首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India >Laser Materials Processing for Industrial Applications

Laser Materials Processing for Industrial Applications


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Laser, a high intensity, precise, flexible and clean heat source is used as a manufacturing tool in several industrial sectors. With the advent of more robust, energy efficient, cheaper and low footprint lasers such as fiber lasers, laser based manufacturing is increasing rapidly. Laser based processes can be classified into macro processes (cutting, welding, cladding, alloying, drilling, brazing) and micro processes (micro texturing, scribing, micro drilling etc.) depending on the scale of effects induced during the process. The Centre for Laser Processing of Materials (CLPM) at ARCI, established about 15 years ago has been carrying out RD on several processes for application in industry. Some of the recently developed industrial applications such as laser micro texturing of automotive components, laser deposition based repair of pressure die casting dies, laser brazing of aluminium alloys to steel, laser hardening of bearing steels and laser metal additive manufacturing are presented here.




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