首页> 外文期刊>Transportation research, Part A. Policy and practice >Building Legitimacy For Risky Policies: The Cost Of Avoiding Conflict In Stockholm

Building Legitimacy For Risky Policies: The Cost Of Avoiding Conflict In Stockholm


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The controversial nature of urban congestion charging policies makes them politically risky. Urban planners, policy makers and politicians are forced to consider how they can legitimately introduce a policy that the public may not want. Implementation in London, and failure in Edinburgh, raise questions about whether they should seek full citizen support, or work strategically towards implementation in the face of public opposition.This paper reports on an investigation of the Stockholm congestion charging trial (SCCT). It analyses the strategy developed by the city authorities to create legitimacy for the implementation of the SCCT. The SCCT is examined in two steps, firstly how the 'trial + referendum' approach was successful in securing public acceptance, and secondly how key aspects of the design of the trial and the subsequent referendum were adjusted in response to emerging risks, demonstrating the pragmatic approach of the city leaders managing the policy process. The study suggests that the city leaders chose a clearly pragmatic approach, grounded in compromise, yet subtly designed to avoid openly confronting the status quo. The strategy was continuously adapted and adjusted, in the face of emerging risks, and clearly served to create consensus while avoiding difficult questions of urban mobility.
机译:城市拥堵收费政策的争议性使其具有政治风险。城市规划者、政策制定者和政治家被迫考虑如何合法地引入公众可能不想要的政策。伦敦的实施和爱丁堡的失败引发了人们的疑问,即他们是否应该寻求公民的全力支持,或者面对公众的反对,在战略上努力实施。本文报告了对斯德哥尔摩拥堵收费试验 (SCCT) 的调查。它分析了市政当局为实施SCCT创造合法性而制定的战略。SCCT分两个步骤进行研究,首先是“试验+公投”方法如何成功地获得公众的认可,其次是试验设计和随后的公投的关键方面如何调整以应对新出现的风险,展示了城市领导人管理政策过程的务实方法。该研究表明,城市领导人选择了一种明显务实的方法,以妥协为基础,但巧妙地避免公开面对现状。面对新出现的风险,该战略不断调整和调整,显然有助于达成共识,同时避免城市交通的难题。




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