5%).顺式-和反式-5,6,6a,7,8,9,1O,l0a-八氢苯并[c][1,8]-萘啶(IVa).-向内酰胺(IIa)(500mg)在无水醚-四氢呋喃(10:3;130ml)中的溶液中小心地加入氢化铝锂(500mg)小份。过量的氢化物通过加水冷却分解。分离有机层,用乙醚萃取水层。将合并的提取物用盐水洗涤,干燥(Na,SO,),蒸发给仲胺(IVa)(206 mg,55%),作为晶体(来自正己烷),熔点89-90“,vmX。3 440 cm-l (NH)、6 7.88br (1 H, d, 3-H)、7.25 (1 H, m, 1-H)、6.49 (1 H, dd,J 7.5 和 5 Hz, 2-H) 和 5.25br (1 H, s, NH) (Found:C, 76.7;H,8.4;N,14.85。Cl,Hl,N,要求C,76.55;H,8.55;N, 14.9%).顺式和反式-5,6,6a, 7,8,9,10,10a-0ctahyd~obenzo[c] [1,6]-萔甲状啶 ( I n ) .-乳酰胺 (IIb) (310 mg) 与氢化铝锂 (290 mg) 的类似反应得到仲胺 (IVb) (130 mg, 45%) ascrystals (from ethers), m.p.174-176“, v,,,.3 500 cm-l (NH),6 6.25 (1 H, d, J 5.5 Hz, 4-H) 和 3.25br (1 H, s, NH) (发现:C, 76.55;H,S.55;N, 14.75%).顺式和反式-5,6,6a,7,8,9,10,10a-0ctahydrobenzo[c][l,5]-nuphthyridine (IVc) .-内酰胺(IIc)(320 mg)与氢化铝锂(300 mg)的类似反应得到仲胺(IVc)(160 mg,29%)作为晶体(fromn-hexane),熔点92-93“,v,, 3 450 cm-l (NH),6 7.90 (1 H,dd,J 1.5 和 4.5 Hz,2-H),6.90 (1 H, dd, J 4.5 和 8 Hz,3-H)、6.68 (1 H, dd, J 8 和 1.5 Hz, 4-H) 和 3.20br (1 H,s, NH) (发现: C, 76.4;H,8.4;N, 14.95%).顺式-和反式-5,6,6a,7,8,9,10,10a-0ctahydrobenzo[c] [ 1,7]-将混合物回流1小时.-乳酰胺(IId)(500 mg)与氢化铝锂(500 mg)的类似反应,得到次级avnine(IVd)(330 mg,77%)作为晶体(fromn-hexane),M.P.89-90',vmx。3 470 cm-l (NH)、6 6.95 (1 H, m,1-H) 和 3.75br (1 H, s, NH) (发现:C, 76.75;H,8.45%)。将内酰胺(IIa)(200 mg)和10%钯炭(200 mg)的苯并[c][l,S]萘矾-6(5H)-酮(VI)混合物在220-240'C(金属浴)下加热5 h,然后用热氯仿萃取。对氯仿层进行过滤和蒸发,并将残留物从氯仿中重新结晶,得到内酰胺(VI)(140mg,70%)作为晶体,熔点268“(lit.,4 274-276'),与真实样品相同。苯并[c][1,6l萘啶(Vb).-仲胺(IVb)(320nig)在250“C下进行7次苯并萘啶(Vb)(116mg,37%)作为晶体(来自乙醚),m.p.93-95'(lit.,6 10P-106”)(Found:C,79.85;H, 4.65;N,15.5。计算值 C,,H,N,: C , 80.0;H,4.5;N,15.55%)。苯并[c][1,5]萘啶(Vc).-仲胺(IVc)(140mg)和10%钯炭(140mg)的类似反应使苯并萘啶(Vc)(120mg,90%)作为晶体(来自乙醚),熔点92-93.5“(lit.,6 95-97”)(发现:C,79.7;H,4.55;N,15.35%)。苯并[c][l,7]萘啶(Vd).-通过(IVb)给出的程序,仲胺(IVd)(160mg)提供苯并萘啶(Vd)(140mg,91%)作为晶体(来自乙醚),m.p.98--1100“(lit.,'102')(发现:C,79.7;H,4.5;N,15.65%)。烯酰胺(VI1)-(IX).-N-苄酶2-N-环己-1-烯基烟酰胺(IX)的制备。将环己酮(9.82g)和苄胺(9.63g)在苯(200ml)中的溶液回流5小时,除去形成的水,然后在减压下蒸发。将所得亚胺和三乙胺(23g)无水苯(100ml)的溶液滴加到过量烟酰氯的冷却悬浮液中。室温后搅拌2 h,将混合物用水洗涤,干燥(Na,SO,),蒸去得油,以苯-氯仿为洗脱液,在氧化铝上色谱。将洗脱的油蒸馏得到烯肼(IX)(11 g,46%)作为油,b.p.205“(浴温),7 x lov3 mmHg,vmax。1631 cm-l (NCO)、6 8.81(1 H、dd、J 1.5 和 1 Hz 2-H)、8.63(1 H、dd、J 5 和 1.5 Hz、4-H)、7.91(1 H、dt、J 7 和 1.5 Hz、6-H)、5.31(1 H、t-like、C=CH)和 4.85 (2 H, s, N*CH,Ph) (发现: C, 77.9;H,6.8;N,9.45。C,,H,,N,O 需要 C, 78.05;H,6.9;N,9.6%)。类似地,以26%的收率制备了N-苄基-N-环己-l-烯基烟酰肼(VII)作为晶体(来自乙醚),m.p.81-82“,vmaX 1 635 cm-' (NCO),6 8.63 (2 H,m,2-和6-H),5.26 (1 H,约t,HC=C)和4.81(2 H,s,NCH,Fh)(发现:C,78.1;H,6.95;N,9.6%)。N-苄基-W-环己-l-烯基吡啶甲酰胺(VIII)的制备方法也类似,产率为68.50/,产率为晶体(来自正己烷),熔点为56-57.5“,vmx。1635 cm-l (NCO), 6 5.10 (1 H, m, HGC) 和 4.81 (2 H, s, NCH2Ph) (发现: C,78.25;H,6.8;N,9.6%)。如前所述,将烯酰胺(VI1)-(IX).-反应与0 .0 2~-烯酰胺溶液在适当的溶剂(如甲醇或乙醇)中进行。甲醇中的烯己烯(VII)。将烯酰胺(VII)(3.9g)在甲醇中辐照11小时(长时间辐照导致产物分解。除去溶剂,残留物为chromatographe1976 1865氧化铝。用苯洗脱首先得到N-苄基-Ga,7,8,9,10,1Oa-六羟基-6a-甲氧基苯并[c][2,61萘-甲状腺啶-5(6H)-酮(X)(350mg,9%)作为晶体(甲醇),熔点165-167“,vmax 1657(NCO)和1066cm-l,6 8.66(2 H,m,1-和3-H),7.97(1 H,d,J 5.5 Hz,4-H),5.63和4.50(2 H,ABq,J 16 Hz,NCH,Ph)和3.01(3 H, s, OCH,) (Found: AT+, 322.168 324.C,,H,,N20,requires M , 322.168 13),然后是起始烯酰胺(VII)(650 mg,17%)。烯酰胺(VIII)(4.8g)在甲醇(800ml)中80小时,经重复层析,得到6-苄基-Ga-rn乙氧基-6a,7,8,9,10,10a-六氢贝二唑[fl[1,7]萘啶-5(6H)-酮(XII)(30iiig,0.674),为淡棕色油,vma,。 1 660 (NCO) 和 1 065cni-l、6 8.71 (1 H, m, 3-H)、7.67 (1 H, m, 1-H)、7.45 (1 H, m,3-H)、5.71 和 4.53 (2 H, ABq, J 11 Hz, NCH,Ph) 和 3.03 (3 H, s, OCH,)。甲醇中的烯酰胺(IX)。将烯酰胺(IX)(4.67g)辐照7-8小时。苯洗脱6-苄基-6a,7,8,9,10,10a-六氢-6a-萘三氧基苯并[h] [ 1,6]萘-甲状腺啶-B(5H)-酮(XIV)(50mg,1%)作为无定形固体(来自乙醚),v,,, 1647(NCO)和1063 cm-1,68.70(1 H,dd,J 5和2 Hz,2-Hz),8.43(1 H,dd,J 8和2Hz,4-H),5.61和4.50(2 H,ABq,J 16 Hz,NCH,Ph),3.21(1 H,m,10a-H)和3.00(3 H,s,OCH),然后是5-苄Z-7,8,9,1O-四基子苯并[h][l,6]nuphthyridin-6(5H)-酮(XV)(100 nig,2%)为淡黄色晶体(来自甲基-醇),m.p.172-174“,vmak 1650(NCO),1613和1590cm-l,6 8.96(1 H,dd,J 4.5和2 Hz,2-Hz),8.76(1 H,dd,J 8 和 2 Hz,4-H)和 5.47 (2 H,s,NCH,Ph)(Found:C,78.7;H,6.05;N,9.5。Cl,H1,N,O要求C,78.6;H, 6.25;N,9.65%),最后是烯酰胺(IX)(1.68 g,36%)。用苯-氯仿洗脱,得到6-苄基Z-7,8,9,lO-四氢苯并[c][2,7]nuphtlzyridin-5(6H)-烯酰胺(VIII)在甲醇中的一(XVI)(1克,21%)为淡黄色晶体(来自甲醇),m.p.189-19lo,v,,1657(NCO)和1612 cm-l,6 9.65(1 H,s,4-H),8.71 (1 H, d, J 6 Hz, 2-H) 和 5.43 (2 H,s, NCH,Ph) (发现: C, 78.5;H,6.15;N,9.65。Cl,H18N,0requiresc, 78.6;H, 6.25;N,9.65%)。在碘(1g)存在下,将烯酰胺(VII).-Theenamide(VII)(1.26g)在甲醇(200ml)中的氧化光环化27小时。将溶液蒸发,将残留物溶解在氯仿中。该溶液用硫酸氢钠水溶液和水洗涤,干燥,蒸发。残留物在氧化铝上进行色谱处理。用苯洗脱得到烯酰胺(VII)(600mg,48%),然后是6-苄2-7,8,9,lO-四氢苯并[c][2,6]萘啶-5(6H)-酮(XI)(200mg,ISYO),作为针(来自醚甲醇),m.p.139-141“,vmx 1652(NCO)和1614 cni-l,8 9.125 Hz,4-Hz)和5.42(2 H,s,NCH,Ph)(发现:C,78.3;H,6.3;N,9.4。Cl,Hl,N,O要求C,78.6;H, 6.25;N,9.65%)。烯酰胺(VIII)的氧化光环化-通过(VII)给出的程序,烯酰胺(VIII)(2.34g)得到6-苄基-7,8,9,10-四~齐子苯并[fl[ 1,7]萘-苜-5(6H)-酮(XIII)(12mg,0.5%)作为淡棕色amor-phous物质,v,,,. 1 657 (NCO)和1 613 cm-l,6 8.91(1 H,m,3-H),8.03(1 H,m, 1-H)、7.60 (1 H, m, 2-H) 和 5.51 (2 H, s, NCH,Ph) (发现:M+, 290.141 45.C,,HI8N,Orequires M, 290.141 91)。烯酰胺(IX)的氧化光环化-通过(VII)给出的程序,烯酰胺(IX)(1。26 g)给予二脱氢内酰胺(XV)(300 mg,24%),烯酰胺(IX)(150 mg,12y0)和二脱氢内酰胺(XVI)(50[6/073 Received, 12tJi Januavy, 19761(1 H, S, 1-H), 8.70 (1 H, d, J 5 Hz, 3-H), 8.23 (1 H, d, J*Q, 4%)




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