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Satellite tracking of Adélie penguins

机译:Satellite tracking of Adélie penguins



Female Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) that take too long on their first post-laying foraging trip are a major cause of breeding failure, but in the ice-filled waters of Antarctica, determining where they go and why they are away so long has proved difficult. Here we describe the first successful attempt to track penguins at sea using satellite telemetry. Four females foraged in different locations, dispelling the notion of a common feeding ground. They moved up to 272 km from the rookery and covered from 551 to 1,121 km on their trips, swimming at minimum average speeds around 1.2 m/s. The birds were most likely to be in the water between 0630 and 1430 when light intensity, important for a visual predator, was greatest. Carrying the transmitters reduced rates of fat deposition (weight gain), increasing the duration of foraging trips of females, and suggested that they may forage until their fat depots reach a minimum threshold level. This has two implications: (i) durations of these postlaying foraging trips could potentially be used as an indicator of krill abundance (Euphausiasp), the almost exclusive food of Adélie penguins during this period, and (ii) any reduction in krill stocks caused by harvesting could increase foraging trip durations with a concomitant increase mi breeding failure




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