首页> 外文期刊>Planetary and space science >Late Noachian and early Hesperian ridge systems in the south circumpolar Dorsa Argentea Formation, Mars: Evidence for two stages of melting of an extensive late Noachian ice sheet

Late Noachian and early Hesperian ridge systems in the south circumpolar Dorsa Argentea Formation, Mars: Evidence for two stages of melting of an extensive late Noachian ice sheet

机译:火星南极Dorsa Argentea组的晚期诺亚纪和早期赫斯珀里亚海脊系统:广泛的晚期诺亚纪冰盖融化的两个阶段的证据

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The Dorsa Argentea Formation (DAF), extending from 270 degrees-100 degrees E and 70 degrees-90 degrees S, is a huge circumpolar deposit surrounding and underlying the Late Amazonian South Polar Layered Deposits (SPLD) of Mars. Currently mapped as Early-Late Hesperian in age, the Dorsa Argentea Formation has been interpreted as volatile-rich, possibly representing the remnants of an ancient polar ice cap. Uncertain are its age (due to the possibility of poor crater retention in ice-related deposits), its mode of origin, the origin of the distinctive sinuous ridges and cavi that characterize the unit, and its significance in the climate history of Mars. In order to assess the age of activity associated with the DAF, we examined the ridge populations within the Dorsa Argentea Formation, mapping and characterizing seven different ridge systems (composed of nearly 4,000 ridges covering a total area of similar to 300,000 km(2), with a cumulative length of ridges of similar to 51,000 km) and performing crater counts on them using the method of buffered crater counting to determine crater retention ages of the ridge populations. We examined the major characteristics of the ridge systems and found that the majority of them were consistent with an origin as eskers, sediment-filled subglacial drainage channels. Ridge morphologies reflect both distributed and channelized esker systems, and evidence is also seen that some ridges form looping moraine-like termini distal to some distributed systems. The ridge populations fall into two age groups: ridge systems between 270 degrees and 0 degrees E date to the Early Hesperian, but to the east, the Promethei Planum and the Chasmata ridge systems date to the Late Noachian. Thus, these ages, and esker and moraine-like morphologies, support the interpretation that the DAF is a remnant ice sheet deposit, and that the esker systems represent evidence of significant melting and drainage of meltwater from portions of this ice sheet, thus indicating at least some regions and/or periods of wet-based glaciation. The Late Noachian and Early Hesperian ages of the ridge systems closely correspond to the ages of valley network/open basin lake systems, representing runoff, drainage and storage of liquid water in non-polar regions of the surface of Mars. Potential causes of such wet-based conditions in the DAF include: 1) top-down melting due to atmospheric warming, 2) enhanced snow and ice accumulation and raising of the melting isotherm, to the base of the ice sheet, or 3) basal melting associated with intrusive volcanism (volcano-ice interactions). The early phase of melting is closely correlated in time with valley network formation and thus may be due to global atmospheric warming, while the later phase of melting may be linked to Early Hesperian global volcanism and specific volcano-ice interactions (table mountains) in the DAF Crater ages indicate that these wet-based conditions ceased by the Late Hesperian, and that further retreat of the DAF to its present configuration occurred largely through sublimation, not melting, thus preserving the extensive ridge systems. MARSIS radar data suggest that significant areas of layered, potentially ice-rich parts of the Dorsa Argentea Formation remain today. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd.. All rights resented.
机译:Dorsa Argentea组(DAF)从东经270度-100度和南纬70度-90度延伸,是一个巨大的环极矿床,围绕着火星的亚马逊晚南极层状沉积物(SPLD)并位于其下方。目前被测绘为早-晚期Hesperian,Dorsa Argentea组被解释为富含挥发物,可能代表了古代极地冰盖的残余物。不确定的是它的年龄(由于陨石坑在与冰有关的沉积物中保留不良的可能性),它的起源方式,独特的蜿蜒山脊和洞穴的起源,以及它在火星气候史上的重要性。为了评估与DAF相关的活动年龄,我们检查了Dorsa Argentea组内的山脊种群,绘制和表征了七个不同的山脊系统(由近4,000个山脊组成,总面积约为300,000 km(2),脊的累积长度类似于51,000 km),并使用缓冲陨石坑计数的方法对它们进行陨石坑计数,以确定陨石坑的保留年龄。山脊种群。我们研究了山脊系统的主要特征,发现其中大多数与埃斯克(eskers)的起源一致,即充满沉积物的冰下排水通道。脊形态反映了分布和通道化的埃斯克系统,并且还可以看到一些脊在一些分布式系统远端形成环状冰碛状末端的证据。山脊种群分为两个年龄组:东经 270 度和 0 度之间的山脊系统可追溯到早期赫斯珀纪,但在东部,普罗米修平原和 Chasmata 山脊系统可追溯到晚期诺阿奇纪。因此,这些年龄以及埃斯克尔和冰碛状形态支持了DAF是残余冰盖沉积物的解释,并且埃斯克尔系统代表了该冰盖部分融水显着融化和排水的证据,从而表明至少某些地区和/或湿基冰川作用时期。海脊系统的诺亚纪晚期和希斯珀里亚纪早期与河谷网/开阔盆地湖泊系统的年龄密切相关,代表了火星表面非极地地区液态水的径流、排水和储存。DAF中这种潮湿条件的潜在原因包括:1)由于大气变暖导致的自上而下的融化,2)冰雪堆积增强,融化等温线升高到冰盖底部,或3)与侵入性火山活动相关的基底融化(火山-冰相互作用)。融化的早期阶段在时间上与山谷网络的形成密切相关,因此可能是由于全球大气变暖,而融化的后期阶段可能与早期赫斯珀瑞世全球火山活动有关,DAF陨石坑时代的特定火山-冰相互作用(桌山)表明,这些湿润条件在晚赫斯珀世停止, DAF进一步撤退到目前的配置主要是通过升华而不是熔化发生的,从而保留了广泛的山脊系统。MARSIS雷达数据表明,Dorsa Argentea组的大量层状、潜在富含冰的部分今天仍然存在。(C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd..所有权利都怨恨。




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