首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Endocrinological Investigation: Official Journal of the Italian Society of Endocrinology >Skeletal involvement in adult patients with endogenous hypercortisolism.

Skeletal involvement in adult patients with endogenous hypercortisolism.


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Overt endogenous glucocorticoid excess is a well-recognized cause of bone loss and osteoporotic fractures. Cortisol excess inhibits bone formation, increases bone resorption, impairs calcium absorption from the gut, and affects the secretion of several hormones (in particular gonadotropins and GH), cytokines, and growth factors, influencing bone metabolism. The glucocorticoid excess mainly affects trabecular bone, leading to vertebral fractures in up to 70 of patients. Osteoporotic fractures may be the presenting symptom of an otherwise silent glucocorticoid excess and can precede the diagnosis of hypercortisolism by up to 2 yr. The removal of glucocorticoid excess leads to a recovery of bone mass which is, however, often incomplete and delayed, although it reduces the risk of osteoporotic fractures. Bisphosphonate therapy has been suggested to be useful in maintaining bone mass in these patients. Subclinical hypercortisolism, a condition of impaired hypothalamic- adrenal-axis homeostasis without the classical signs and symptoms of glucocorticoid excess, is a recently defined entity, which has been shown to be associated to increased bone resorption, bone loss, and high prevalence of vertebral fractures regardless of gonadal status. However, data about the effect of this subtle glucocorticoid excess on bone are still scarce and conflicting. Moreover, it is not yet known whether removing the cause of subclinical hypercortisolism leads to a recovery of bone mass and reduces the risk of osteoporotic fractures. Finally, recent data suggest that subclinical hypercortisolism is a common and underrated finding in patients with established osteoporosis. In summary, it is crucial to evaluate the risk of osteoporosis and fractures in patients with glucocorticoid excess; on the other hand, it also seems advisable to screen for glucocorticoid excess patients with osteoporotic fractures without known secondary causes of osteoporosis.
机译:明显的内源性糖皮质激素过量是公认的骨质流失和骨质疏松性骨折的原因。皮质醇过量会抑制骨形成,增加骨吸收,损害肠道对钙的吸收,并影响多种激素(特别是促性腺激素和生长激素)、细胞因子和生长因子的分泌,从而影响骨代谢。糖皮质激素过量主要影响小梁骨,导致多达 70% 的患者发生椎体骨折。骨质疏松性骨折可能是糖皮质激素过量的首发症状,并且可能在皮质醇增多症的诊断之前长达 2 年。去除过量的糖皮质激素会导致骨量的恢复,然而,尽管它降低了骨质疏松性骨折的风险,但骨量通常是不完全和延迟的。双膦酸盐治疗被认为有助于维持这些患者的骨量。亚临床皮质醇增多症是一种下丘脑-肾上腺-轴稳态受损的疾病,没有糖皮质激素过量的典型体征和症状,是一种最近定义的实体,已被证明与骨吸收增加、骨质流失和椎体骨折的高患病率有关,无论性腺状态如何。然而,关于这种微妙的糖皮质激素过量对骨骼影响的数据仍然稀缺且相互矛盾。此外,目前尚不清楚消除亚临床皮质醇增多症的原因是否会导致骨量恢复并降低骨质疏松性骨折的风险。最后,最近的数据表明,亚临床皮质醇增多症是骨质疏松症患者中常见且被低估的发现。总之,评估糖皮质激素过量患者发生骨质疏松症和骨折的风险至关重要;另一方面,筛查糖皮质激素过量的骨质疏松性骨折患者似乎也是可取的,但骨质疏松症的继发性原因尚不清楚。




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