首页> 外文期刊>Physics Letters, B. Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics >Formation and decay of hadronic resonances in the QGP

Formation and decay of hadronic resonances in the QGP


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Hadronic resonances can play a pivotal role in providing experimental evidence for partial chiral symmetry restoration in the deconfined quark–gluon phase produced at RHIC and the LHC. Theirlifetimes, which are comparable to the lifetime of the partonic plasma phase, make them an invaluable tool to study medium modifications to the resonant state due to the chiral transition. In this Letter weshow that the heavier, but still abundant, light and strange quark resonances K*, φ, Δ and Λ* have large probability to be produced well within the plasma phase due to their short formation times.We demonstrate that, under particular kinematic conditions, these resonances can be formed and will decay inside the partonic state, but still carry sufficient momentum to not interact strongly with thehadronic medium after the QCD phase transition. Thus, K*, φ, Δ and Λ* should exhibit the characteristic property modifications which can be attributed to chiral symmetry restoration, such as mass shifts, width broadening or branching ratio modifications.
机译:强子共振在RHIC和大型强子对撞机产生的非约束夸克-胶子相中的部分手性对称性恢复方面发挥着关键作用。它们的寿命与部分等离子体相的寿命相当,使它们成为研究由于手性跃迁而对共振态的介质修饰的宝贵工具。在这封信中,我们表明,较重但仍然丰富的轻夸克共振K*,φ,Δ和Λ*由于它们的形成时间短,很有可能在等离子体相内产生。我们证明,在特定的运动学条件下,这些共振可以形成并将在部分态内衰减,但在QCD相变后仍具有足够的动量,不会与强子介质发生强烈相互作用。因此,K*、φ、Δ 和 Λ* 应表现出可归因于手性对称恢复的特征性质修改,例如质量偏移、宽度展宽或分支比修改。




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