
Resonant breakup of 6Li by 209Bi

机译:6Li by 209Bi 的共振分解

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The exclusive projectile breakup cross section in the 6Li + 209Bi reaction has been measured at Elab = 40and 36 MeV. The sequential breakup, via the resonant state (3+, 2.18 MeV) of 6Li in the continuum,dominates the total α + d breakup. The inclusive breakup α cross section is, however, much largerimplying that other competing breakup processes contribute to the α-particle yields. The corrected yieldscorresponding to two sequential breakup peaks in the α or d spectra were seen to be asymmetric.The average sequential breakup data corresponding to the resonant state are in good agreement withcontinuum discretized coupled channels (CDCC) calculations. Both Coulomb as well as nuclear fieldeffects were found to be important for the breakup process.
机译:在 Elab = 40 和 36 MeV 下测量了 6Li + 209Bi 反应中独特的弹丸破碎截面。连续体中通过6Li的谐振态(3+,2.18 MeV)的顺序分解,主导了总α + d分解。然而,横截面α包容性破碎要大得多,这意味着其他竞争性破碎过程有助于α颗粒产率。对应于α或d光谱中两个连续破碎峰的校正产率被认为是不对称的。对应于谐振态的平均顺序分解数据与连续离散耦合通道(CDCC)计算结果吻合良好。库仑效应和核场效应都被发现对分解过程很重要。




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