首页> 外文期刊>Weed technology: A journal of the Weed Science Society of America >Field presence of glyphosate-resistant horseweed (Conyza canadensis), common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album), and giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) biotypes with elevated tolerance to glyphosate

Field presence of glyphosate-resistant horseweed (Conyza canadensis), common lambsquarters (Chenopodium album), and giant ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) biotypes with elevated tolerance to glyphosate

机译:田间存在抗草甘膦马草 (Conyza canadensis)、普通羔羊草 (Chenopodium album) 和巨型豚草 (Ambrosia trifida) 生物型,对草甘膦的耐受性较高

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Late-season field surveys conducted in Indiana from 2003 to 2005 showed that common lambsquarters and giant ragweed plants were present in 11 and 22, respectively, of randomly sampled soybean fields that also contained glyphosate-resistant horseweed. In the fall of 2005 and 2006, seed from 13 common lambsquarters and 22 giant ragweed populations were collected from previously surveyed fields that had confirmed glyphosate-sensitive or -resistant horseweed. The objective of this study was to determine whether the presence of glyphosate-resistant horseweed was correlated with the presence of common lambsquarters and giant ragweed biotypes with elevated tolerance to glyphosate. Through a series of greenhouse screens, 57 of common lambsquarters and 31 of giant ragweed populations collected from fields that had glyphosate-resistant horseweed expressed elevated levels of glyphosate tolerance. However, elevated tolerance to glyphosate was expressed by 33 of giant ragweed and 100 of common lambsquarters populations collected in fields that had glyphosate-sensitive horseweed. Therefore, under the parameters of this experiment and through different types of analyses, we concluded there was not a strong correlation between the late-season presence of glyphosate-resistant horseweed and common lambsquarters and giant ragweed populations with elevated glyphosate tolerance in the same field. A number of the weed populations expressed significant stunting from exposure to glyphosate, but were able to resume growth. Thus, researchers should evaluate plant regrowth in addition to biomass suppression when making assessments of glyphosate resistance in weed populations through greenhouse and field screening.
机译:2003 年至 2005 年在印第安纳州进行的季末实地调查表明,在随机抽样的大豆田中,分别有 11% 和 22% 的普通羊羔草和巨型豚草植物也含有抗草甘膦马草。在2005年和2006年秋季,从先前调查的田地中收集了13个普通羊羔和22个巨型豚草种群的种子,这些田地已确认草甘膦敏感或抗马草。本研究的目的是确定抗草甘膦马草的存在是否与对草甘膦耐受性升高的普通羊羔和巨型豚草生物型的存在相关。通过一系列温室筛选,从抗草甘膦马草的田地中收集的57%的普通羊羔和31%的巨型豚草种群表现出高水平的草甘膦耐受性。然而,在对草甘膦敏感的马草田地中收集的 33% 的巨型豚草和 100% 的普通羔羊种群表现出对草甘膦的耐受性升高。因此,根据该实验的参数和不同类型的分析,我们得出结论,抗草甘膦马草的晚季存在与普通羊羔和巨型豚草种群之间没有很强的相关性,在同一田地中草甘膦耐受性升高。许多杂草种群因接触草甘膦而表现出明显的发育迟缓,但能够恢复生长。因此,研究人员在通过温室和田间筛选评估杂草种群中的草甘膦抗性时,除了生物量抑制外,还应评估植物再生。




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