首页> 外文期刊>Transportation research, Part A. Policy and practice >Red-light cameras at intersections: Estimating preferences using a stated choice model

Red-light cameras at intersections: Estimating preferences using a stated choice model


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Red-light cameras placed at intersections have the potential to increase safety, but they are often viewed as an invasion of privacy. Preferences for these cameras were explored using a stated choice model that presents key attributes of camera placements. Stated choice models involve careful experimental design, akin to experimental control in laboratory settings. A variety of design approaches were used, settling on a composition of the choice sets people face in the survey. To illustrate the approach, an internet survey was used with a convenience sample containing a high percentage of college students. The results show that while not the case independently, as the number of cameras and fines for violators are simultaneously increased, the preferences for one particular red light cameras program are likely to improve.




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