首页> 外文期刊>Physics Letters, B. Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics >Cutoff effects of Wilson fermions in the absence of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking

Cutoff effects of Wilson fermions in the absence of spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking


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We simulate two-dimensional QED with two degenerate Wilson fermions and plaquette gauge action. As a consequence of the Mermin-Wagner theorem, in the continuum limit chiral symmetry is realized a la Wigner. This property affects also the size of the cutoff effects. That can be understood in view of the fact that the leading lattice artifacts are described, in the continuum Symanzik effective theory, by chirality breaking terms. In particular, vacuum expectation values of non-chirality-breaking operators are expected to be O(a) improved in the chiral limit. We provide a numerical confirmation of this expectation by performing a scaling test. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:我们用两个简并威尔逊费米子和板块规范作用模拟二维QED。作为Mermin-Wagner定理的结果,在连续极限中,手性对称性得以实现。此属性还会影响截止效果的大小。这可以理解为,在连续体Symanzik有效理论中,前导晶格伪影是用手性破坏项来描述的。特别是,非手性破坏算子的真空期望值有望在手性极限下提高O(a)。我们通过执行缩放测试来提供这种期望的数字确认。(c) 2005年Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。




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