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The International Decision Support Initiative Reference Case for Economic Evaluation: An Aid to Thought


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Background: Policymakers in high-, low-, and middle-income countries alike face challenging choices about resource allocation in health. Economic evaluation can be useful in providing decision makers with the best evidence of the anticipated benefits of new investments, as well as their expected opportunity costs the benefits forgone of the options not chosen. To guide the decisions of health systems effectively, it is important that the methods of economic evaluation are founded on clear principles, are applied systematically, and are appropriate to the decision problems they seek to inform. Methods: The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, a major funder of economic evaluations of health technologies in low- and middle income countries (LMICs), commissioned a "reference case" through the International Decision Support Initiative (iDSI) to guide future evaluations, and improve both the consistency and usefulness to decision makers. Results: The iDSI Reference Case draws on previous insights from the World Health Organization, the US Panel on Cost Effectiveness in Health Care, and the UK National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. Comprising 11 key principles, each accompanied by methodological specifications and reporting standards, the iDSI Reference Case also serves as a means of identifying priorities for methods research, and can be used as a framework for capacity building and technical assistance in LMICs. Conclusions: The iDSI Reference Case is an aid to thought, not a substitute for it, and should not be followed slavishly without regard to context, culture, or history. This article presents the iDSI Reference Case and discusses the rationale, approach, components, and application in LMICs.
机译:背景:高收入、低收入和中等收入国家的政策制定者在卫生资源分配方面都面临着挑战性选择。经济评价有助于向决策者提供最佳证据,证明新投资的预期收益,以及他们预期的机会成本,即未选择的备选方案所放弃的收益。为了有效地指导卫生系统的决策,经济评估方法必须建立在明确的原则之上,系统地应用,并适合于它们试图告知的决策问题。方法:比尔和梅琳达·盖茨基金会是低收入和中等收入国家(LMICs)卫生技术经济评估的主要资助者,通过国际决策支持倡议(iDSI)委托了一个“参考案例”,以指导未来的评估,并提高一致性和对决策者的有用性。结果:iDSI 参考案例借鉴了世界卫生组织、美国医疗保健成本效益小组和英国国家卫生与临床优化研究所的先前见解。iDSI参考案例由11项关键原则组成,每项原则都附有方法规范和报告标准,还可以作为确定方法研究优先事项的手段,并可用作中低收入国家能力建设和技术援助的框架。结论:iDSI参考案例是对思想的辅助,而不是思想的替代品,不应在不考虑背景、文化或历史的情况下盲目遵循。本文介绍了iDSI参考案例,并讨论了中低收入国家的基本原理、方法、组件和应用。




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