首页> 外文期刊>Inside FERC's Gas Market Report >US exports of LNG would trigger only modest increases in domestic gas prices, but they also would give only a marginal boost to jobs and the economy, according to a report released May 2 by the BROOKINGS INSTITUTION

US exports of LNG would trigger only modest increases in domestic gas prices, but they also would give only a marginal boost to jobs and the economy, according to a report released May 2 by the BROOKINGS INSTITUTION

机译:布鲁金斯学会(BROOKINGS INSTITUTION)5月2日发布的一份报告显示,美国出口液化天然气只会引发国内天然气价格的小幅上涨,但对就业和经济也只会带来微不足道的提振

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US exports of LNG would trigger only modest increases indomestic gas prices, but they also would give only a marginalboost to jobs and the economy, according to a report releasedMay 2 by the BROOKINGS INSTITUTION. The policy groupconcluded that markets will inevitably limit the amount of USLNG exports and that policymakers should refrain from meddlingwith export plans. “Efforts to intervene in the market bypolicymakers are likely to result in subsidies to consumers at theexpense of producers and to lead to unintended consequences,”the report said. “They are also likely to weaken the position ofthe US as a supporter of a global trading system characterized bythe free flow of goods and capital.” Last week’s findings are thefinal product of a year-long study of the issue, which has cometo the forefront as several companies have applied for federalauthorization to liquefy domestic gas and ship it to higherpricedmarkets.
机译:布鲁金斯学会(BROOKINGS INSTITUTION)5月2日发布的一份报告显示,美国液化天然气出口只会引发国内天然气价格的小幅上涨,但对就业和经济也只会带来微不足道的提振。该政策小组得出的结论是,市场将不可避免地限制美国液化天然气出口的数量,政策制定者应避免干预出口计划。报告称:“政策制定者干预市场的努力可能会导致以牺牲生产者为代价对消费者进行补贴,并导致意想不到的后果。“它们还可能削弱美国作为以商品和资本自由流动为特征的全球贸易体系支持者的地位。上周的调查结果是该问题长达一年的研究的最终成果,随着几家公司申请联邦授权,将国内天然气液化并将其运往价格更高的市场,该问题已成为最前沿。




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