首页> 外文期刊>Journal of mental health research in intellectual disabilities >Face Discrimination Skills in Prader-Willi Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder

Face Discrimination Skills in Prader-Willi Syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder


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Individuals with Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) are at risk for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), including socialization problems. The PWS chromosome 15qll-13 maternal uniparental disomy (mUPD) subtype displays greater ASD symptoms than the paternal deletion (DEL) subtype. Since interpreting faces leads to successful socialization, we compared face discrimination in PWS with ASD to explore the socialization characteristics of these disorders. Although face processing impairment in ASD is well documented, PWS face processing research is limited. Forty-four PWS participants (14 DEL and 19 mUPD) and 17 participants with ASD were measured on face discrimination. PWS and ASD participants scored in the impaired functioning range. For primary findings, DEL and mUPD PWS genetic subtype groups did not differ. These findings suggest PWS individuals, regardless of subtype, show impaired face processing similar to ASD. This research highlights the need for additional research on social cognitive functioning in PWS to understand the role ofl5qll-13 in ASD.
机译:患有普拉德-威利综合征 (PWS) 的人有患自闭症谱系障碍 (ASD) 的风险,包括社交问题。PWS 染色体 15qll-13 母体单亲二体 (mUPD) 亚型比父系缺失 (DEL) 亚型表现出更严重的 ASD 症状。由于解释面孔会导致成功的社会化,我们将PWS与ASD中的面部歧视进行了比较,以探索这些疾病的社会化特征。尽管 ASD 中的面部处理障碍有据可查,但 PWS 面部处理研究有限。对 44 名 PWS 参与者(14 名 DEL 和 19 名 mUPD)和 17 名患有 ASD 的参与者进行了面部歧视测量。PWS 和 ASD 参与者的得分在功能受损范围内。对于主要发现,DEL和mUPD PWS遗传亚型组没有差异。这些发现表明,PWS个体,无论亚型如何,都表现出与ASD相似的面部处理受损。这项研究强调了对 PWS 中社会认知功能进行额外研究的必要性,以了解 l5qll-13 在 ASD 中的作用。




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