
Glassy dynamics at the onset of chaos with additive noise

机译:Glassy dynamics at the onset of chaos with additive noise

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After recalling key phenomenological properties of glass formation, we point out that similar features are exhibited by the dynamical properties of the noise-perturbed iterates of the logistic map at the onset of chaos. The analysis includes two-step relaxation, aging, subdiffusion and arrest, as well as an expression analogous to the Adam-Gibbs relation connecting dynamical and thermodynamic properties of a glass former. The dynamical properties of the logistic map in the presence of external noise are seen to be comparable to those of a supercooled liquid above a glass transition temperature, whereas the noiseless attractor displays typical nonequilibrium aspects like loss of time translation invariance (aging). Reference is made to connections between the noiseless dynamics at the chaos threshold and the nonextensive formalism.




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