首页> 外文期刊>Acta materialia >Failure behavior and failure criterion of conductive cracks (deep notches) in thermally depoled PZT-4 ceramics

Failure behavior and failure criterion of conductive cracks (deep notches) in thermally depoled PZT-4 ceramics


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In the present work, we experimentally and theoretically studied the failure behavior of electrically conductive cracks (deep notches) in thermally depoled PZT-4 ceramics, which were macroscopically dielectric, under mechanical and/or electrical loading. When the critical stress intensity factor was normalized by the critical stress intensity factor under purely mechanical loading and the critical electric intensity factor was normalized by the critical electric intensity factor under purely electric loading, the experimental results revealed that the failure behavior of the conductive cracks in the ceramics was described by a quadratic function of the normalized electric intensity factor versus the normalized stress intensity factor. Accordingly, we proposed herein a charge-free zone model to predict the failure behavior, by treating dielectric ceramics as mechanically brittle and electrically ductile materials. The charge-free zone model resulted in a failure criterion, which agreed perfectly with the experimental results.
机译:本文从实验和理论上研究了宏观介电的热极化PZT-4陶瓷在机械和/或电载荷作用下的导电裂纹(深陷口)失效行为.当临界应力强度因子在纯机械载荷下用临界应力强度因子归一化,临界电强度因子在纯电载荷下用临界电强度因子归一化时,实验结果表明,陶瓷中导电裂纹的破坏行为由归一化电强度因子与归一化应力强度因子的二次函数来描述。 因此,我们在此提出了一个无电荷区模型,通过将介电陶瓷视为机械脆性和电延展性材料来预测失效行为。无电荷区模型得出了失效准则,与实验结果完全吻合。




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