首页> 外文期刊>Fisheries Science >Transgene manipulation in rainbow trout using Cre recombinase

Transgene manipulation in rainbow trout using Cre recombinase


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Cre/loxP-mediated cell targeting is considered to be a powerful tool for biotechnology in farmed fish. As a first step toward establishing cell targeting in salmonids, we analyzed the functionality of the Cre/loxP system in rainbow trout. We first established stable transgenic strains carrying the DsRed gene, which was flanked by loxP sites and further spliced with the EGFP gene. By microinjecting Cre complementary RNA (cRNA) into fertilized eggs of the transgenic trout, the functionality of the Cre/loxP system was evaluated. The results showed that all of the embryos exhibited green fluorescence in at least some of their cells. While 19 out of 20 embryos comprised cells showing both green and red fluorescence, the remaining embryo showed only green fluorescence. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers designed to recognize sequences outside of the two loxP sites revealed that, in addition to long intact fragments, the 19 individuals carried short fragments that were equivalent in length to the loxP-excised fragments. The remaining green embryo carried only this short fragment. DNA sequencing of the short fragment revealed that it lacked the DNA fragments flanking the loxP sites and the spliced fragments did not contain any sequence rearrangements. These results suggest that the Cre/loxP system is functional in rainbow trout
机译:Cre/loxP介导的细胞靶向被认为是养殖鱼类生物技术的有力工具。作为在鲑鱼中建立细胞靶向的第一步,我们分析了虹鳟鱼中Cre / loxP系统的功能。我们首先建立了携带DsRed基因的稳定转基因菌株,该菌株的两侧是loxP位点,并进一步与EGFP基因剪接。通过将Cre互补RNA(cRNA)显微注射到转基因鳟鱼的受精卵中,评估了Cre/loxP系统的功能。结果显示,所有胚胎至少在部分细胞中表现出绿色荧光。虽然20个胚胎中有19个包含显示绿色和红色荧光的细胞,但其余胚胎仅显示绿色荧光。使用旨在识别两个 loxP 位点之外的序列的引物进行的聚合酶链反应 (PCR) 显示,除了长的完整片段外,这 19 个个体还携带与 loxP 切除的片段长度相当的短片段。剩下的绿色胚胎只携带这个短片段。短片段的DNA测序显示,它缺乏loxP位点两侧的DNA片段,并且剪接片段不包含任何序列重排。这些结果表明,Cre/loxP系统在虹鳟鱼中起作用




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