首页> 外文期刊>journal of applied polymer science >Preparation of ultrahigh modulus isotactic polypropylene by means of zone drawing

Preparation of ultrahigh modulus isotactic polypropylene by means of zone drawing




AbstractHighly oriented isotactic polypropylene with ultrahigh modulus was prepared by means of the zone drawing method proposed by Kiho and Asai. This method features heating a limited portion of the sample. The maximum value of modulus attained was 15 GPa, which corresponds to about half the crystal modulus along the molecular axis evaluated by the x‐ray method. Such an ultrahigh modulus was obtained for a sample of medium molecular weight by inducing necking in the heater and subsequently cooling the sample at lower temperature. The loss tangent peak with the initiation of micro‐Brownian motion of amorphous chains became progressively smaller and broadened more at higher temperatures with increasing draw ratio. Orientation function of the crystalc‐axis increased with draw ratio λ in the region below λ = 9, but reached a constant value, 0.995, in the region above λ = 9. The modulus increased with draw ratio in all ranges of the dr
机译:摘要采用Kiho和Asai提出的带状绘制方法制备了具有超高模量的高取向等规聚丙烯。该方法的特点是加热样品的有限部分。获得的最大模量值为 15 GPa,相当于 X 射线方法评估的沿分子轴的晶体模量的一半左右。对于中等分子量的样品,通过在加热器中诱导颈缩并随后在较低温度下冷却样品,获得了这种超高模量。随着无定形链微布朗运动的开始,损失角切峰逐渐变小,并且在较高温度下随着拉伸比的增加而变宽。在λ = 9以下的区域,晶轴的取向函数随着拉伸比λ的增加而增加,但在λ = 9以上的区域中达到恒定值0.995。模量随拉伸比的增加而增加。




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